《The Final Judgement》Volume 2: Chapter 8: The Bad,


Lio looked at his watch, the timer appeard.

"Dangit... Already?" He said, running to the others.

He patted Mekato on his shoulder.

"Hey... I caught up." Lio said.

"Oh, good. Let's go back to Headquarter-" "No!" Lio shouted.

Ima looked confused.

"What? Why?" Ima asked

"We have to leave, The General planned a bomb, it's gonna blow the city." Lio said after Mekato asked.

"W-What?!" Mekato shouted.

"All the citizens! Has she gone mad?!" Mekato quickly followed up.

"We have to leave, we don't have much time left, enough to search for a chopper-" "No..." Mekato stopped him.

"What-" "I said no! We aren't leaving the rest alone!" He shouted.

"Let's go, Ima." Mekato said.

Mekato looked shocked, as she wanted to walk.

"No! Don't!" Lio shouted.

"Ima... trust me." Lio said.

"Ehh-!" As she was thinking Mekato grabbed her by the arm.

"We go, now!" He shouted, but Lio grabbed him by his arm.

"Let go of her..." Lio said.

"Fine." Mekato let go of Ima and Lio let go of Mekato.

"Ima, either you come or not. I don't care if I risk my life for my friends." Mekato said.

"Let's go Ima... He has gone mad..." Lio mumbled.

Mekato put his hands in his pockets.

"But..." Ima said.

"...I want to help Mekato." She followed up.

Mekato's eyes lightened up. He turned.

"Y-You sure?" He said.

"Damn it... Fine... Just be quick." Lio said.

"Got it!" Mekato said determined.

Ima and Mekato ran through the city, it was filled with corrupted everywhere. Most of the people already evacuated, so that was a good thing. Mekato was at the door of the headquarters, as he wanted to open the door.


"Ow!" Mekato shouted, falling on the ground.

Shermans head peeked out of the other side.


"Mekato? You all right?" He asked.

"Yes... We have to leave the city, now!" Mekato said.

"The General planted a bomb on the city, it has not much time lef- ?!" Mekato was talking as The General walked out of the door.

"I don't think that's true." She said.

"W- What?!" Mekato said.

"Who told you that?" Sherman asked.

"L...Lio did... Why?" Mekato asked.

"Lio that little- ...so he is the spy working with The Fallen Vex." Sherman said.

"Spy?!" Mekato said.

"Yes, he has worked in secret with them, we knew someone was. But we weren't sure." Sherman followed up.

"All right, Lio had a chopper ready he said, let's go with that chopper, we'll catch him later." Mekato said.

"Let's go, quick!" Mekato said determined. They all ran.

"By the way, where is Shimona and Kimari?" Mekato asked.

"They've already left. We gave them different missions." Sherman said. Mekato nods.

"Sure, let's go!" Mekato said.

A while later they saw the building where Lio was standing. They all jumped on the chopper.

"Let's go, you're driving-!" Mekato was talking as Sherman charged and quickly cuffed him.

"What is- Sherman!?" Lio said.

"You traitor, you have nothing much to say anymore now!" Sherman grabbed his watch. He saw they had 3 minutes left.

"Dangit, GET IN NOW!" Sherman shouted, Mekato went in the drivers seat and Sherman was next to him, Ima, Lio and the General were sitting in the back. Mekato started the engine and started flying with it, as far as possible.

"One minute and thirty seconds left!" Sherman said.

"Hold tight!" Mekato shouted, pushing the steer to the far back, making the chopper go faster.

Mekato nodded. They just left the city.

"Time's up!" Sherman shouted, The orbital cannon charged and fired.


A light could be seen, and then the sound of the explosion came, it blew the entire city up.

The explosion hit the chopper a bit.

"Dangit! Losing control!" Mekato shouted.

The chopper started losing control and it crashed in the forest.

"Take cover!!" Mekato shouted.

Ima looked to Lio, Lio was smiling, why? Lio then broke the cuffs and opened the door.

"Lio!" Ima shouted. Lio turned.

"You should check home, sister." He said, jumping out.

"Lio!" Ima shouted.

The General closed the door quickly.

"If you jump you'll die!" She shouted.

Ima sat back, taking cover. The chopper later ended up and stopped from sliding on the ground. Ima quickly opened the door and looked around, she went the way they slided from, searching for Lio.

"Ima, Ima!" Mekato shouted, but she ran off.

He followed her.

"Lio!" Ima shouted, seeing that he got pierced by alot of things, rocks, trees.

He was coughing up blood.

"Ima... Listen up..." Lio said.

"About dad..." Lio followed up.

"Not now, We're gonna get you out of here!" Ima replied.

"No! Listen!" Lio shouted through her voice.

"I... I am sorry... Okay?" Lio said, coughing up more blood.

"You won't understand now... But go home... You'll find out... Everything." Lio said.

Lio shut his eyes. He started to dissapear.

"Lio no! Please!!" Ima shouted, hugging the dissapearing Lio.

Ima was sobbing.

"We have to go now, The Fallen Vex will soon check the place out!" Sherman came.

He later noticed Ima on her knees, crying. Mekato was trying to cheer her up.

"Its fine... Let's go Ima." He said. She turned to him.

"W... What do I do now?" She said, still sobbing.

"I... I wish I knew." Mekato said, helping her up.

"First... Let's get those Fallen Vex away from our tail, shall we?" He said, smiling and trying to cheer her up.

But suddenly when Mekato opened his eyes, she was kissing him. Mekato's eyes lighted up. She took a step back, blushing and opening her eyes back up. Mekato still was shocked, he looked at his lips. "Hey! You two coming?!" Sherman shouted. Mekato turned.

"Oh... Y-Yes!" Mekato said, walking with her back to the rest.

"Good job, Lio." Tumotu said, and Harime was there too.

"Thanks, But now I have two wings left. You know I'll die if I lose them all, right?" Lio said.

"It's for your sisters sake, isn't it?" Tumotu said, grinning.

"Y... Yes. That was the deal I made with you..." Lio said.

"Then hold your keep." Tumotu said.

"She and Mekato kissed, didn't they?" Harime said, laughing.

"W-What?!" Lio said.

"W-when?" He asked.

"Just a moment ago, before you reappeard." Tumotu said.

"I'll get him back for that..." Lio said.

"Isn't it actually wierd they haven't found out?" Hamire asked.

"It is wierd, yes." Ima said, behind them. And behind her is Mekato.

"D-Dangit!" Harime shouted.

"H- How?!" Tumotu asked.

"Why would a dead body dissapear, huh?" Ima asked.

"And by kissing Mekato I made sure, right Mekato?" She said.

Mekato blushed. "Uh- Y- Yes!" He said, quickly.

"We'll what are you gonna do now?- !" Just as Harime asked, Sherman and The General came from behind and put two cuffs.

One on Tumotu and the other on Harime. Lio didn't run off, but Sherman quickly cuffed him too.

"Let's head to the Capital of The Lost Judgement, The General, Call for a chopper. It's time for some asnwers." He said.

* * *

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