《The Final Judgement》Volume 2: Chapter 5: Eyes Don't Lie


Mekato... Mekato!

Someone was shouting for him.

Who was it? Who knows?

Mekato saw a shadow figure infront of him, he had his arms crossed on his back, was that Fudo?

"Fudo? Fudo!" Mekato shouted,

"I want you to ask things!" But the shadow slowly dissapeard.

Mekato then suddenly opened his eyes. When he looked around, he saw he was hand cuffed.

"W-.. What?" Mekato slowly tried to stand up.

He went outside and saw Ima packing up.

"W- what are you doing?!" He said.

"I'm leaving..." She replied.

"So I shouldn't have trusted you..." He said.

Mekato then charged from anger.

"You liar!" he shouted, he tried to kick Ima but she grabbed his leg.

She kicked him off through multiple trees.

"Argh!!" Some of the broken tree pieces pierced through his arm.

He noticed he was bleeding, he tried to stand up. But ended up leaning on the tree.

"D...Damn it..." He said.

"You'll end up dieing from hunger and dehydration, unless someone saves you." she said.

Mekato then noticed a huge tree piece pierced through his legg.

"D...Dangit..." He mumbled.

He slowly tried to talk to her, pushing through.

"I... Can't... Die... Yet." He said. Ima punched him in the chest.

"Argh!- ..." He coughed up blood, falling on the ground.

"Fudo... Damnit..." He said.

He again tried to stand up, but ended on his knees. He slowly started to drop tears from his eyes.

"I thought, we would get a new member... I guess I was wrong." He mumbled to himself.

"By the way... Whats your name?" Ima asked.

"...Does it matter to you?" He said.

"Just call me the man who you thought you killed... But ended up infront of you once again." Mekato mumbled.

"Hmm, sure thing." She said. Mekato slowly put his hands infront of him, he was praying.

"To who are you praying?" She asked.

"Fudo... My friend..." He mumbled.

"You should talk louder, I can't hear you." She said.

"...Why?" he asked. She turned.

"Why do you care if you're never gonna see me again?" He said.


She didn't answer.

"So when I talk you are quiet, and exact the opposite, huh?" He said, as Ima was slowly walking off.

"I don't know what Lio did, but I hope you deserve it!" He shouted out of anger.

She stopped walking. Mekato noticed she was angered. She quickly turned, running straight to him, she grabbed him by his shirt, pulling him up.

"You don't know anything that happend, people like you should shut their mouth." She said.

"So you are crying?" He said.

"And you still have my coat on, why is that?" He quickly said. Her eyes light up.

"It's because I have it co-"

"I am almost sweating from the heat, you are lieing to youself." He stopped her from talking.

"The name is Mekato Ludoshi..." He said. Her eyes widened up.

"That is... Impossible." She mumbled.

- - - - -

"W-what is your name?" Ima asked. The boy with the wooden plank turned--

--"My name is Ludoshi, Mekato." He smiled.

- - - - -

"H... How?" She said.

She quickly uncuffed him.

"W-what are you- !" As he was talking she hugged him.

His eyes lighted up too.

"What?... What's the change of hearth?" He said.

She was sobbing. What should Mekato do, did she know him too?

"I'm...Sorry" She said, sobbing.

Mekato didn't know what to do, so she hugged her back to cheer her up. She is out of her mind, so he should at least help her. She pulled out the tree pieces that pierced him.

"Argh!... That hurt!" He said.

"It's better than letting those on you." She said.

Mekato opened his kurenai, and the wounds healed back. After everything was back to normal. He stood up.

"Let's get going now we have the time." He said.

"S-sure..." She followed up.

And after a while they were back in the city. As Mekato was walking she saw Kimari and Shimona as they were getting out of the shop.

"Hey!" He shouted, waving. I

ma was hiding half of her face with her scarf.

"Mekato! how is it going?" Kimari asked.


"Good, good." He said.

"And who is that?" Shimona asked.

"Oh she, that is Ima." He said.

"Hello..." She said.

"So, what were you two planning?" Mekato asked.

But suddenly two people appeard behind them. Ima and Mekato turned, Ima's eyes wide up.

"That... Is..." Ima said.

Lio and Sherman were on the other side of the street.

"Mekato who is that?" Lio asked.

"You forgot even your own sister... How disgracefull..." She mumbled.

"S-Sister?!" Mekato's eyes widen up.

He quickly looked to Lio, Lio was grinning.

"How old are you now? And you still don't remember correctly what happend- "

"I do! And I'll show you... The revenge you had to wait for a while..." She opened her Kurenai and her eyes turned Lime Green, as she did that she summoned a chainsaw with a glowing X mark on it.

"This is the weapon dad gave me to defeat you... And I gave it the name 'Karma'." She said.

"W-what is going on?" Mekato asked.

Ima charged to Lio in full speed, holding the chainsaw one handed, attempting a slice. Lio jumps, doding the chainsaw, she gives multiple kicks and kicks her away.

"I'm gonna kill you... for what you did to Father!!"

"Come get me!" Lio shouted after Ima, kicking her into a wall.

"You're focused too much on revenge! I haven't even grabbed my weapon yet!" Lio shouted.

Ima teleported away. She teleported behind him, but Lio back kicked her, she flied again into another wall, dropping her chainsaw. She was bleeding from her lip. She slowly fell on her knees. Lio slowly walked to her. She was trying to reach for the chainsaw, but Lio grabbed it.

"Isn't this dad's weapon?" He said.

"I thought you were stronger than him..." He said.

"I am truly dissapointed." He quickly followed up.

He put his feet on her hand.

"Arhg!- !!" She tried to push off her hand.

"...Maybe you should've been dead." Lio said, dropping the chainsaw vertical to her back.

But suddenly Mekato grabs her and gets sliced by the chainsaw.

"I think thats enough..." Mekato said.

"Mekato?..." She said.

"You're bleeding!" She quickly said after.

"It's fine..." He said.

"Who told you to interfere, this is not your problem." Lio said.

"You know, you act different lately..." Mekato said.

"Are you trying to pick a fight?" He followed up, activating his Kurenai.

It was quiet for a while.

"Fine... Do wjat you want..." He said.

"She'll probably try it ever again, and then there will be no Mekato." He said.

He looked at the chainsaw.

"How pathetic... Still beliving in the old mans words." He said.

"Let's go... Mekato by the way..." He said.

"You probably don't need to come back to the Headquarters, as you betrayed your squad." He said.

"Lio! Enough-" Sherman shouted.

"Shut up! Thats an order!" Lio said.

"Because now I am in command." He said.

Mekato noticed Ima was unconsious. He grabbed her chainsaw too and headed back to his apartment.

- - - - -

Sherman slammed his fist on the table.

"What you are saying is crazy! What are we gonna do about Black Scorpion without him?!" Sherman shouted.

"The Black Scorpion is after him, not us." Lio said, taking a sip from his bottle.

It was quiet for a while.

"And Ima is no problem, she doesn't even know the truth." Lio said.

"What did happen... Lio?" Sherman asked.

- - - - -

"Who's there?" Lio asked.

The door suddenly slammed open, it was his dad. He looked all green and he was dieing.

"L-... Lio..." He said.

"Dad! What happend?!" Lio shouted.

"The corrupted, they got me..." His father replied, Lio's eyes widened up...

"I want you to kill me..."

"What?! No!" Lio shouted.

"Do it for me, and your sister." Lio's dad whispered something in his eye, and his eyes widen up.

He started to cry.

"It's okay my son... It's okay."

"Dad... Forgive me!" He shouted,

slamming the baseball bat...

* * *

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