《The Final Judgement》Volume 2: Chapter 3: The Copycat of The Kurenai


Ima activates her Orange kurenai.

"Hmmm..." The Kurenai made it possible to look through the eyes of the people around her.

"Looks like it's clear." She said to herself as her Kurenai dissapeard.

She checks her pockets. Finding some silver coins.

"That should at least be enough for a drink..." She said, walking into the city.

She looked everywhere to search for a bar here close. Then she notices some soldiers walk her way, she quickly put her hood over her head, calmly walking the other way.

"Hey you! Stop right there!" One of the solider shouted.

She picked up the pace and went through an alley in the city. As the soldiers look around the corner of the alley.

"Where did she go?- !" As the soldier asked Ima jumped behind them.

She kicked one soldier straight the soldier to the other. The man dropped his weapon, she quickly grabbed it. She let out a sigh and then fired two bullets. After that she quickly dropped the weapon and ran away.

- - - - -

"You heard that?" Lio said.

He heard two bullet shots as he was walking with Sherman.

"Let's check it out, quick!" Sherman said.

They sprinted to the place where they heard the bullets. To in the end find an alleyway with two dead soldiers.

"Shit, The Fallen Vex?" Sherman asked.

"Couldn't be, they wouldn't kill two people and run away." Mekato said, then he saw footsteps going to the other way.

"I'm gonna check the footsteps, you get reinforcements." Mekato said.

Sherman nodded. Mekato quickly followed the footsteps. He awakend his Kurenai looking around. Then he noticed the scent of the person who attacked. Sprinting only faster and faster that way. After running a while he saw the person, the person had a hood over its head.

"You! Stop right there!" He shouted, as he threw a dagger straight to the persons knee.

The person dodged the dagger, grabbing it mid-air. Mekato then noticed, the person had a Kurenai scent, thats what he had been seeing. He sprinted even faster. The person had a green glowing gas mask. He sprinted coming closer and closer. The person threw the dagger straight to him, Mekato didn't have time to dodge, so the dagger ended up in his arm.


"Agh! You little!" He shouted.

The person started to climb a skyscraper. She was pretty talented Mekato instantly noticed, he quickly followed. Eventually the person sprinted to the door. But Mekato grabbed the person, jumping on it.

"Now I caught you- !!" Mekato talked as he suddenly saw.

The person is a...

"You're a girl?!" His Kurenai dissapeard.

"C-...Could you at least..." She said.

Mekato looked down. He was holding her breasts.

"W-what?!" Mekato quickly let her breast go.

"I... I am sorry." He said.

The girl looked at his arm. She suddenly grabbed the dagger off his arm, aiming it on Mekato's neck, she activated her Kurenai, it was glowing Lime green.

"Now stay quiet for a while, and don't move..." She said. Mekato looked shocked, he noticed the red aura of his eye going straight to her eye.

"W-what are you doing?" Mekato asked.

"Taking over your Kurenai, you don't deserve it." She said.

When she was almost done, a sudden headache hit her, making her drop the dagger.

"W-what was that?! Your Kurenai stinged me?!" She said.

Mekato quickly grabbed the dagger, pointing it on her neck. She looked shocked.

"H-How did you?" She said.

"Honestly, I wish I knew. Maybe you'll find out, Maybe you won't." He said.

"Fine, you win. At least don't do something reckless." She said.

Mekato looked totally shocked. And the girl looked confused.

"W-what are you thinking?!" He said, blushing.

"You aren't gonna-"

"NONONONO I WON'T!!" He quickly stoppped her.

Then Sherman jumped on the roof.

"Ehhh, I'll see you... downstairs?" Sherman quickly said.

"IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" Mekato shouted.

- - - - -

Mekato let's out a sigh, as he and Sherman walked with the girl back to the headquarters.

"So? What your name?" Mekato asked to the Girl.

"My name is Ima" She said.

"Oh? You're that girl that Lio knew." He said. Her eyes lighted up.

"So he didn't forget?" She said.

"What do you two have? As a bond?" Sherman asked.


She didn't give an asnwer.

"You should at least talk about it." Mekato said, as he stared at her.

"T-... Too close." She said.

"Eh?- !" Mekato quickly backed up.

"I-I'm sorry!" He said.

She went back to being quiet. Sherman got an idea.

"Let's bring her to Lio, he might tell who this- "

"NO!" She quickly interrupted Sherman from talking.

"Please... Don't." She said.

"It will make things even worse between us..." She followed up.

They both looked at her.

"Well... What do you want us to do with you then?" Mekato asked.

"If you're gonna hold me as a prisoner, not close to Lio, please..." She said.

"I never want to see him, ever." She mumbled to herself.

"I can bring her to my home." Mekato said.

"Huh? You?" Sherman said, smiling.

"...What a coincidence." Sherman followed up, looking at Mekato with a smug face.

Then Mekato realized the mistake he made.

"N-not like that! Come on Sherman! You know me better!" Mekato said.

"Can I stay with you?" Ima asked to Mekato.

Mekato looked at her.

"Ehh, sure..." He said. "

Just don't act stupid and I'll find an excuse for you." He followed up.

They continued walking. It quickly went to night time, Mekato noticed Ima had it cold and she was shivering. He took out his coat and scarf and gave it to her. Her eyes lighted up.

"Here you go, you need it more than me." He said, smiling.

Ima showed her handcuffs.

"Thats gonna be a problem tho..." She said.

"I don't have the key for it, too bad." Mekato said, grabbing his knife and cutting the cuffs open.

She looked at him, as he gave the coat and scarf. She grabbed it and wore it.

"You trust me?" Ima asked.

"If you would want to escape, you would've done it. And no matter what..." Mekato activates his Kurenai

"I'd find you easy." He said, returning it back.

"About your Kurenai, I couldn't absorb it. How did you get your Kurenai?" She asked.

"Someone I liked got attacked, and I suddenly awakened it." He said.

"But how? Did something happen after that?" She asked.

"My friend... Fudo." He said, looking down.

"I'm sorry for your loss." She replied.

"It's fine, his comrade killed him..." Mekato said.

Ima's eyes widened up.

"Even tho it was my fault..." He mumbled to himself.

She looked to Mekato, that's probably why.

But that doesn't explain his Kurenai's ability.

"What unique ability does you Kurenai have?" She asked.

"Unique ability?" He asked.

"Like that thing you tried on me?" He followed up.

"Yes, every Kurenai has it's own unique ability. Mine makes me steal other people's Kurenai, They call me The Copycat Of the Kurenai." She said.

Well the name does fit her, she has cat-ears and a furry tail, so the name is really ironic he thought.

"We'll the name fits you." He said, keeping the conversation still alive.

"Shall we rest?" He followed up.

"Sure." Ima said.

"I'll have to handcuff you again, sorry." He said to Ima.

Ima nodded. He grabbed reserve handcuffs and cuffed her back.

"Let's sleep, all right? I'm tired." He said.

And after multiple minutes he laid in the tent he had. He saw a shadow through his tent, quickly grabbing his dagger. When the tent opened it was Ima.

"I can't sleep..." She said.

"You can sleep in this tent." He said, when he said that in his head he thought how bad that is.

He blushed.

"I-If you want, of course!" He quickly said.

But she already laid next to him, and was already sleeping. She still had her gas mask on, but the glowing light is keep going on and off. He ignored it and looked the other way, falling asleep...

* * *

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