《Promise》Chapter 29: overcome the monster and save the princess


Standing outside of the room, Allan Luna and Maria were trying to eavesdrop on Kyle and Liam, but unfortunately for them, those two were speaking in their mother language so none of them could understand what they were talking about.

“I really think that you should reconsider it?” Liam said. “I don’t think that the other would willing to listen to your suggestion this time”

“It's not a suggestion, it’s an order. I can’t let Allan's own stupidity and blind crush affect the whole team.” Kyle said.

“So you are saying you're just gonna sit back and watch a young woman lose her life, is that it? How is this any different like when you risk your own life saving Luna? Why not Rose too?” Liam asked.

“The difference is, I see no gain in doing so. Luna was on the same boat as us, that's why I did it, we might need her. Rose on the other hand had nothing to do with us” Kyle said.

“You know that’s a lie. You did it because you have to, because it was the right thing to do. And you damn knew that Allan has feelings for Rose, how could you just order him to watch her die.” Liam said.

“He will be sad but then he will get over it, he will find a new girl that caught his eyes and forget about Rose.” Kyle said with a nonchalant tone.

“So it’s that easy huh” Liam said. “So what about you Kyle, have you forgotten too?”

“Leave me out of this Liam” Kyle spoke, his nonchalant voice changed instantly. Right now his voice carries a lot more anger and threat.

“Have you forgotten that feeling of losing someone that you care for, that you love, right in front of your eyes. Have you forgotten how broken you were, how you almost went crazy?” Liam raised his voice even more, looking straight into Kyle's dagger eyes as he spoke.

“Liam, don’t you dare mention her in front of me, you know why” Kyle spoke. He could visibly be seen holding back his anger toward Liam.

“Do you still remember how powerless you feel, how you begged the Gods to give you a second chance. I thought you would be the one who would understand Allan the most.” Liam said.

“SHUT UP LIAM, SHUT UP, SHUT THE FUCK UP, I AM WARNING YOU” Kyle clearly losing his calm, clenching his fists and stood stragiht up.

“How is this any different than your situation Kyle, tell me,..” Liam said before he was ‘interrupted’ by Kyle. Kyle snapped and punched Liam right in his face as hard as he could. Liam stopped talking but he did not fall down, he didn’t even look as if Kyle’s punch stunned him for a second either.

“Don’t you dare speak of her like that, don’t you dare compare her to someone like Rose” Kyle was furious. But Liam did not stop.

“What is it Kyle ? Have you left it behind already, oh I am sorry for bringing back all those bad memories.” Liam said in a sarcastic tone.


“I can never forget it, I always relive that moment in my head again and again every time I close my eyes !” Kyle said. His face was red with anger.

“And how do you think Allan would feel huh ? How do you think he would end up? Do you want him to become crazy? or even worse, do you want him to become someone like you?” Liam said. His eyes still looked straight at Kyle’s, as if they were ready to fight right now.

“He could feel whatever he want and do whatever the fuck he want for all I care. I see no reason for me and you to risk our life to save someone like Rose.” Kyle said.

“So you’re not just watching a girl go to her death but watching a friend, your teammate, who believed in you, turn into a psychopath, without lifting a finger. She must be so proud of you huh?” Liam said.

Kyle lost his calm again and took a swing at Liam, but this time, Liam fought back, blocking Kyle's strike with his left hand and counter with a punch of his own. Liam striked Kyle hard, hard enough to stunned Kyle and made him fall to the ground.

“You are a great asset to the team Kyle and you were right, we can’t do this, not without you. But don’t think that we will be some headless chickens without you. And while you’re more skillful and more experienced, sheer power, you can’t compete with me.” Liam said.

Kyle stood up, clearly furious at Liam, “So just do it by yourself, I don’t care anymore, go and fucking die for no good reason?”

“No good reason huh, so how about we make a deal, if we could give you a good reason, then you would help us save Rose, and if we can’t convince you, we leave this city and never look back ?” Liam said.

“If you can’t convince me, then from now on, you guys can just shut up and follow what I say, do we have a deal ?” Lyle replied.

“Ok that's a deal, I promise” Liam said. “ Well then, tell me, what is your reason ?” Kyle continued.

“Oh I am not the one who has to convince you, am I. Allan will do it on his own, in front of the whole group of course, so you can’t try to threaten him.” Liam said.

“Stupid bet for you then, fine go ahead, let them in, see how he will got on his knee, crying and begging for me and you to save his one and true love” Kyle replied. Kyle's eyes were filled with anger, his face just screamed out cold blooded at this point. Clearly from the start, Kyle did not even try to listen to Allan fairly.

Liam called for the others who were waiting outside to get in. And welcoming them back to the room was an angry and furious Kyle, with eyes as though he was going to kill them right here and then. Both Kyle and Liam’s faces showed signs that they were fighting.


“Ok lover boy, you have one chance to convince me to help Rose. Show me what you got” Kyle spoke with his cold and angry tone.

Surprised at the sudden situation he was in, Allan was speechless for a moment before he gathered his composure and spoke “ I love her. I could not just sit back and watch her die without doing anything.”

Kyle laughed at Allan, he laughed hard almost as if he was crazy “Love is that it? Are you serious ? Do you really think that I am gonna be stupid and naive enough to help you for such a dump reason”.

“And what is this with the “ I can't sit back I have to do something” BS. What the hell could you do without me huh?” Kyle continued. Kyle looked straight at Allan when he said so.

In Allan's eyes right now was filled with anger and desperation, and Kyle knew exactly what was going to happen next. Allan dropped to his knees and bowed his head “ Please Kyle, please help me just this one, I know that I can’t do this without you, please help me save her.” Allan spoke.

Kyle laughed even harder now, looking at Liam, he said “See Liam, what I tell ya, hahahahaha, don’t forget the deal we made !”. Then he averted his eyes to Allan, he stopped laughing “Begging me to risk my life do you ? Oh yeah let me just drop everything to save your love life. How pathetic ”.

Then suddenly, Kyle pulled out his sword and pointed it right at Allan's face, one inch closer and Kyle would have cut Allan, everyone was shocked and stunned.

“You see this. This is the feeling of fear, of actually facing death and not just staying in the back line watching me and the other risking our life to save your ass. So no Allan not this time, I am not gonna help you on this stupid suicide mission”. Kyle said with a stone cold voice. Luna and Maria tried to step in and help Allan but Liam stopped them,

“ He had to do it on his own,” Liam said.

Allan looked at the sword that was right in front of him, then he looked at Kyle, his stone cold poker face and clear anger in his eyes was all that Allan needed to see. What he did next was out of everybody's wildest imagination, even Allan’s.

Allan stood up, Kyle’s sword still followed and aimed right in his face with only inches to spare. “I know this is not the smartest decision but it is the right decision for me. I know that I can’t save her on my own, I am not strong enough or smart enough.” Allan said.

“Well you got that part right” Kyle replied.

“But I will still do it, even if you won’t help me, even if no one else helps me, I would still go out there and try to save her. Because that is the right thing to do, because I am fighting to save the one that matters to me, because I finally for the first time am fighting for something, for someone that is other than myself.” Allan spoke out.

Then Allan took one step forward. Kyle’s sword that was right in front of Allan's face, cut right through Allan’s skin. As blood started to drop down Allan's face, Kyle did not show any hesitation, holding his ground and keeping his sword still.

“I will fight to save her even though I know that I might die, even though my action might not change anything, but I have to try, no matter the cost” Allan said, his voice was strong and calm, his eyes were full of passion and strength.

Everyone was stunned at the scene, Kyle especially. He was wrong, Allan did not cry and begged for his help on his knee. Allan was standing tall, rather than tears running down his face, it was blood that was dripping down from his wound, rather a request for his help, it was a statement from Allan that he was going to do it anyway with or without him.

“And he won’t do it alone,” Luna said. Maria and Luna walked and stood beside Allan.

“We can’t just stand aside and watch others die when we could do something about it either” Maria said. “This world and those who took us here, may have taken our freedom, but I refuse to let them take my humanity as well.”

They were standing tall and strong, in front of a very scary and angry Kyle. Yes they were afraid, afraid of Kyle and of what they were going to have to face with or without his help. However, somehow Allan had found his strength to face his fear and to overcome it. Looking into their eyes, Kyle knew that there was no stopping them, they had made their decision, and now it was his.

“You are a bunch of fools” Kyle said, he then lowered his weapon and continued “But you're not cowards, there is still hope for you yet.”

Kyle walked past them and headed to the door, Liam and Kyle then shared a staring battle for a couple of seconds before Kyle finally said “ Maria, can you fix Allan up, find out if magic could heal his wound. Then you all better get ready, Rose ain’t gonna save herself.”

“Thank you !” Allan said as finally tears started to fill his eyes. At last, if Kyle really lent them his hands, there might be a chance this would work, it was what they thought. In Allan’s eyesight, he saw something unexpected, +1 BRA stat.

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