《Say That You Want Me》Notice


Hi guys!

Thank you so much for following the story this far! It's amazing to see how many have been interested in my writing despite it only being my second attempt at making a novel (King’s Blood being the first, though they were started just a week apart).

Unfortunately I have to announce that both of my stories are going to be put on hold for a little while. I just came back to school at the end of last month, which has caused some anxiety and stress and I just need a little time to figure out how to balance studies and writing in a way that I can upload regularly without pushing myself too far.

So hopefully the break won't be too long, just long enough that I can figure out how much I'm capable of writing per week and to rebuild my buffer. So I hope you'll stick around! :)

In the meantime you can enjoy the little character portfolio that I put together:

Mona Russo

Age: 24

Birthday: October 28th (Scorpio)

Mona actually used to have the middle name "Lisa" before she had it removed (sort of like removing tumor). Her brother's name is Daniel Donatello Russo and one would think that the Italian renaissance inspired naming is due to their father being Italian. But it was actually her mother's horrid idea to name her children this a way.

Mona pays a lot of attention to her looks and she dresses provocatively as well, but she is not at all the dumb slut she looks to be (well, maybe a little on the slut part but…)

She studies software engineering in university and enjoys gaming (especially first person shooters) and other nerdy hobbies. An acquaintance once suggested she try streaming or youtubing, because with her looks and the infamous "gamer-girl"-fascination she could get a lot of views and could probably turn a profit. She considered it but ended up dropping the idea because that kind of attention could become difficult to regulate and as we all know, Mona is all about control. (wink)


Aaron Thompson

Age: 23

Birthday: December 7th (Sagittarius)

Aaron has two older sisters and his dad left the family when he was very young, making his mom single parent and provider. Therefore he is very comfortable around women and though he has slept around a lot, he has always been respectful to women and clear in his intentions towards them.

He is very social and have lots of friends and acquaintances, though there are only two people he feels really close to, but one of these friends moved to Europe just before Aaron started university. The other is just one town over but they are both so busy with studies that they only meet once or twice a month atm.

Jenifer Adams

Age: 23

Birthday: February 19th (Pisces)

Jenifer thinks her name reflects her personality very poorly as it is “the most boring name in history!”

Her style is something along the lines of punk-rock-emo-goth-loli-steampunk-andthelike. She's a unique girl and feels that her wardrobe should reflect that. She gets some strange looks and mean comments about it, but she doesn’t care; No one can tell her how to dress or behave.

Her personality is very innocent and naïve and for the most part she is horribly oblivious, often embarrassing those around her without meaning to. Despite that she has her moments of clarity where she sees right through people, though this ability always seems to fail where her love-life is concerned, leaving her pray to manipulative or abusive partners. Not that she lets herself become trapped in such a relationship; As soon as she figures out the guy's true nature, she is out of there “like a beetle on speed” (cause she’s a master of proverbs).

Mona suspects that Jen’s unfortunate history with men is due to a rocky relationship with her alcoholic father.


Daniel Donatello Russo

Age: 31

Birthday: August 10th (Leo)

Daniel is a lawyer, working for the prosecution in a large city near his and Mona’s hometown. He lives it up in suburbia with his wife Jasmine and they have a dog named Jeff, have monthly barbecues with the neighbors and do charity work at least a few times a year.

A true model citizen…


Jonathan Magnusson

Age: 23

Birthday: January 23th (Aquarius)

Jonathan is a minor character who’s only had one appearance, but he’s actually one of my favorites. He’s got a huge heart, is always willing to help out his friends (and even strangers at times), and has a very righteous nature. He’s gay and though he isn’t trying to be secretive about the fact, he’s not very open about it either. Aaron for one doesn’t know.

I actually consider writing another story with Jonathan as the MC, but that would be venturing into BL-territory and as a cis-gendered woman I’m not sure I have the courage to go there. At least, I would need to do a lot of research so I don’t misrepresent the community.

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