《Say That You Want Me》Episode 19: Visitor


It’s a about an hour before Jen is supposed to show up when my doorbell rings. I figure the clumsy girl must have gotten the time mixed up and get up to answer.

“Jen, you’re like an hour ear-“

I stop when I see it isn’t Jen. It’s him.

“Hey sis! Expecting someone else?”

Contrasting the last time I saw him; he’s wearing a casual outfit. His brown hair is unwaxed and his curls are drizzled with rain. His green eyes have a friendly expression, like he’s happy to see me. It makes my stomach churn.

“Daniel. Yes, I was in fact I was. My friend Jen is coming soon” I tell him as calmly as I can.

He’ll go away if he knows I’ll have company.

“Oh… When is she coming? Don’t you have time for a quick cup of coffee? I never got to taste it last time.”

“N-no… I-it really isn’t a good time…”

He seems to be inspecting me closely.

“Hmmm…? I thought you just said she was an hour early? If she had been the one knocking on your door, that is…”

I pale. I had hoped he didn’t hear me.

“I-I… I got to prepare for h-her visit, s-so it isn’t really isn’t a good time…” I try to explain, hoping he’ll give up.

“Oh, just a quick cup. You can clean up meanwhile, I won’t disturb you” he smiles.

He begins moving forward and instinctively I take a step back.

I can’t do anything but watch as he steps inside, without taking off his shoes. I’m shaking too much. He makes his way to the kitchen and I hear a chair creak as he takes a seat at the dinner table.

“Sis, you coming?” he yells, and I’m brought back from my trance.


My footsteps are heavy as they take me to the kitchen to join him. He wanted coffee… I better make some.

I’m listening to his every movement as I do it. He isn’t speaking and isn’t moving. I know he’s waiting for the moment I put down my guard. Like a tiger stalking its prey, waiting for the moment to strike.

I was taken by surprise last time, too shaken up by his sudden appearance. I’m not that naïve this time.

But the sound of the boiling kettle masks his silent movements and I’m still surprised when he suddenly stands right behind me, his breath close to my ear.

“We were interrupted last time, don’t you think?”

His voice is like a slithering snake crawling into my ear and it fills me with disgust. His hand is softly stroking my nape, sending cold shivers throughout my body. Then he suddenly grabs it tight and forces my head down on the counter.

“Who was that guy you were with last time?”

His voice is angry. I should have known he wouldn’t let that go. I don’t know what he’s going to do to me, when he’s angry he gets unpredictable and dangerous. He might not even do anything to me but take it out on Aaron instead. I can’t let that happen.

“H-he’s no one Daniel” I mutter between clenched teeth, “just a fuck-buddy. I don’t see him anymore”

His grip tightens.

“I don’t remember giving you permission to be touched by anyone else” he snarls, “even if it’s been five years since we last saw each other”

I swallow.

“How are you going to make it up to me?”

His grip loosens a bit as he says it and his hand begins wandering down my back, then he slaps my behind. I whimper a little from the pain.


“I-I…” I stutter, but he interrupts me:

“I haven’t given you permission to talk, now have I?”

Then he grabs my hair and forces me to turn around and I see the cool fire burning in his eyes. They begin wandering down my body as his hand softly caresses my neck. I’m shaking.

Then he clenches it around my throat, and I begin feeling a little dizzy from the lack of air.

He sighs.

“It’s really too bad we don’t have enough time for a proper punishment”

“Get on your knees”

As he let’s go, I drop to my knees coughing and I hear him fumbling with his belt as I gasp to catch my breath.

Please, anyone… help me.

Then the sound of the doorbell.

He halts and I listen with a racing heart.

Then the doorbell chimes again.

“Hello! Mona! You home?” Jen’s muffled voice sounds a second later, through the front door.

A slightly irritated growl escapes Daniel’s lips and I’m on the brink of tears from relief.

“Another time, then” he bends down and whispers in my ear, then he starts moving out into the hallway buckling his belt.

I get on my feet, though my legs are shaking uncontrollably, just in time to hear the door open and Jen’s surprised voice:

“Oh! W-who are you?”

“I’m Mona’s brother, Daniel. Nice to meet you, you must be Jen?”

“Oh! Yeah, Mona mentioned she had a brother, real nice to meet you. She inside?”

“She’s in the kitchen making coffee, but I’m sure you can just come inside. I was just leaving, though”

Right. I was making coffee.

I turn around to pour the water on the filter, but my hands are shaking so I spill a little.

“Aaw… That’s too bad, it would have been nice talking to you.”

“Yeah, well… I was just stopping by for a quick visit. I’m sure you girls would like to have some time for yourselves.”

“That’s the plan! Girls night!”

I hear a sound like bags rustling, and he chuckles.

“Of course. Well, nice meeting you Jen. Have a good evening!”

Then the door closes and I hear Jen take off her shoes, then her footsteps entering the kitchen and the rustling of bags.

“Hey, Mona! Look what I’ve brought!” she calls out happily behind me.

I turn around and see her standing with two plastic bags raised in the air. She’s smiling and then puts the bags down on the dinner table.

“I have chocolate-mint, peanut-caramel, cookie dough, vanilla-rum…” she begins explaining as she takes out different canisters of ice cream and spreads them on the table.

“W-wow, that’s a lot…” I say, trying to sound as natural as possible but I think my voice trembles a little. I feel nauseous.

She looks up as if to say something but stops and I flinch at the worried expression that forms on her face.

“Hey, you okay?”

“Y-yeah… I-I’m fine…” I say, but I suddenly feel so sick I can’t hold it in.

So I turn around and vomit.

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