《Say That You Want Me》Episode 16: Double Date


“Mona!” I yell out, but she doesn’t respond.

She is standing a little ahead of me near the café we’re supposed to meet at, her back turned to me and staring intently at her phone. I take the last steps to close the distance and put my hand on her shoulder.


She jolts at my touch and spins around and a terrified expression flashes over her eyes before she recognizes me.

“What’s up?” I ask her a little surprised at her reaction, but she quickly regains her composure and sends me a smile.

“H-hey Aaron”

“Uhm, is something wrong?” I ask her.

The way she greeted me is completely unnatural. Normally it would be with a glare or an annoyed expression, so a smile is way too suspicious.

“O-oh, nothing. You just surprised me” she says, and I give her suspicious look.

“Did something happen?” I press her and see her eyes flicker for a moment.

“No, nothing. Why do you ask?” she says, seemingly confused at my question.

I raise my eyebrow. I’ve gotten to know her better and though she’s really good at putting up a cold, indifferent demeanor I’ve begun to be able to read her expressions. Something’s up, I just don’t know what…

“Heeeey love birds!” I then hear a happy voice behind us, and I turn my head to spot the familiar, gaudy visage of Jen running towards us.

Behind her walks a tall, skinny guy with blonde hair and freckles. He is pretty plainly dressed in comparison to Jen’s punk-rock-emo-goth, or whatever is going on, attire.

“Hey Jen” I say with a smile when she reaches us.

I bend down to receive the mandatory hug and Mona receives one as well. Behind her the freckled guy catches up and now stands beside her, a little awkwardly.


Jen’s clearly unaware of the weird atmosphere and immediately starts the introduction:

“So, guys this is Christian, and Christian this is Mona and Aaron” she smiles, and gestures while explaining and the freckled guy bows a little nervously.

“Did you guys wait long?” Jen asks.

“No, it’s fine. We’ve been here for like; five minutes” Mona says.

“Good. Let’s go!”

Jen smiles and takes Mona’s arm, much to Christian’s bewilderment.

Jen’s painfully oblivious sometimes, I’ve learned that by now. It can be quite refreshing, and in the beginning, it made it easy to gain information on Mona, but sometimes it really makes me want to kick her. I guess Mona feels the same way about her, but she seems to lighten up a little when Jen starts chatting on our way inside, and I can’t really blame the girl for her innocence.

We grab a couple of seats in a booth and Jen and Christian take seats next to each other, so Mona and I place ourselves across from them.

Honestly, I mostly said yes to this date because Mona seemed so dismayed at the idea. I don’t know why, but I really love the small expressions she makes, and I can’t help but want to tease her, but it feels kind of awkward now that we are doing this.

Another reason I agreed is that Mona has told me how Jen has always had trouble with guys. She apparently went out with a lot of shady types who used her or otherwise treated her badly. Since we’ve kind of become friends I feel a little protective of the girl, so I was curious about what kind of guy she’d be bringing.

He seems a little shy, but the way he looks at her shows he’s clearly in love. I guess you’d have to be to agree to this cringy idea.


I glance at Mona beside me.

“I really can’t decide: Cheesecake or raspberry pie?” Jen grumbles and stares troubled at her menu.

“U-uhm, we could get both and share, if you want?” Christian suggests and I have to acknowledge the guy; He knows her love for sweets.

We receive our orders of coffee, cake and nachos – I’m hungry – and the conversation mainly flows due to Jen’s endless chatter.

That’s one of the good things about her, though. Christian seems to relax a little as we chat and I learn we have something in common: He apparently also goes to university, though a year above Jen and Mona and at the other end of town, and he studies architecture like me. Our other interests seem pretty different though; a lot of gaming, watching anime and some more obscure hobbies I can’t really follow. But I guess that’s what makes him and Jen a good match.

Good for her.

Mona seems a little distant during our conversation and I can’t help but feel something’s up with her.

When we finish our meal and there’s a pause Jen suddenly asks:

“You guys want to watch a movie after this?”

The question seems to be directed at me and Mona and I send her an inquiring look. I don’t really mind, but I wonder if she’s in the mood.

“Uhm… I don’t really know guys… I’m a little tired today, so maybe we could go together next time?” she says a little listlessly.

Maybe she really is just tired and that’s all that’s up with her?

“Oh… Okay” Jen says a little dejected and Christian sends her a loving smile.

“If you want we can go together, just the two of us then?” he asks shyly and Jen’s face lights up.


“Y-yeah, anything you want to watch?”

Jen excitedly pulls out her phone to search which movies are running and the two of them start talking about prospective theatres. I turn to Mona.

“You want to head back to your place together?”

She seems to consider my suggestion and from her expression I expect a rejection, but then something mischievous glints in her eyes.

“Sure, if you don’t mind me being a little rough on you?”

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