《Say That You Want Me》Episode 8: Home Visit


It’s been more than a week since I sent him the document with my terms, and I haven’t heard from him at all since. I’m a little saddened by the chance of him disagreeing to the relationship. I think he’s one of the best I’ve ever slept with, so it would really be a pity.

I’ve even found myself thinking about him during the week, which otherwise never happens. It’s quite vexing.

I make way through the hallways of the university and out onto campus grounds. The sky is clear and the sun’s out, for the first time in weeks. An unexpectedly warm summer day before the weather starts growing colder and perfect weather to sit and read in the grass before the next lecture. I look around and notice a few other students who’ve had the same thought.

I find a dry spot and spread out my coat, sit down and open up the book about heuristics and interface design. You wouldn’t expect it from my looks, but I’m a bit of a nerd. I guess that’s how Jen and I get along so well. Though she has a lot of obscure hobbies that I can’t quite follow, we also have some things in common – Like some of the video games we enjoy or webcomics we read.

I miss her, by the way. She has been out with a cold for a few days, so school’s been pretty lonely without her. The wet, dreary weather hasn’t helped either, so it’s nice to be able to sit outside for a change.

I take a little break to take a sip of my coffee when I suddenly notice a familiar figure strolling down the pathway in front of me. He is walking with a few friends and as he gets closer, he seems to notice me as well. God, he really is good looking; Tall nice figure, a handsome face and that blonde hair that sits perfectly without any styling, so one can run their fingers through it with no resistance.


My heart begins beating faster as our eye interlock for a moment, but then he turns away and I feel it sink in my chest.

Did he… just ignore me? After pursuing me so persistently not too long ago?

I feel irritated as I see him walk past me.

I haven’t seen her in over a week, nor have I contacted her. I really want to see her again, feel her. Indulge in her. But the relationship she wants is just so one-sided, that I don’t know if I should agree to it.

I’ve been thinking a lot about her, though; Her body, her touch. Her pleasureful moans and violent screams, making me wake up at night drenched in my own desire.

My thoughts are so preoccupied with her that I barely notice her sitting in the grass not far from me. A shockwave of lust runs through me when she suddenly looks up and our eyes meet. I quickly turn away, hoping the guys I’m walking with haven’t noticed that I’m starting to grow in my pants.

One them – A guy named Jasper – asks me a question and a barely manage to give him an automated answer.

I glance back at her and notice she’s wearing a sour expression, slightly sad.

Shit, did she think I ignored her?

Then it hits me, if she’s sad that I ignored her, then maybe she’s feeling some of the same things as I do. If that’s the case, then maybe a have a little more leeway than I thought.

I continue along the path, not really paying attention to the conversation around me, considering this idea.

Later that day I send her a text: ‘I’ve thought about the terms and conditions you sent me, and I would like to discuss it with you in person. Would you meet me somewhere tomorrow?’


My phone dings in my back and I reach down to dig it out. A text from Aaron: He’d like to meet and discuss the conditions of our arrangement.

I consider for a moment. I don’t think the document I sent him implied it would subject to discussion. I’m tempted to just shut him down and ask him to either accept or reject the it, no discussion. But it would be a real shame if he were to turn it down just because he had I slight correction and I rejected him before even hearing it.

‘Sure. My place at five’ I reply to him. I’ll be interested to hear what he has to say.

The next day I get home after a long stressful day. We’ve just been given a group assignment and because I don’t really speak to anyone other than Jen, I’ve been stuffed into a group of losers. At least Jen’s with me though, since she was still sick when the groups formed.

I throw my bag on the dinner table in the kitchen and rummage through the fridge to find something edible, but all I have is beer and condiments. Great.

There’s a little under thirty minutes till Aaron is supposed to be here and my place is a mess. I don’t think I have the time to go grocery shopping – but Christ, I’m hungry. Maybe if I ask Aaron, he’ll bring some takeout.

I take out my phone to send him a text: ‘Hey, buy some food on your way over’

A short while later I read his reply: ‘Sure. What do you want?’

‘I don’t know. Surprise me’ I tell him.

I run around a little to clean up the worst mess and then I hear a knock on my door. I walk over to open and see Aaron standing with bags of groceries in his hands, sending me a big smile.

“Hey” he says.

“Hey, come on in”

I let him pass through the door and watch as he starts unpacking the bags on my kitchen table; Fresh vegetables, meat and packets of noodles.

“Uhm, what’s this?” I ask him, eyeing the fact that there seems to be no take out.

“I thought I’d cook something for us” he says with a bright smile.

Seriously? I hear my stomach growling and hope he doesn’t notice.

“Fine” I tell him, “but hurry up, I’m starving.”

He starts rummaging through my cabinets and drawers finding the equipment he needs and begin preparing the ingredients.

“Want to help?” he asks over his shoulder as he’s cutting some carrots.

“I’m not really much of a cook” I reply to him, a little irritated by this whole situation.’

How did a meeting about sex turn into a cookout?

“That’s fine, I’ll do most of the cooking” he says and shifts a little to make room for me to stand next to him.

My stomach growls a little again and I sigh defeated.

“Fine” I say and mover over next to him, “What do you need me to do?”

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