《Say That You Want Me》Episode 7: Rules


For a week she hadn’t contacted me, and I was just about to reach the conclusion that she had ghosted me, when I received a text to meet her later at her place. She only texted me the address, but I knew the place and knew that it was a large complex and she hadn’t told me the apartment number. I tried to ask her, but she just told me I’d figure it out. ‘Well, I guess there are name tags on the doors’ I thought. I should have known it wasn’t going to be that simple.

I arrived at the place ten minutes before the appointed time so I could search around, but I quickly realized that there were a lot of apartments without nameplates. Shit. And she had told me just to enter. She’s got to have planned this, knowing it would embarrass me if I accidentally entered the wrong apartment. Well, shit.

I almost felt like giving up right then, but on the other hand this might be a test of my tenacity and I wasn’t about to let her hurt my pride.

Luckily people tend to let their guard down around handsome people, so when I started asking around for a dark-haired woman named Mona no one was suspicious, and I was soon pointed in the right direction.

I enter the front door and call out: “Mona?”

I really hope it’s the right place, and I breathe a sigh of relief when she calls out: “In here” from – what I assume – is the living room.

I shut the door and start taking off my shoes. Jesus, woman.

“You know, there are quite a few doors without nametags in this place. It wasn’t all that easy figuring out which one was yours” I complain to her as I start making my way to the living room but stop dead in my tracks as I see her.


She is waiting for me in a chair at the back of the room and her attire is astounding. I’m instantly aroused and too surprised to say speak when she gets up and puts her arms around me. I stare into her emerald eyes, filled with lust and mischief.

This woman.

She starts unbuttoning my shirt and I shiver.

“First rule: You will do as I say” she says to me as she opens it exposing my chest, and begins caressing me.

Okay? If she wants to play a game, I guess I’m down.

“Second rule: You don’t touch me unless given permission” she continues when I try to grab her for a kiss.

I don’t really know how to feel about this rule, but her skillful touch makes me forget to complain. God, I really want her.

She then grabs my belt and pulls me in with a sudden movement. I look into her eyes, my own filled with lust and desire.

“Third rule: You are to call me mistress”

Okay, that one is kind of surprising. Is she into BDSM? Is that the kind of play we are doing? I mean, I’m down for that; I have those inclinations myself.

I had a fling with a girl who was really into that kind of stuff which really opened my eyes, though I was the Dom in that relationship. It really gives you completely different kind of pleasure. I think I’d really prefer having this woman whimper under me, but all in good time. Why not humor her for now?

“What was that?” she asks me as she pulls down my pants, and I realize I haven’t said the mandatory:

“Yes, mistress.”

She smiles satisfied at my reply and then proceed to go down on me. God, she’s good at this. Her tongue, her warm mouth; It already makes me want to give in and I accidentally reach and grab her head; thus, breaking the second rule.


“I-I’m sorry mistress” I tell her as she calls me out on my mistake.

She gets up and looks me in the eye, giving me a stern look.

“I don’t think you are. Looks like I’ll need to punish you. Get on your knees”

I guess I’ll better do as she says, so I get on my knees a little intrigued about which kind of punishment she has in store for me. Since she seems pretty experienced in this and we haven’t talked about limits yet, so I expect it won’t be anything too harsh.

She comes back with a blindfold and rope, and after I’ve been secured and given two light taps with a cane or crop and apologized, she places me on the couch.

“Tell me what you would like me to do to you” she asks me commandingly.

“Anything, mistress” I reply to her, guessing this is the phrase that will turn her on the most.

“Hold your hands behind you head” she orders.

I comply and she soon rides me into ecstasy. The whole time want to touch her, to look at her, and the frustration is almost unbearable.

Afterwards she dismisses me coldly, but before she disappears to the bathroom, I swear I catch a glimpse of something vulnerable in her eyes.

God, this woman intrigues me and confuses me and arouses me. As I leave, I barely know what to do with myself.

The next time I hear from her she asks for my email. I’m surprised by my own excitement in hearing from her but that soon fades when I read the email, she sends me.

It just says ‘Contact me if you agree to the conditions’ and there is a single attachment. It’s a document containing rules and information about our relationships, along with a part I have to fill out and send back, pertaining to my preferences and limits. Wow, she’s really thorough.

The words ‘green’, ‘yellow’ and ‘red’ would act as safe words, meaning: ‘Continue’, ‘near my limit’ and ‘stop’ respectively.

The three rules she stated last time are also written down, along with three others:

I am to show up at her place when she calls me unless I am unquestionably unavailable. I am not to contact her first, unless absolutely necessary. I have to leave when our time together is over, no complaints. I am not to engage in any other sexual relationships, while our arrangement lasts.

I stare at the screen of my phone with wide eyes as I read this. She is pretty harsh. I mean, this gives me no chance to form any kind of relationship with her and grants her all the power. Precisely as she wants, I guess.

I’ll need to think about this…

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