《Say That You Want Me》Episode 5: Her Number


I met her three days ago at the freshman welcoming party. She nearly bumped into me, spilling her drink and I was mesmerized by her beauty.

Her face framed by long curly locks of dark brown hair, her full lips and forest green eyes. And her body – Oh, that body. She was wearing a loose satin shirt, but that didn’t hide her big, curvy bust. Her tight, high-waist jeans emphasized her slim waist and I stared at her backside as she walked past me. Damn.

When I came back to my table, I noticed she was sitting at the next booth over and I leaned in and asked my senior, who had been pouring me drinks all night, who she was.

“What her?” he asked as he saw whom I was pointing at.

“That’s Mona from IT. I mean she’s hot and all, but don’t go falling for her kid. She’s a real slut that one.” He told me.

Kid? What are you an old man? Dude, we’re the same age.

I thought this and looked at her again. I don’t really mind if she’s had a lot of guys, not with those looks. Besides, people tend to be so harsh on women who’ve been with like more than three people. She can’t be that bad – and if she is, she’ll change her ways once she’s had me.

I got up to the bar and got another beer and one for the lady I was about to impress.

“Is this seat taken?” I asked her with a smile, and she scooted over to make room for me.

I tried making polite conversation; girls usually appreciate guys who don’t come on too strongly. She looked utterly unimpressed, however. I know I’m kind of good looking, so I’m not used to girls being indifferent about me. But that just adds to my interest.

Finally, I suggest we move the dancefloor and an expression of relief spread across her face. ‘Okay, maybe I should try a more direct approach then’ I thought to myself.

We began dancing and I noticed her reacting positively to my touch, so I got a little bolder. I kissed her neck and her quiet moans just made me want to take her right there on the dance floor.

“Want to get out of here?” I whispered in her ear and she readily agreed.

I took her back to my place – an off-campus apartment not too far from the revenue.


We were a storm of passion getting through the door and I soon had her naked in my bedroom. Oh, how I enjoyed making her whimper and moan with my tongue.

When she was lying there in front of me, ready to take me in, I was felt like I was about to burst. Her lustful eyes and quivering body really made me want to tease her, so I went slowly.

“Faster” she pleaded.

I really wanted to grant her request and just thrust into her rapidly, but I also wanted to relish in her expression. Make her beg for it.

When I didn’t comply, she grabbed my hips to control my movements, so I pushed her down – much to her surprise. All of her expressions – her baffled, irritated and desperate expressions – made me so aroused and when I heard her passionate scream as I made her come, I couldn’t hold back any longer myself.

‘Amazing’ was all I could think as I was basking in the afterglow, when she suddenly got up and started collecting her belongings. Wait, is she leaving already? I had kind of wanted to go for another round.

“Uh, what’s up?” I asked her, but she ignored me.

What’s wrong with her? I’m quite confident in my skills and I could tell she liked it – a lot, if I had to guess. So why does she seem angry now?

“You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” I asked her with a smile trying to put my arms around her.

She just gave me an angry look and shook me off, then stormed out the room. I followed to see her slam the bathroom door behind her.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” I called out to her.

She didn’t answer so I knocked on the door. Still no answer. I began feeling a little worried that maybe I did something wrong. Did I accidentally hurt her without realizing?

“I’m sorry if I was too rough on you, I didn’t mean to” I called out to her.

Still no answer. God damnit, woman! At least tell me what’s wrong and let me apologize to you.

I was standing listening at the door, to make sure she wasn’t crying in there, when it suddenly pulled open and I almost toppled into her.

There was no evidence of tears in her eyes, she just looked angry. She pushed me aside and I tried to catch her hand.


“Don’t touch me” she yelled, and surprised I let go.

Without even trying to listen to me she slammed the front door open and left, leaving me standing there; butt naked in the entryway for every passerby to see. What the hell?

During the weekend my mind was filled with her. I don’t even get it. She was so into it one moment, but then so angry the next. I wanted to forget about her, but at the same time I really wanted to see her again.

‘I’ll go look for her on Monday’ I decided.

I find her sitting alone in the cafeteria at lunchtime and I can’t believe my luck. I found out by asking around, that the IT-department was at the other end of campus and she was also a senior, so there was no chance I’d just meet her randomly on the hallways between lectures. No, my best bet would be to meet her in the cafeteria and even then, it could be difficult with our alternating schedules.

But here she is, listening to music at a table near the window. Sweet!

I walk over and tap her shoulder. I hope she’s in a better mood. She turns around and when she recognizes me her expression turns sour. So, I guess that’s a no.

“Hey” I say, trying to be casual and take the seat next to her.

She doesn’t respond. Guess I’ll try apologizing again.

“Look, I just wanted to apologize if I made you uncomfortable the other night.” I tell her, but she just turns up the volume of her music. She really doesn’t want to talk to me, huh? But I’m the persistent type; I’m not going to give up easily.

I try to catch her attention, apologizing and asking her why she’s so mad. She continues to ignore me, then suddenly get’s up and declares she doesn’t have time for this.

I think I have class soon, but I don’t know when I’ll see her again, so I decide to skip it and follow her. She begins making her way toward the IT-department and I feel my heart sink a little as she ignores every one of my questions and pleads.

This really isn’t working. I need to do something quick.

I eye a large bush obscuring a narrow side path by the buildings we’re passing and make a rash decision.

I grab her arm and pull her with me behind the bush and push her against the wall.

She stands a moment flabbergasted and I find her expression very amusing.

“You know, the more you run, the more it makes me want to chase you” I tell her flirting, to try a different approach.

“I don’t care”, she retorts stubbornly.

Her angry expression unconsciously makes me chuckle, which only adds fuel to the fire.

“You know, this is borderline harassment” she declares angrily.

Okay, I think I went too far. But what the hell am I supposed to do? How do I get her to talk to me?

I don’t even get why I’m so persistent about her, this is pretty unlike me. I mean, I’m a pretty handsome guy, so it’s not like I have any trouble getting girls. They come and go in my life and usually don’t mind it, but there is just something about this one…

“It’s just… I can’t forget about that night – about you” I tell her truthfully, “What should I do to be able to see you again?”

This is my last resort. If she refuses me again, I’m not sure what else to do to get her attention.

She seems to consider my words for moment, and I watch her with hopeful eyes.

“All right…” she murmurs.

Yes, it worked! My fists almost shoot into the air victoriously, but I control myself and instead send her a big smile.

“But it will be on my conditions this time” she adds and there’s something sinister in her smile.

Well, I still feel like this was a huge victory.

“Hand me your phone” she instructs me, and I hand it to her, screen unlocked.

She taps around a few times and I hear a ‘ding’ from her bag.

“Now I have your number. I’ll text you” she says as she hands me my phone back.

I eye her suspiciously; what if she’s just doing this to get me off her back? Well, I can’t really do any more that this unless I want to continue following her around like this every day. Which I might be inclined to do, if this turns out to be a ruse. I send her a wide smile and she turns to leave. I look at my phone.

Well, I have her number now too.

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