《Say That You Want Me》Episode 2: Welcoming Party



I turn at the entrance at the sound of her voice, and see Jen skipping towards me. I can’t help but smile: She’s trying to go as fast as she can, but her enormous heels make it hard to move very fast. She’s wearing a black dress with a big frilly skirt and tight corset. She really dressed up for the occasion. I look down at my own attire; A loose bordeaux-colored satin shirt - buttoned down enough to show a bit of cleavage – a pair of high-waist jeans and simple heels. I didn’t want to dress up too much today, but we’re going to stand out anyway thanks to Jen. Not that I wasn’t fully prepared for that.

I wait for her to catch up and we go inside together.

It’s a small club that the school’s student organizers have rented for the freshmen welcoming party. There’s a dancefloor and a DJ, and large booths where several people have already gathered around. They are drinking and talking, and I recognize some of them but there are a lot of new faces.

I notice a guy get up from his seat when he sees us and scuffles over to greet us.

“Hey Mona, hey Jen. How great you guys could make it!” he smiles and glances at me with rosy cheeks.

“Hey Ron” I reply to him in a dry voice. I slept with this guy once when we were freshmen and it took me months to get rid of him again. This is why I don’t make a habit out of sleeping with naïve, innocent guys; they get so clingy. I think he’s taken the hint that I’m not interested, but he still greets me at every party and try to impress me.

Jen hugs him, seemingly clueless about my discomfort that we’re still talking to him.

“Uhm, would you guys like to come join my table?” he asks bashfully.

“No, that’s all ri-“, I begin my refusal, but I’m interrupted by Jen’s eager voice:


Oh great, Jen. Just great. Why are you so clueless?

I shake my head with a sigh, but she’s already pushing the poor guy along and I follow them to his table. The conversation at the table halts for a second when they notice us – especially Jen. Then they quickly look away and continue their chatter.


“Hey, guys! This is Mona and Jen, can they join us?”

“Uh, sure…” someone replies in an uncertain voice and everybody stares as we take our seats. I act like I don’t notice and deliberately take the seat closest to the edge with Jen next to me, between me and Ron.

Jen readily starts chatting with the guy, who seems a little overwhelmed by her lively approach. I snicker a little. Didn’t see that one coming, now did you Ron?

I look around at the people gathered here; 4 girls are sitting in the corner talking and giggling. I recognize a few of them; people I haven’t really talked to, but I know their types and they don’t really mesh well with someone like me. A big guy – looks like a jock – sits next to them, trying to catch their attention. Across from me sits a guy and a girl who seem to be getting friendly with each other, and next to them sits two guys sipping beer, looking a little awkward. Must be freshmen.

I need a drink. I get up and ask Jen if she wants anything and make my way to the bar.

“One beer and one club soda” I tell the bartender who starts readying our drinks. As I’m about to pay a guy comes up next to me.

“I’ll get it” he says and nudges at the drinks in front of me. “And another beer”

“Hey Tristan” I say as I turn to look at the guy paying for my drinks. He’s a tall guy with a handsome face and a large sturdy build. I’ve slept with him a few times; he’s good in bed and he doesn’t get clingy. Plus, he looks so cute when he’s whimpering and begging. The thought turns me on a little.

“Hey Mona” he says with a smirk.

This is what I mean when I say I like proud guys. The gap, between his confidence when he appears in public and his desperate obedience when we’re alone in bed, is just adorable.

He leans in momentarily to whisper something in my ear: “If you don’t find anyone else tonight, will you call for me?”

I smirk and run my finger along his neck and over his shirt.


“If I feel like it” I reply to him. That pleading expression in his eyes; Just adorable.

I grab my drinks and turn around to leave when I almost run straight into a someone’s chest.

“Oh sorry” I gasp surprised and look up to see his face. Oh, he’s handsome, haven’t seen him before.

He has a nice strong jawline, full lips, a straight symmetrical nose and deep blue eyes framed by heavy eyebrows. His hair is blond and falls in soft locks around his face.

“It’s fine” he briefly replies, then shifts to let me pass. I return to my table and hand Jen her club soda.

“Mona, there you are!” she exclaims happily like I had been gone for hours. I return her smile and sit down.

“It took you a while there, did you meet one of your lovers on the way or something?” she asks me, a little louder than I would have liked. I glance around me to see if anybody heard her and notice the two freshmen guys looking at us.

I sigh. Jeez. Jen, you really need to learn some tact. But they’ll hear the rumors sooner or later I suppose, so I guess it doesn’t matter.

“In fact, I did” I declare to her confidently and take a sip of my beer. Why put on airs when you’ve already built up a reputation?

“Oh, who was it?” she asks, leaning in a little.

“Tristan. He wanted to meet up later.”

“Oh, Will you? Or do you have your eye on someone else?”

“Nah. I’m not really in the mood” I take another sip. We haven’t really been here for very long and the guys at our table look pretty dull. Besides, for once I’m not here for boys.

The conversation is really slow. People are mostly talking between themselves and Jen is having a merry conversation with Ron next to me, so I feel a little out of place. I notice the growing number of beer bottles in front of me. I should really slow down. Or go home.

I’m checking out my phone when I suddenly hear a voice next to me: “This seat taken?”

I turn around to see who the voice belongs to and recognize the handsome guy I almost bumped into earlier. I notice he’s holding two bottles.

I smile and shake my head, then scoot over a little to make room.

“I’m Aaron” he says and reaches out his hand for me to shake. So polite.

“Mona” I reply.

“Do you want a beer?” he asks and holds out one to me. I eye him a little suspiciously: Did someone already spill the beans about me?

“Sure.” I’m feeling quite tipsy already, but it’s hard to turn it down.

“So, which department are you from?” he asks with a light smile.

“IT” I answer and take a sip from the bottle. There’s a short silence. Right, he probably expects me to return the question.

“How about you?” I ask politely.

“Architecture. I’m a freshman”

Yeah, I figured. I would have noticed someone this handsome if he wasn’t.

We make some light conversation. It’s not very interesting, but I do my best to be polite. It’s still better than sitting alone, after all.

“Do you want to dance?” he suddenly asks me. I’m feeling quite drunk and I’m really bored so it’s not a bad suggestion.

“Sure” I respond, and he takes my hand and we walk to the dancefloor.

He moves pretty well; maybe he’s taken lessons or he’s just naturally skilled. I feel a bit clumsy next to him. I quite like his smile. He slowly moves his hands to grab my hips and I feel a shiver run through my body. His hands start trailing my back and I turn around and let him put his them around me. We move rhythmically to the music and feel something hard rubbing on me. My heart start beating faster, and I quiver with pleasure as he starts kissing my neck. This guy is good. Every touch makes my body feel tingly.

“Do you want to get out of here?” I hear his low, raspy voice next to my ear.

Thought you’d never ask.

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