《Domineering Frog King》Chapter 10


Sorry about last chapter, I didn't intend for it to sound like a cliff. As you will see, he failed. He passed out. Nothing was missed. However, to make it up to you, I will release another chapter!

Here you guys go!


I woke up to see the faces of Love-struck Little Sister and Hu Lao staring at me. Now, I may not have necessarily needed to explain it, but I must say that the Little Sister that remained with me is the one that learned how to fire the mini laser.

The Little Sister who can heal stayed back to protect the eggs along with a couple of Big Sisters. I don’t know why I woke up thinking about something so off point, but maybe it had something to do with the massive amounts of pain coursing through my body.

I was beaten and battered, with nothing to show for my work the other day. That’s right, I passed out for several days. I still hadn’t managed to successfully integrate that energy into my body and cycle it around completely. The energy is something that far surpasses mere wind or water.

It feels more like a typhoon or something. I wonder what it would be like if I found some lightning energy. Ooh, that would be cool. I could combine the energy together and make storm energy!

I hate being bedridden. Although, my body is now even stronger than before. I guess practicing under the waterfall works. The others tried their best, but no one could stay under as long as I could. After my strength returned, I went back under the falling water to get stronger.

Hehe, I may have not gained more strands, but my energy flow was quicker and my physical strength grew by leaps and bounds. The constant abuse was actually increasing my body!

Another couple of days passed like this and then one of the Family Head’s mistresses flew over.

“Mom? What’s wrong?”

“Hu Lao, you must flee! The humans are coming!”

Hu Lao had a panicked face appear and turned to me. I needed to hear something.

“Why are the humans attacking?”

“They are going hunting again. They went to the marshes to get some frogs. Oh! I’m terribly sorry…”

Great. What about our family?!

I grabbed my things and so did everyone else. Hu Lao’s mother tried to stop me, but I was already moving on. Soon, Hu Lao caught up to me.


“You don’t have to follow us anymore.”

“Yes I do. Grandfather said to so I must.”

“Fine. But you don’t have to get involved.”


We bypassed the marshes for now and quickly arrived at the small pond by midday. It’s crazy how moving with urgency could make us arrive so fast. We spent our time looking around, so that was why it would take several days to get places.

But now, I still had energy to burn.

Thankfully, everyone was alright. They had hidden themselves away when the humans approached. I left the 5 groupies to help protect the eggs when Hu Lao spoke up.

“I will stay here and help.”

“Alright. Little Brother, Little Sister, let’s go.”

The two Big Sisters stayed, but now we had four Big Siblings and four Little Siblings. We should be able to deal with anything as long as we’re prepared.

We rushed back to the marshes, sticking to the shadowed trees. When we arrived I saw several things that I wasn’t prepared for.

One, the humans were just two heads taller than me.

Two, the monkey had returned, perched on some kid’s shoulder.

And finally, there was a powerful man behind that child. Every one of these three looked far better dressed than the barbaric tribal members. Yes, I was including the monkey. The kid was all by himself with only one escort, even though he looked to be someone of importance.

That mean the butler is terrifying. We stayed hidden, watching Arthur and his men surprisingly keep the tribal people away.

The barbarians must be the people who live in that village over at the Lake. But then who was this kid who wore bright colored clothes and had his own monkey? He was probably sent on some errand for the first time to get him used to normal life.

What surprised me was his attitude to watching the unprotected people die trying to kill the empowered frogs. He actually looked like he was having fun.

Shit, if he joins, we might have to join. And if we join, then the butler will join and then we would die. Should we attack their village? No, they should have stronger people there. These guys only expected to hunt some normal frogs here.

Shit, this is infuriating.

“Hahaha! These morons sure are funny, eh Marcus?”

“Indeed, Young Master. To be losing to only frogs would hurt many warriors’ prides, yet here they are. Losing.”


Hearing the taunts of the two, the barbarians tried fighting back even more than before, but the power of the frogs were great. My guess is that Arthur has yet to use his powers. If he has managed to figure out how to use them.

Wait, if he ate the eggs from before, shouldn’t he already have some energy within him? Why hasn’t he used it? Does he not know how? Or was he playing the role of the idiot? If so, I may have to end him for endangering the lives of me and my family.

But more importantly, these guys! I can understand what they’re saying! Maybe we can communicate! I move around, signaling for the others to stay hidden.

I then walk out of the trees and call out,

“Hey! Leave my family be!”

“Marcus, look! That ugly thing just spoke! Catch it for me, I want it!”

The butler, not wanting to actually touch me, told the warriors,

“You heard the Young Master, catch it. We will reward you handsomely.”

Greed flickered in their eyes. The other frogs were big and tough yet here was one that was small and weak looking. I was the easier target since I was only one person. I jump back and pick up one of the hook spears I made before swinging it around threateningly.

“Ooh, he can even use a weapon! Is he a monster?”

“I believe so, Young Master. I wonder what its specialty is.”

I used the wind energy subtly, not wanting to be noticed as a mage, but it was a failure. After easily slicing these people apart, the eyes of the butler and the boy were both sparkling.

“He…didn’t he just use magic to increase the effectivity of the spear?!”

“Marcus! I really want him!”

The people were reluctant to fight me. It seems these guys weren’t warriors after all. Just hunters. Trying to fight something with such a long reach was abnormal for them. Was there not a lot of tribes around here?

“Please stop attacking my family.”

The butler realized something. His face contorted and he looked like he just discovered an easy way to make money.

“Are there more like you?”

“No. I am the only one. I ate a special plant and even hunted down one of the great enemies of ours, the Tyrant Bird!”

“Ooh, he’s more of a warrior than these guys! Hey, Marcus. Can we use this guy in the tournament? He might make it more fun!”

“If I win, will you promise to let me and my family go?”

“Sure, sure. Whatever.”

“In return, there is a member who is far stronger than I.”

The boy’s eyes shone once more.

“Where is he?”

“He is our Leader! He is Arthur, the one who snuck into the Tyrant Bird’s nest and killed their offspring underneath their noses! He is far more brilliant than I could ever be.”

Soon, the little frogs gave way to show the shivering appearance of Arthur, who was staring daggers at me.

“You! You are selling me out!”

“You lied.”

We were using the normal soul communication we had always used, so the humans could not understand us. I turned back to the boy and brought out the dagger that was tied behind my back.

“Sir, I believe this belongs to you. I found it after the beast on your back fled when we approached.”

Seeing the dagger, the monkey rushed over and took it back before giving me a screech. It ran back to the boy and handed him the knife.

I could see the doubtful face of the butler looking at me all the time.

“Intriguing. A monster with a sense of honor and manners. It has been decided! This frog!”

The boy points to Arthur.

“This frog is the biggest one here. Therefore, we eat him! This frog!”

He points to me.

“This frog is the strongest and shall compete in the Tribal Tournament!”


Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the look on Arthur’s face. But to involve me in a human’s tournament? Is this kid really that bored?

“But Young Master, none of the elders will approve of this!”

“Then he can fight the strongest in the clan. He butchered those three, didn’t he?”

This time, the boy pointed to the three people moaning and trying to cover up their bleeding wounds. I made sure not to kill them, but are these people really so weak?

Mr. Black made it seem like they would be extremely difficult to deal with. Maybe I just became too strong?

I motion for the others to return to the small pond. Hopefully, I can get out of this situation. But more importantly, maybe I can learn some things in this situation.

Hehehe…They do say that knowledge is power. Time to get powerful.

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