《Spirit Caster: The Lost Dragon》Chapter 3.1 A New Life


“This is your land then?” Maddox looked up at the beast of a man towering over him.

“DID I STUTTER!” His voice was ear-splitting from such close range, he could only be thankful both he and Daisy were out of their Spirit forms, or they’d both be on the ground in pain.

“sorry for the intrusion sir” He began “we’re merely travellers in search of work."

“And what’s that to me!” The bullish man spat out his words.

His approach to them was no suprise, but still, but he couldn’t afford no for an answer, he continued “We were hoping you might need some extra hands around here."

“Whatever your selling we’re not buying!” Echoed the man’s voice as his intensity increased “Now get off my land before I turn you into minced meat!”

“Please sir, we’re desperate!” He had to let go of any pride he had, bending close to ninety degree as he pleaded.

He looked them up and down, eyes scrutinizing their tattered clothes “Your point...”

“I just ask you reconsider” Still bent over, hoping that the old man would take kindly to his signs of respect.

“How much experience do you have in this kind of work boy...” The old man threw the question at them.

“Our experience is lacking...” Admitted Maddox, he knew lying wouldn’t help them here, it would become obvious in the long run. “But we would more than make up for it in our willingness to work!"

“I don’t need willing!” he erupted “I need experienced workers if any... Which I don't! NOW OFF!"

"How about a wager?” Maddox finally made his way back up, now starring into the old man’s eyes, a cheeky grin smeared on his face.

“Hmm?” This seemed to peak the old man’s interest “Why would I listen to a wager from you, pip-squeak?”

“Just a simple arm wrestle” Maddox suggested, all the persuasion he could muster in his voice “if you win, we’ll leave and continue on our way, if I win, you’ll hire us and give us a reasonable wage, sound fair?”

“Do you have a wish to leave here with a broken arm?” He looked at him as if he were a fool, why would he offer such a wager he was certain to lose.

“You sure you’re not nervous about losing?” His grin unmoving as he continued to look up, lighting a fire in the old man.

“LIKE HELL I AM! YOU’RE ON KID!” His eyes burned with rage, frustrated by the petulance of the kid in front of him. It was just as Maddox had hoped, he’d let his anger get the better of him.

“Fine, just in interest” Maddox added “if it’s a draw after a minute, you’ll give us a little money and directions, and we’ll be on our way...”

“Sounds like you’re playing for the draw...” The old man suggested “Not that I’d let you! But thats fine..."

"Glad to see you're on board" Maddox smiled as they made their way towards the house.

As the trio got closer to the home, Daisy turned to Maddox suspiciously “You sure this is a good idea?”

“Yeah? Why wouldn’t it be?” He responded confidently, eye’s gleaming at the challenge.

Daisy didn’t seem so sure “He seems... strong...”

“All I have to do is win or draw, both results favour us”

“That means you’d have to last a minute at least!” She exclaimed, her muscles burned at the thought of being against those arms for one whole minute. “You sure you’ll be fine?”


“Don’t worry! It’ll work out!” He said with a wide grin as they approached the house, that was the answer she was didn't want to hear.

As they made their way up the steps, the bull-like man pulled a chair out from a table on the porch. “Here will do, now let’s get this over with...”

“You say so old man...” As he sat down in the chair opposite “I never asked your name?”

“Not that you’ll need it” The old man’s voice sounded bored, like he already knew the outcome “you won’t be here long enough to use it”

“Humour me” Maddox hummed, leaning in closer across the table.

“Cheeky shit... Angus... Angus Ridgemont”

“Maddox Laverick, pleasure to work for you sir” He stuck out his hand in a handshake, Angus firmly took a grip of his hand as he moved it into position.

“Don’t push your luck boy...” The pair placed their elbows on the table as Daisy looked-on from the side-lines.

“You mind if I prepare my arm... It seems you’ll be using your spirit form... Bull, right? Only fair I do too”

“Not that it makes a difference...” Maddox’s arms slowly became enwrapped with scales as Angus watched on “Some sort of lizardman aye? Here’s me hoping you could back up your words as well.”

Maddox tightened his grip on Angus as they stared at each other “We’ll see, you ready?” Maddox started.

Angus turned to Daisy, making her jump out of her skin “You! Girl!”

“Yes Sir!”

“We’ll start on your signal, count down would you?”

“Ok... sure...” She stuttered for a moment before beginning “Hmm...One-hundred... Ninety-nine...Ninety...”

“Daisy...” Maddox sighed interrupting her flow “We haven't got all day, three is fine...”

“Hmm? Oh right!” She prepared herself once more “...Three, two... One!”

A sudden rush of power crashed into Maddox’s arm as his hand nearly smashed through the table, only able to hover milimetres from the top of the table. Shit! Screamed through his mind, this power was just a cheat! How was he supposed to deal with this! Beads of sweat dripped down his cheeks as he looked up at the grinning old man. I better get serious too, he tightened his grip as his hand slowly forced its way from the table.

“Ohhhh, you DO have some fight in you!” Remarked Angus, applying more pressure than before, sending his hand back to nearly hitting the table. How long had it been now, fifth-teen seconds? He just had to hold on a little longer and it would be fine, but he didn’t want to hold on... he wanted to win! With a firm grip, a glint of red shaded over his eyes, sending Daisy in a miniature panic, surely, he would’nt go that far! He tensed his grip harder than before as his hand slowly began to raise once more, it was Angus's time to sweat now, watching his trunk of an arm slowly moving backwards. Thirty more seconds...twenty... with ten seconds left.

Without any of the participates or Daisy noticing, another presence had appeared on the battlefield clad in a flowered nightgown. They approached behind Angus, innocently whispering in his ear "Having fun?" A momentary lapse appeared as the old man’s attention shifted behind him, checkmate! Maddox crashed the giant hand hard against the table, shattering the legs as it collapsed beneath them.

“I win!” Maddox cried out in suprise.

A look of confusion and anger washed over Angus’s face “Wha... What!?!” He looked around furiously before turning to the girl standing satisfied behind him “What was that for?”


“I was just curious at what you were doing is all papa, it looked like you were having fun” She had a look of cunning hidden behind her smile.

“Do you know what you’ve done...” Moaned Angus, his head in his hands “We have to hire these scrawny bums now...” Pointing at the scruffy pair in front of them.

She looked up, eyes set on Maddox “he can’t be that scrawny if he beat you father...”

“That’s only because you distracted me dear...” He complained.

“You allowed yourself to be distracted papa” she looked back at the scruffy due in front of her “Besides... It could be fun to have new people here”

“As you say so... Still!” He looked at Maddox and Daisy “Don’t think I’m not going to work you hard because I will! I’ll pay you both five silver pieces and five copper a week, then when you have enough, I want you off this farm!”

“Seems fair” Maddox acknowledged, reaching his arm out to agree to the deal, his hand was firmly met by Angus’s, making a point to squeeze as hard as he could.

“You start tomorrow! 5AM! Now go inside and get showered, the stench of the both of you is making me gag!” He turned to go inside with a disgusted look.

“Rude...” Grumbled Daisy. Angus threw a dangerous look in her direction as a chill ran up her spine again, he turned back and continued his way into the house.

“He’s just in a bad mood ‘cause he lost, don’t mind him” The young girl informed them.

“Some temper...” Maddox remarked.

“He’s can be a sore loser” The young lady admitted “Oops, I haven’t introduced myself have I, my names Corina, I look forward to working with you both!” she offered a polite curtsy to the both of them.

“It’s a pleasure” noted Maddox “I’m Maddox and this here is Daisy, we’ll be in your care.”

“Wonderful!” Corina politely smiled as she turned to face the entrance, her navy hair flickered as the wind flowed between each strand. He hadn’t really had a chance to see her up-close till now, but she had all the characteristics of a model, her long legs moved flawlessly along the ground, her slender physique was dainty and delicate, her skin porcelain, like a real doll. “If you’d like to follow me, we have a couple of spare room in the house so you’ll both be able to have your own rooms.”

“Great!” stretched Maddox as he walked through the doorway, before turning to Daisy “Isn’t it good we get our own rooms again!”

“Hmm...” she nodded as she followed him in.

As they entered, they followed a short corridor that led to a flight of stairs. Following Corina up, they came across a door to their right. She looked across to Daisy. “Sorry it’s not much but this all we can offer for now.” She opened the door to quite a plain looking room, average sized. The bed was quite small and uncomfortable looking. Just a small chest of draws added decoration to the desolate room. The mattress looked like it had better days and had been there a while, a stump where a candle once stood, resting upon the draws. “Seriously…” Daisy sighed aloud “I guess it can’t be helped, this is fine, thank you Corina”

“I apologies if it’s not up to standards” Corina pleaded with a glint of a tear in her eye as Maddox looked at daisy unimpressed.

“Honestly, it’s fine, thank you...” She closed the door, leaving Corina and Maddox to find the other room. After that he hadn’t had much hope for his room. They wandered further along the hall until coming to another door. When Maddox pushed it open, he was quite surprised. The bed was quite spacious, enough for two people at least, and practically new. A large chest of draws both sides of the room and a large mirror stood against the wall, a fresh candle awaited him bedside and all in all the room was large and immaculate, the complete opposite of the room given to Daisy.

“I hope you like it” Corina purred, her face appeared next to Maddox, sending him bright red and making him jump.

“yes!” He stuttered “it’s quite amazing really, but I’m curious why give daisy that room and me this one, surely she would have preferred this one?” He questioned, but instead his question was met with a sad look in Corina’s eyes.

“if you don’t like it just say so” she seemed really upset.

“I love it, thank you for giving me this room!” He felt guilty for daisy but didn’t want to upset Corina any more, his words seemed to cheer her up. In her night gown, she clutched onto Maddox’s right arm, her petite bosom pressed tightly against his arm, much to his suprise as his face went reddened.

“I’m so glad you like the room!” Her smile was contagious “I’ll come by later with a towel so you can get showered ok." She sent him another pleasant smile as she exited, but quickly turned, poking her head back into the room “By the way, my room’s just across the hall... See you later neighbour!”

"She's... energetic..." He said to himself as he sat down on the edge of the bed "Comfy!"

A short while had passed, and just as promised, Corina returned with some fresh smelling towels. “I just had these washed so they should be good!” She beamed “I left the shower running so if you wanted to, you can have a shower now.”

“You did that, thank you Corina, I’ll head there now!”

“Good, just go right down the hall and it’s just on the left, the door can stick a little so just use a little force it should open!”

“Thanks for the heads up!” He smiled as he made his way to the bathroom. Just as she said he could hear the water running inside, and the door did seem to stick a little, but with a little push, it opened easily. She’s really kind Maddox thought to himself as he removed his jacket, then his shirt, followed by everything else. The curtain was drawn, hiding the shower, slowly he pulled it open... There before him was a familiar, curvaceous figure, humming to herself until the breeze of the curtain being opened took her attention. They both stood there for a moment, red faced, mortified and naked.

Finally, Daisy was the first to react, pulling the curtain over her voluptuous body. She squatted, hiding behind the sheet, screaming loudly “GET OUT PERVERT!!”

“Huh... sure!” Quickly he exited the bathroom, to quickly, he soon realised all he had was the towel Corina gave him. Hoarsely he called back inside “Daisyyyy.... Can I have my clothes backkkk?”

“GO AWAY!” The sheer volume sent Maddox onto his backside, maybe it was better to wait till she was out... He sheepishly returned to his room, unaware of the sniggering pair of eyes fixated on him, watching from the room next door.

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