《Spirit Caster: The Lost Dragon》Vol 1 Chapter 1.2


A while had passed and the sun that shone overhead had slowly started to set leaving the sky a hazy hint of orange and red. Maddox slowly pushed his bruised body up against a close tree and exhaled a deep breath, with a quick look round he could see Kuro, already conscious with his head sunken between his arms and knees next to him.

''Why?'' Koru’s words stuttered out through his tear-soaked arms "Why would you do it? Neither of us stood a chance against those guys, yet you came running in straight away, why?"

Maddox was unstuck for a moment and paused, then, with a grin etched onto his face "Well if I didn't look after you, who would look after my little bro?" He forced a battered arm above Koru’s head and ruffled his little brothers' hair "Anyways it’s getting late and I’m sure mothers’ worried, can you walk?"

With a solemn nod Koru made his way to his feet, wiping away his tears in the process. Maddox followed pursuit, although somewhat awkwardly as he stumbled up, using the tree as support to get himself to his feet, just to nearly stumble back down as Koru caught him.

"Sorry Koru" his drained words slipped out of his mouth "Do you reckon you can help your big brother walk for a bit"

"Maddox..." Koru placed his older brothers’ arm along his shoulders as the pair started the long walk home.

It was dark by the time they had reached their cottage home, it wasn’t anything special, but to them, it was the one place in this corrupt world that felt safe to them. The familiar curved archway above the door, the thatched roof that had always kept the rain off their heads, the warm fire that kept away the cold. Truly if it wasn’t for this place and their mothers’ kindness, they would have long since perished.

As the duo slowly creaked the door open, a shadow flickering by the fire awaited them, their mother Sheila. In truth she wasn't there real mother, however she had taken them in when both of their parents left them on her doorstep and they became a family ever since.

"Pheww..." Maddox let out a sigh of relief "Let’s keep quiet and get to our room without waking her up ok?"

"Hmm" Koru obediently nodded.

As Maddox quietly closed the door behind him, the pair crept lightly along the loose floor boards. Both of them knew that she had probably been there all-night waiting for them to get home, she was such a worrier. Just as they were nearly past, a voice arose from in front of them...

"And what do you two think you’re doing back so late..." an angry voice echoed around the wooden walls.

"Crap" The word fell out of Maddox’s mouth unintentionally.

"I’m waiting..." The walls echoed again.

"Errr... Just a late stroll nothing to worry about..." Maddox bluffed as his eyes wandered the cabin walls.

"That so..." her head turned around for the first time, and for the first time she could see the state that both boys were in, her face changed from that of murderous intent to Immedient concern instantaneously, nearly falling off her chair as she rushed towards the boys "Wha...What happened to you two!!" her eyes inspecting their wounds thoroughly.

"It’s nothing...don’t worry about it..." Maddox’s eyes averting her gaze while hiding Koru behind him.

"Maddox... You tell me what happened NOW!" Her eyes intensely burning now.

"I told you it’s nothing to worry about alright, I was out training like I always do and I saw something I couldn’t forgive, so I got involved, that’s it..." his eyes still unable to match hers.


Her eyes switched from Maddox to the trembling boy behind him "Did he have to get involved to..." her tone even more serious now, but as she bent down to Koru’s level her voice and eyes softened "Baby, tell me what happened please".

Koru slowly moved his head from behind Maddox and looked into his mother's eyes, just as Maddox couldn’t, and like that the tears swelled up within the little boy as he leapt into his mothers’ arms, wailing uncontrollably as he held onto her tightly. Her arms wrapped around Koru and once again, he felt safe, the tears dried up, and he told her what had happened.

It was the same story Maddox had heard on the way back home, Koru was walking back home from school when Gin and the other boys decided to make fun of him, when he stood up for himself, they chased him into the woods and from then on, that’s when Maddox came into the picture.

Sheila sat there, holding back the tears as she listened in detail as he told her what had happened, about the names they called him, how they beat both him and Maddox and left them for dead. Once he had finished, she crumbled back into her chair, her face dejected. "Oh, my dear boys, I’m so sorry..." her voice quivered as she continued to hold back her tears.

"What are you talking about? This has always been our problem, you’ve always been there for us so you have nothing to apologies for" Maddox moved in front of his mother and wrapped his arms around her, he couldn’t stand to see her like this. For a young woman, only in her mid-twenties, to take on the responsibility of raising two kids as if they were her own. Maddox was only five when he was brought to this house, Koru followed a few years later and the three strangers become as close a family as any.

"I have half a mind to speak to that so-called chief! It his law that say you can’t use your Spirit Powers outside of official combat"

"You know that would do no good" Maddox consoled her again as he stood back up before taking a step back.

"I know but still... I feel so useless... I can hardly protect you boys anymore" her head looked down as a single tear slide past her nose before dropping onto the floor.

"I’m sure we’ll find a way to cope, we always have" he shone a cheery smile in hope that it would resolve some of his mothers’ worries, and to his relief she managed a weak smile back to him in return.

"I guess you’re right" she conceded "You boys haven't eaten all day have you, shall I cook you a little something before you get some sleep?"

Those words were music to both of their ears, it was true they both were exhausted after everything, but their stomachs had taken over at the word food, a chorus of growls left their stomachs as if to say ‘yes please’.

Sheila placed a more natural smile upon her face at the sound of their hungry bellies "Hmm, Hmm, is that so, I guess I best start cooking then, could you boys set the table up please".

The boys nodded as they went about getting the cutlery and glassware ready for their meal. Suddenly a loud cracking sound came bounding from the front door! Thoughts rushed through Maddox’s head, surely, they wouldn’t come here as well? However, his fears were soon quashed when an Auburn-Haired girl came rolling into the room before crashing into the dining table, knocking off the cutlery.


"Ow...Ow...Ow" The clumsy looking girl sat up against the table, tail between her legs, rubbing her head between her droppy, dog ears. That of a Springer Spaniel, her spirit animal.

"Dammit Daisy, what do you think you’re doing at this time?" Maddox moaned as he offered her a hand to help her up, which she bashfully accepted.

"Well, I heard Gin and the other guy’s talking about how they beat up some soulless guys earlier and I got worried but I didn’t want to disturb Sheila so..." her voice faded away slowly before finishing her sentence.

"So, you decided to wait outside the house till we got back?" By the shyly nodding head of Daisy he knew he had guessed right.

"Jeez... You gave us heart attack back there..." Bemoaned Maddox while scratching his head. She was Maddox’s only friend in the village. He’d always thought she was odd the way she always hung around him, but he never minded it really. She was always clumsy and air-headed, but she was also really caring and fun to be around. Maddox secretly always thought she was kind of cute, not that he’d ever tell her. She was pretty short, but also had such a naturally kind face, it couldn’t help but make him want to be closer to her. But being on the short side also had its advantages, because she was, for wanting of better words, stacked. He’d always tease her about her height amongst over things but he did genuinely care for her.

"Mmmm..." She looked annoyed, her cheeks puffed up and eyes staring irritated at him.


"I was worried... and I waited outside for a long time..." She bashfully rocked from side to side, failing terribly at attempting to hide her glowing cheeks.

From the kitchen a knowing voice appeared "Daisy dear, it appears I’ve made to much food for us, would you like to stay for some?"

Just like that her bashfully face and shy eyes changed appearance drastically, her eyes flashed as if she had just won a grand prize and drool emitted from the side of her mouth, ah, it all made sense now, she waited out here all this time and forgotten to eat.

"Seriously! Is it ok?" Her eyes widened as the smell of food wafted through the kitchen, her tail gave away her mood to easily as it wagged to itself joyfully.

Why should he be surprised by now, when he thought about things, she’d bundled through the door just as his mother mentioned she was going to cook didn’t she... that girl...

*Yank* "EEEEP!!! M...M...MADDOX...W...WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" Squealed Daisy as her once gleeful tail was now caught in Maddox's grip.

"Evidence One!" He began "Admit you only came in once you heard that mom was cooking food."

"Maddox pleaseeee..." she squealed "the tails reallyyy.... EEEEP!"

With a firmer grip Maddox continued "Evidence Two your honour! After breaking and entering you proceeded to attempt theft of my mothers’ cooking!"

"Plea....se... Maddox I... cant... Mmmhmm" she bit into her thumb as her body squirmed uncomfortably.

"AND FINALLY! Why are you still in your spirit form? You wouldn't feel anything if your tail wasn't there?"

"Mhmmm DAMMIT ALRIGHT!" Cried Daisy as her tail and ears slowly dispersed, collapsing to her knees "you didn’t have to be so rough!" her eyes welled up with tears and she looked up at Maddox who could only return her gaze with a cheeky grin.

"so how does the defendant plea?" Moving his hand towards her face in the shape of a microphone.

"Not Guilty!!" Bemoaned Daisy, her eyes still watery.

"That so... The jury finds the defendant... GUILTY! The verdict... No food at the table!"

"NOOOOOO!!!!" Daisy cried out as the waterworks appeared.

"Maddox if you want to do things like that with your girlfriend please don’t do it where I can hear..." Sheila called out from the kitchen while hovering over the simmering pan.

"Don’t word things so weirdly, you know we’re not like that" Maddox retorted while Daisy’s face turned the cherry red.

"Sure, sure, well food’s ready so if you’re done can you sit at the table please"

"Yeah" He called back out to his mother, then turned his attention to the red, blubbering mess sat up on the floor and released a sigh. He moved towards the chair closest to where Daisy was sat and pulled it from under the table.

"My lady" He offered his hand to her, which she watched hesitantly.

"You’re not gonna do anything weird right?" Her eyes continued to watch his hand suspiciously.

"Just consider this an apology" his eyes held warmth that she struggled to refuse.

"Jeez, you can be a gentleman when you want to..." she took his hand tightly as he pulled her up, then offering her the chair he moved out, placed it underneath her as she sat at the table.

As Maddox sat down at the table himself, Sheila came in holding a large pot. Streaks of steam escaped from its rim, filling the room with the strong aroma of cooked Pork, mixed with the smell of mixed herbs and vegetables. Simultaneously the two sat at the table gulped as the pot was placed at the centre of the table.

As Sheila sat at the head of the table, her head turned searchingly, Maddox and Daisy were there, but where had Koru gotten himself off too? She let out a sigh and mumbled disheartened "He must have been too tired after all..." her attention turned to Maddox "Son could you check on your brother please, he’s probably gone to sleep bless him?"

It was Maddox’s turn to search the room, he was sure Koru was right behind him "Yeah sure, don’t start without me" his eyes moved to Daisy, but his jibe went completely over her head, her eyes fixated at the pot sat seductively in the middle of the table.

As Maddox excused himself, he headed towards the room he shared with his brother, walking a short distance in the hallway before reaching his door and lightly pressing it open, as not to wake his little brother. A small gap appeared enough to peek in. Yet Slowly the gap widened, then widened, then widened some more until the door was wide open. His eyes weren't playing tricks on him, in the room were two single beds with a desk separating them, behind the beds was one large window, however what was not there, that was out of place, was that Kuro wasn’t there. Don’t panic was coursing through Maddox’s mind but how could he not, after everything that had happened, why would Kuro sneak out? Quickly he searched every room of the house but no sign of Kuro anywhere, his heart now almost jumping out of his chest.

"How’s he slee..." Sheila called to Maddox as he rushed past the dining room, a determined scowl etched into his face.

"I’m heading out" his voice full of concern as he made his way to the front door.

"Ma..." Sheila called again, her voice panicked, but it was too late. The door slammed behind him as he headed out into the dead of the night.

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