《Hanami》Four steps


The princess of the Royale Group had just arrived at the annual flower viewing brunch hosted at Florescent Park in the center of R City.

"Oh! Em! Gee! Could you be more discreet?! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Isabelle stomped her foot and screamed at the black-suit who had just reported her status to the other bodyguards. "Keep a distance away from me too, I don't want you guys hovering all over me! Ugh!"

The black-suit obeyed and retreated to a reasonable distance before broadcasting to the other bodyguards, "all units, code red. I repeat, code red."

One responder shamelessly said, "er, what's code red? Over."

"All units on watch from the furthest distance possible. Get it together privates!" another responded.

Isabelle tidied her and her outfit before making her way into the park for the event. At the same time, a young man had also entered the park but from a different entrance.

The brunch officially started with her arrival. Of course, everyone had to wait for her to arrive. This was an event hosted by her family for many years. The attendees were all from the rich and wealthy upper-class families of R City, including many city officials. This event was to welcome the new blooms of spring as a symbol for future successes. This was R City's age-old tradition.

The young man had no clue such a prominent event was happening in this beautiful park. He admired the flowers and trees as he strolled through.

"Lady's and gentlemen, may I present to you: Miss Isabelle Royale of the Royale Group," one event staff announced while pointing at Isabelle as she entered.

The attendees all turned in her direction and applauded.

Isabelle walked graciously and carefully as all eyes were on her.


'Everyone's staring, everyone's staring... stay composed Bella! Smile~ Smile! Wave a little and keep smiling!' Nervous thoughts ravaged her mind as she made her grand entry. Nevertheless, she pulled it off skillfully.

Many of the attendees complimented her on her cute outfit, especially the sparkling ring she had on her finger.

"My, how you've grown, Isabelle." a gray-haired and overweight old man greeted.

Isabelle turned to the voice and was pleasantly surprised, showing a smile on her face. She bobbed a curtsy to him and said, "Nice seeing you again, Mr. Mayor. I hope you enjoy the brunch."

"My, my. You've become quite the young lady. Beautiful too. If you're looking for any suiters, I'll be glad to help! Ha ha ha!" Mayor Jefferson jollied.

Isabelle didn't reply back, she just simply smiled and bobbed another curtsy.

'Just smile and curtsy, Bella! Just smile and curtsy!' she thought.

Moments later, Isabelle pointed to a random direction and said,"oh, I see my classmates over there. You'll have to excuse me, Mr. Mayor." She bobbed a curtsy once more and immediately set off in the direction she pointed to.

Isabelle kept walking without stopping. She had to get away for some air. Keeping the Royale family name as prestigious as she could, took a boatload of effort. For such a young lady to carry such a burden on her shoulders in front of so many influential people without the slightest hint of error was the hardest thing for anyone to pull off. Isabelle had done it, but now she needed a breather.

She made her way away from the event, saw a cherry blossom tree with a bench underneath and decided to head there for a short rest. The bench was only a couple of steps away. One step, two step, three step, four.... When Isabelle took her fourth step, she bumped into something. Her vision blanked for just a second and she fell backward onto her buttocks.


"Ouch!" she cried.

Her bodyguards kept watch and were about to act until they heard on their radio, "stand down, stand down, harmless civilian. Do not act unless there is malicious intent! I repeat, stand down!"

"Huh?" the boy said. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?!"

Isabelle could vaguely hear the voice, it was as if she was about to faint. She gasped for air and started breathing heavily. Her face was red, and drops of sweat rolled down her face.

The boy that she bumped into noticed that she was hyperventilating. He quickly helped her up and carried her toward the bench. He set her down gently and tried to calm her down. At first, he didn't know what to do, but then he remembered what his grandmother did for him when he used to hyperventilate after having nightmares. He instructed for her to slow down her breathing and to follow his breathing pattern: holding in his breath 10 seconds at a time and then exhaling. After a few times, Isabelle had calmed.

"Phew! I'm glad you're okay now," he said.

Then, he swiftly took out a bottle of water from his bag and offered it to her.

"Here, have some water," he said.

Isabelle's vision was still fuzzy, and she hesitated a little.

He noticed her hesitation and guaranteed her, "don't worry, it's just water. A brand new bottle too."


Her stomach growled, and her mouth was dry. Seeing the water bottle in front of her face, she couldn't help herself and grabbed it, quickly gulping the water down. Isabelle hadn't eaten or drank anything all morning long, and it was already past noon. In just a few seconds, she finished the bottle of water. What a foolish girl to be starving herself when she had to use so much energy at such an important event.


Her stomach growled again.

"Are you hungry? I have an egg salad sandwich I can share with you, you want some?"

"N-no, I'm fine… " she said.


Isabelle's stomach growled again. She lowered her head and tightly gripped the water bottle in her hands in utter embarrassment.

The boy smiled. He took out his sandwich and unwrapped it for her before placing it on her lap.

"Here, eat up."

The scent of the plain egg salad sandwich tingled her nose. She threw the water bottle away, instinctively grabbed the sandwich with both hands, and placed it in her mouth and chomped down like a madman.


'Oh my god, this sandwich is so good… ' Isabelle thought.


"Mmm~ Mm~ Mmm~" she made weird sounds as she deliciously ate the sandwich.


Isabelle ate too fast and started choking. The boy was quick to react, he quickly patted her back. Then, he pulled out another water bottle from his bag and opened it for her.

"Here, drink this," he said as he placed the second water bottle in front of her.

She hastily grabbed it with both hands, took a big mouthful and swallowed.



"Heh, feeling better now?" the boy asked.

Isabelle realized that this person was still here. She lowered her head again in embarrassment, but this time her face was red as a tomato.

"Th-thank yo-you!"

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