《Hanami》Humming thrice


Two days before freshmen orientation…

The sun slowly ascended to signal the start of a brand new day. Birds chirped, and flowers bloomed. A breeze carried a few cherry blossom petals as it blew across the sky. A beautiful girl sat in front of her vanity table prepping her makeup for the day. She applied a little bit of blush on both her cheeks and some lipgloss on her lips. Then she perked her lips together, making sure the lipgloss was applied evenly. She gently tucked her hair behind her left ear and examined her reflection in the mirror some more. You see, her left side was her good side; #selfie. Satisfied with a smile on her face, she got up from the chair and walked toward the walk-in closet while joyfully humming a tune,

"Hmm~ hm~ hmm~."

Her outfit of the day was a simple sunflower-patterned romper, coupled with a large and beautiful 24-karat diamond sunflower-shaped ring on her right index finger to match. A great outfit must be paired with cute shoes, right? Shelves of hundreds, if not thousands of shoes neatly displayed in this enormous closet.

Marilyn Monroe has once said, "give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world."

But, could this still be called a closet? I mean, it was the size of a shoe outlet.

She looked past one, two, five, ten, and even more, trying to find the perfect ones to match. Finally, she picked a pair of yellow t-strap block heel sandals with a bow. She quickly put them on and spun around the full-sized mirror.

'Perfect,' she thought and headed for the door.

A maid quickly rushed to her side and said, "Miss Isabelle, we better hurry if you want to make it to the flower viewing brunch on time."


"Tsk, don't you know I have to look absolutely perfect?! Who cares if I'm late, I am the star of the show after all!" said Isabelle, as she wiggled her torso and held her hand under her chin portraying the 'grace face.'

"Yes, yes, let those peasants wait!" said the maid.

It was natural for any maid to talk up to their employer, it comes with the job.

"Exactly." Isabelle smiled. "Hmm~ Hm~ Hmm~."

She continued to hum a happy tune as she walked down the stairs, where another maid held the front door open for her while slightly bowing down. Outside the home, an elderly uniformed driver waited for her arrival. He kept the back seat passenger door open with a smile, tipped his hat, and greeted, "lovely day to you, Miss Isabelle. You look beautiful, as always."

"Hehe, g'morning Max! Let's go to the brunch!" she said with a big smile on her face.

Max, the driver, softly closed the door behind her graceful entry and quickly dashed to the driver's seat. He put on his seatbelt and started the car.


The car thundered to life. This fancy car was the newest model of the R*lls-R*yce Phant*m. I'll spare you the details, just know that this is one expensive and fancy *ss car.

The Victorian-style heavy iron driveway gates to this rural residence slowly opened. Soon, they set off for the city.

It was early springtime, and the weather was just right. The city was hustling and bustling; you could hear cars honking their horns trying to get to their destinations and see large numbers of people walking the streets.

"Hmm~ Hm~ Hmm~."

Isabelle hummed while happily bounced up and down from her seat.

"You're so cheerful today, Miss Isabelle. You reckon' something nice will happen today? Ho~ Ho~" Max the driver cheerfully asked.


"I do hope so, Max! Hehe~" replied Isabelle, with a big smile on her face and continued to hum her tune.

"I do hope so as well. Now do remember that your bodyguards will be on standby very closely, so you be careful now."

"Ok, ok, Max. Stop treating me like a child! Hmph~!"

"Ha ha ha, well look at you, all grown up! I still remember the first time I held you in my arms when you were just a baby. Your father must be so proud now that you've grown up to be such a beautiful young lady."

Isabelle's expression changed when her father was mentioned. Her relationship with her father was never very close. He was never home and always away for work. She couldn't remember the last time she had a proper conversation with him either.

"Thanks for the praise, but, could you just focus on your driving please, Max," she said with an indifferent tone.

"Yes, Ma'am," he obediently replied and promptly stopped his small talk.

After a few minutes, they had arrived at their destination. It was the most prominent man-made park located at the center of R city. This park was referred to as the 'flower' of the city. It was designed by a famous landscaper who wanted to share the beauty of all the flowers in nature with this great big concrete jungle.

It was the best location for anyone to come and see the first blooms of spring. The Royale Group held an annual weekend brunch here for the very same purpose. It was an invite-only city-sanctioned event that was temporarily fenced off from the rest of the park. Since this was a public park, the security was quite lax. They had never had to deal with any unwanted guests for the past few decades, so there was no need for tight security. Even if any random passerby stumbled their way into the event, they were always warmly welcomed.

A young man had just moved to R city was making his way to pick up his school uniform that same day. Since he was new to the city and couldn't afford a smartphone, he used a city map to help him find the exact location of the store.

When Isabelle arrived at the entrance of the event, a staff member quickly opened her door and welcomed her arrival.

"Welcome to the annual brunch, Miss Royale." the staff member said.

"Has it started yet?" Isabelle asked.

"No. Everyone has been waiting for your arrival, young Miss."

"Good. Let them wait a while longer."

Isabelle was still sitting in the car holding a small mirror in her hand, making sure that her makeup was perfect.

After 10 more minutes, she finally decided to get out of the car. Two black-suits were standing by, guarding her closely.

"The eagle has landed, over," one black-suit whispered into his sleeve.

She slowly moved her right hand out as per usual, and one black-suit readily leaned over in a 90 degrees angle with his right hand out to support hers. She then swung her beautifully exposed legs out to the curb and elegantly raised her body out of the vehicle.

"Such nice weather today," she said with a smile before walking into the park.

As she started walking, one of her black-suit bodyguards again whispered into his left sleeve, "the eagle is on the move. I repeat: the eagle is on the move."

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