《Prince of Madness: Meteor Shower》Chapter_1://Déraciné


Prince ⦽f Madness


It was a very humid night with no winds. My clothes were heavy and stained with blood. I was kneeling and clutching the edge as I stared down at the lively city making it rain with my despair. I screamed, begged and even prayed to any sort of deity to come and save me. It doomed me to think that nothing happens in the afterlife and that everything I am trying to do is pointless. It was the night of the rapture and the hunters were after us, slaughtering and eating each and every one they deemed unworthy of life. They kept track of us with those devil devices around our necks and wrists. I clutched my neck brace device in my shaky hands but there was no way I could spring it loose, neither did my wrist band wanted to cooperate. Obviously the devices were fused with the skin to avoid accidental slip offs. I used a heavy glass shard I found lying around the roof and dug it deep into, and under my skin. It was too painful and the only way to remove it was to chop off my forearm and hope I didn’t die from exsanguination. The thought of having the same issue with my neck brace was literally decapitating myself and for that I rather just find a better and quicker and less painful alternative all together to free myself from this nightmare.

I only had two choices: let the hunters dispose of me, or, to experience flight and die when I hit the ground. Death was inevitable, and my brain tried to convince me to survive, perhaps if I left the city I would be able to escape and find a way out of these binds with someone willing to help me I knew deep down that would never work. I was crying the entire time I thought about it. I stood on the ledge ready to just fall, I could hear distant screams of the victims. I really wanted it to end, I was willing to submit myself to them.

An arrow ascended from the city below and pierced my chest. I was surprised at how painless it felt. I think when you lose so much blood you feel light-headed and your senses don't register properly. I was glad I couldn’t feel it.

The angel floated before me ready to aim another arrow to finish me off, suddenly, her head was sliced off and mercury drained from her open neck. I was breathing softly watching the angel descend to the bottom and from behind my head, stood a red-headed man wearing a clear gown and black leather shorts. He held a ring blade dripping with metallic fluid. He spun the blade around his wrist; the liquid flew off the golden blade and it shrunk into a bracelet. The red head had evident traces of circular bruising and scarring around his neck, wrist and ankles. His skin was pale and sickly, under the bright light of the blood moon his skin sparkled almost like if he had scales. His hair was fairly long but knotted and matted. He resembled a hunter which freaked me the fuck out. I didn’t think they would attack each other or one would go haywire.


No one knew who he is or where he came from, but something inside me was grateful he exists. Well… Kind of.

That smile of his threw me off. It was serene and peaceful but after staring at him, because I was slowly dying all I could do was analyze him, I knew that look anywhere. The fake smile, the wet cheeks and bloodshot eyes, it was as if I was looking into a mirror.

Whoever he was, he too was suffering internally. He kneel beside me and held me with gentle care and with mighty force he ripped off the arrow from my chest and placed a hand on my wound. I cried out in pain thinking he will finish me off with his sadistic methods I prayed not to witness. But he didn't, he healed me with his strange powers instead. It was a cold and tingly sensation that I grew addicted to; it was pure life. I was overwhelmed with the feeling that I cried again. He laughed while shedding a few tears of his own and said: "I will sing for you. Would you like me to end your nightmare...?" I nodded, I didn't know what he was talking about but during my delirium I understood him, and during that state of euphoria I fell in love. I slept soundly that night, and I knew that whenever I heard his lullaby I had good dreams. Well... that night specifically I had a dream that, that boy who saved me walked with me to the edge of the universe to meet his godfather. It was fucking strange... A monster with feathers... He was nice. He touched me with his long ass fingers. I don't remember much of that acid trip, because after that horrible experience I was reprogrammed and most of what I saw that night was buried deep in the back of my mind, but I will never forget that boy.

After that I lived alone in a dorm room. I continued my life as if the event never happened. It was a lonely life after what happened. The only reminder of who I was is in the imprint on the back of my neck. I have a bar code with my full identification engraved in it, C-DW-0371. It is hard to pronounce. I really don't understand why we were tagged that way, it is inhuman and silly, Just call me Josiah Farnsworth. I was just a punk that attended school like any other kid my age. I had black hair and black eyes, and I wore my teal jacket uniform with every single badge of every class I mastered. I was a few badges away from promoting to Medic. Ironically... I hate dealing with people but I genuinely like medicine. I really like it. It doesn't feel like a chore. I am genuinely happy with what I do.

Many of us doctors in training have a keen sense of smell to find a specific abnormality in the body but I am the only one that can smell conception. Yes, I can smell a conception. They smell like flowers. You might be thinking: how could I tell the difference? Well, once the child grows the scent disperse and depending on the diet and environment, they develop a specific scent. The normal thing to happen to a person. I found out this talent because many of my female classmates smelled like it when they got pregnant, and once they gave birth, they no longer had the scent. Now you are also thinking: ‘what a coincidence you have that talent’, don't get me wrong, I feel I was made for this madness but this is still an experimental feature, a dentist can hear schizophrenia on a patient or a soldier can see a fart a mile away.


It's as weird as it sounds, but things just get weirder once you hear the word Prism.

On my way to school the military city was in turmoil yet again. The soil beneath my feet shook when a beast stomped through the city eating civilians, its reign didn't last long the moment he flew in from nowhere like the first time. He had bright red curly hair and fair skin. His eyes were green and I can safely say, he was almost naked. He wore skintight shorts, and an open cropped vest in tones of blue. He had armored stockings under his armored shoes. He swung his ring blade in elegance and sliced the beast in half that was terrorizing the city. He landed beside me and asked, "are you okay?" He was smiling at me.

"Y-yes," I responded. He chuckled and scooped me off my feet leaping high up in the air. "Hey! What the hell are you doing!?" I shouted. "Getting you away from danger," he said before setting me down on a tall building. "Do not move from this spot, I will return for you." He smiled and dropped backwards from the tall building. "Wait!" I reached out to grab him but I was too slow. He slowly descended as he twisted in the air gaining high velocity as he landed with a heavy tremor and quickly bounced back into the air and towards the monster.

Watching him fight numbs my brain. He was incredibly strong and extremely flexible. With a swift strike he was able to cut through the monster's hard scales. Every time he swung that blade he left a trail of stardust that faded to black. The blade had this blue iridescent glow that burn the skin as it cut. I am not sure what it was at the time but after a while of being exposed to him, it's magic. By magic, I mean, I still can't explain how he even does it.

He leaped once again and stood on the edge of the building in front of me and smiled. "Forgive me, Sirenenh, I have been waiting for our paths to cross yet again. I just wished it were under romantic circumstances.” As he spoke, the military closed in to dispose of the monster and carry the victims to the hospital. I should be down there helping but I was out of reach. Literally.

"That is gay, I don't swing your way. Now get me down from here!" I spat at him. I found his behavior strange, for Prism standards, that is.

He spun his ring blade around his wrist and it shrunk into a bracelet, "how the hell does he do that?" I thought to myself. That was illogical, the blade, at is full potential, had many details and sharp edges along with hooks and hollow dent to hide the sharp blade, but as it shrinks, it totally loses all mass value and logical scale. If it were a spring of the sort, I would get it but the blade was just a mystery. "Alright, Alright. I will make it up to you by taking you to school," he offered me.

"No! Just get me down! I can walk there on my own— AH!" I squealed when he scooped me from my feet again. "Your school badge tells me you are from Prism Knights Academy of Art and Science, I will get you there in five minutes," he said and leaped off the roof onto another. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around his neck feeling as if he will be stupid enough to drop me, but he won't.

He flew me across the city to get me to my school on time. He landed on the roof though. He put me down, took my hand and kissed it saying, "My name is Elyan. I am so glad we met again even if it was under dire circumstances." I yanked my hand away and said, "yeah, well thanks, you can go now." I walked away and went inside the building and into my classroom.

If -and that's a big IF- I had any friends they would surround me like vultures to beg me to help them with their homework or even talk about what is currently happening but I have no friends, nor did I have enemies. I was just there. Hell even the teachers didn't even notice me, I am surprised that weirdo even manage to get out from his own ass and acknowledge me. I really don't understand what was my hurry to get there.

"It showed up again." A girl with green hair said.

"I wonder what it is, what if it's dangerous?" A guy with blond hair asked.

"I think it's a weapon..." I'm not sure who said that.

"Hey! How much you wanna bet they will capture it soon!" the guy next to me shouted. He looked at me and asked, "what do you think, Josie?" I ignored him. I rather not indulge them or share any sort of communication with people I don't like.

Of course everyone was talking about what happened in the city, I just focused on the bacteria under my microscope and canceled out the noise. I couldn't blame them for the hype, but I rather survive than risk it. I know people like Elyan are dangerous to get involved with so I tried to get my mind off him but I was stuck in a loop in my head. My initial question was where the hell did he come from, and why didn't he have a tracking gear? He looked so free and so happy, unlike the many of us that are miserable blank slates.

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