《Esoteria: The Planes of Man》Chapter Eight: Ooo, a quest.


It was mid-morning here in Haven. I had been sitting for some time, just watching people moving about their business. Obviously, a quest giver or guide was within the gazebo, but for some reason I didn’t really feel an overwhelming rush to push my way through.

I was having fun, there was a little creature that looked like a squirrel that was scurrying between the bench and bushes. There were actually children that were walking with adults around the square. I was sure they were NPCs, but still, they looked like they were real. I could even eavesdrop as they walked by. Hearing them talk about their home, or pets, or family.

It had been a long time since I could say that I was awestruck. But the realism of every sense was breathtaking. I was glad that time compression applied to Esoteria, I doubted I would ever have enough time to fully enjoy and explore this realm, but I would take all the extra I could get.

I noticed movement in some shadows between one of the stalls and a building. I continued to watch and was able to see a figure wearing a dark cloak slowly crouch to the stall. With a quick movement, a hand reached out and tried to pull a dagger that was sitting on the counter.

“Hey! Stop that. Thief!” The vendor yelled and the figure rose suddenly. The cape flew back, uncovering his form and then he took off. He was a player, definitely. He was taller than I expected and lean. His skin was yellow. He had black hair and when he glanced around, I saw that his eyes were dark and sunken. His ears were pointed like an elf, but they were tipped in black. What kind of race is that? The jaundiced elf?

As I watched his form attempting to flee from the vendor and the sudden appearance of a guard, I saw a name slowly come into visibility above his head, ‘GankYoUp’. When I concentrated on what had to be the idiot’s name, a small window appeared.


Level 1

Githborn Rogue

Immediately following, that same chime from earlier sounded and another window appeared.

Who said staring intently at strangers is creepy? After careful observation of those around you, the ability to inspect others has been gained.

Skill Achieved: Inspection - Basic (rank 1/10)


When focusing on another plane walker you are able to determine a small amount of information about them.

Nice, I was wondering how I’d be able to identify players and get the names of those that I might want to befriend, or more than likely, ignore. It seemed the system would take my actions and develop skills based off of them. I thought it was a very nice touch, made it flexible and dynamic, it would be something that would greatly improve replayability if not everything was static.

Using my new found super power, I started looking intently at the people around me. Other than players making themselves known by running around, jumping randomly, spouting nonsense, etc, I could see names above their heads when I watched them for several seconds. I chuckled, the prompt was accurate, I’m sure I looked like a total creeper sitting here and staring at everyone. I figured higher levels of Inspection would perhaps allow for more control or quicker response. For now, the names only appeared when I concentrated specifically on that player.


Some, after staring, and staring, displayed no names. This was a sure sign that they were not a player character.

There were still several people in or milling around the gazebo, but most had moved on and I could now see some of them moving between the stalls and walking down another path. New players periodically wandered into the market from the same path that had brought me here. I noticed several were opening a small pouch, poking around. I realized that I too had a pouch around my waist. I scoffed at myself, I hadn’t even taken the time to look at what I had.

I was wearing the same apparel that most everyone else I could see wore, a simple brown tunic with black pants and slippers. Standard starter garb for players in most any game. Looking intently at them did not provide me with any information. I opened the pouch at my waist and as I did so there was a new window that appeared with nine slots. I had a five stack of bread, a small canteen and two books. Curious, I concentrated on the first one.

Without my control my hand reached into the pouch and pulled it out. I decided to reach into the bag and without looking at the slot, instead just thought about the other book. To my surprise, I could feel it and with a quick clasp of my fingers, it was in my hand.

Travel Guide to Esoteria

Included within the pages are help options, glossary and other information to help any new Plane Walker.

I flipped to the first page and it included a variety of ways for support, such as visit the town hall to submit a ticket or command words to use, like ‘Inventory Open’. Some of the pages seemed to have some snippets of local lore. It might be useful to read, but I was more interested in the second book.

There was no title on the cover, instead, it was a dark brown texture that looked like leather. Embossed leaves and flowers decorated both the front and back cover. When I opened it, another window appeared before me.

You have accessed your spell book for the first time, during your travels you may encounter scrolls or trainers that can add to your spell book. When I looked at the first page I saw that I had two spells already listed. Sweet.

Poppy’s Balm

Casting Poppy’s Balm on self or other player will apply a small one time heal.

Weed’s Wrath

Summons a weed at the target location that will attempt to wrap and hold the target.

Ok, wonder who came up with the spell names, but I can roll with it.

“Hey, are you a demon?”

“What?” I closed my book, in front of me was a half-elf, dressed in a green leather jerkin and… tights.

“I said, are you a demon? You’ve got red skin and your fingers are claws, man. That’s totally cool, I didn’t see demon as an option. Can you breathe fire?” His voice had raised in volume as his words rushed together.


“No, I’m not a demon. No, I can’t breathe fire.” I stared at him until his name appeared above him and concentrated.


Level 2

Half-Elven Scout

“Oh,” he said and his shoulders slumped a little. “Bummer. Ok, well see you.” And with that he turned and strolled away.

I decided it was past time to move along, so I made my way over to the gazebo. I could see that there was a round table with several chairs set around it. Three NPCs, looking rather frazzled, stood up as I approached.

“And here is another one, really, we’ll never get finished if they keep interrupting us.” A burly dwarf muttered.

“It’s fine Jaxon, it will ease. Welcome to Haven, Walker, my name is Erinae.” I immediately recognized what she had to be, a Danaliborn, it was one of the races that had been offered to me.

“I’m Besturn, also welcome.” I nodded. Of course, a talking bear. A dwarf, a deer and a bear go walk into a bar…

“We have been greeting all the newcomers to our village today and it’s been busy, please excuse Jaxon. If you place your map here, I will mark the location of one who can help train you.” Erinae said, indicating the table.

“I have a map?” I asked.

I heard a sigh from Jaxon and a chuckle from the bear. “Yes, all the other Plane Walkers that have come to us today have had a small book, apparently, all of you stored your map in the same place.”

I pulled out my guide and flipped through the pages. I noticed at the back was a stiff thick page, when I turned to it, I saw that it was a sleeve. I pulled out the page and as I placed it on the table it grew and darkened. There was a good old-fashioned map. It was mostly blank, but it was still a map. Erinae pointed to a place not far from our location, leaving a small white circle.

“You will want to speak with Dierdre, she is the local druid and could help you learn more about the ways here.”

“You should also arm yourself with some kind of weapon.” Jaxon gruffed. He pointed at the map and small circle much closer to our location appeared. “This here is the smithy. Go there, tell em your new. They’ll do their thing.”

“Additionally, we have many experienced craftsmen here, should you wish to learn anything new, many of them would be willing to share their knowledge.” I hoped it was a smile that the bear directed toward me after speaking.

“Thank you.” I said.

When I stepped away, I noticed a flashing white exclamation point in the lower right of my vision. I concentrated on it.

Quest Available

Welcome to Haven

Complete your training. Meet your trainer and complete the tasks set before you to be recognized as a druid. Learn a craft. Achieve the basic ability in a craft. Acquire a weapon. Through any means, collect a weapon that you can use to combat your foes.

“Hi ho, hi ho, a questing I will go.” I hummed to myself as I left the gazebo and started wandering by the stalls. I could see the usual assortment of weapons, armor, food, drinks, and other odds and ends. I didn’t have any money yet so I was content to just browse as I walked by.

I decided that I would first meet with the druid trainer before picking a weapon or craft as she may have some recommendations. I still held my map in my hands and unrolled it to orient myself. As I stared at it, I noticed I had a new window to the upper left of my vision. It was a mini-map. I rolled up what I held and stuffed it in my pouch. Using the mini-map I headed in the direction that had the mark. As I walked the map slowly filled in, showing me icons of the buildings I was passing and paths that I crossed.

Within a few moments I approached a dirt path that left off to my right. I could see that nestled in the trees was a small home. A woman was outside, kneeling on the ground, before her were several small rows of leafy plants.

“Hello there, I don’t mean to disturb you, but I’m looking for Dierdre.” I said politely.

The woman stood up and brushed her hands on an apron tied around her waist. “Not a disturbance at all, there is always gardening to do.” She smiled. She was an older woman that was plump and curvy. She wore a long-sleeved linen gown that was a dark green.

I extended my hand as I stepped toward her. She glanced at the claws that curled slightly and gave me a questioning look.

“Oh, my apologies, it’s a habit to grasp the hand of a new acquaintance to show respect and openness. It is something I have brought with me.”

“That’s alright, I don’t mind.” She took my hand carefully and squeezed. Close enough.

“How can I help you?”

“Erinae said to come to you for learning more about druids.” I said.

“Ah, yes, of course. Why don’t you come inside and we’ll chat over a cup of tea.”

I nodded. So far, the NPCs were interesting and this druid trainer seemed especially nice. Somehow, I felt like I was being lulled into a sense of complacency. Nevertheless, I followed her inside.

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