《Esoteria: The Planes of Man》Chapter Six: I like myself, I really do.


Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting:

The Soul that rises with us, our life’s Star,

Hath had elsewhere its setting,

And cometh from afar.

~ William Wordsworth

A door had appeared on the wall of my room when the game servers opened and I stood before it, taking a deep breath before opening it wide.

A rush of light came toward me, enveloping me. I lifted my hand to cover my eyes, but by then the light was already fading. I blinked and looked around me. The floor was made of stone and I stood in the middle of a lightly glowing circle. Behind me, an archway filled with an iridescent sheen took up most of the wall. Across the room from me was a large wooden door.

Making my way quickly I reached out to the handle. When my hand touched it a soft chime noise was heard and a window appeared in my vision.

Welcome, Plane Walker.

You have returned to the Plane of Illumination. Here light and shadow have created a place for new beginnings. From whence you came, is unknown. Only remnants of who you were and memories of your time away linger.

As an uncommon mixture of racial descent, you have arrived in the village of Haven, nestled in the Forests of Tildarn. The residents of this village are neutral to all and can help guide you to the safest path toward your goals.

Before leaving this sanctuary, please review your personal information.

Name: Skachia Level: 1 Race: Dragonborn Class: Druid Life: 115 Faith: Mana: 150 Stamina: 109 Strength (Str): 12 Dexterity (Dex): 9 Constitution (Con): 13 Wisdom (Wis): 14 Intelligence (Int): 10 Charisma (Chr): 14 Luck: 10 Skills Herbalism Novice (rank 1/10) Animal Companion Basic Inherited Scholar Empathy Gambler

I discovered that if i focused on the word and concentrated more information would display.



The ability to recognize and harvest plant life. Novice as the second tier of skills grants the ability for greater understanding of the possible usage of the harvested materials and increases the chance of harvesting more than one unit.

Animal Companion

The ability to befriend an animal. Basic as the first tier of skills only allows common animals to be eligible.


Level 1-10

target cannot be greater than current player level companion cannot progress further than +1 current player level


Level 1-10

target cannot be greater than + 1 current player level companion cannot progress further than + 2 current player level


The divine beings have acknowledged certain skills that you have brought with you. How these will impact your adventures is for you to discover.


Studying and learning have left their mark upon you.


All sentient beings are blessed with feelings, some more so than others.


Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but you are always up for a game.

Well, guess they aren’t just going to spoon feed me everything I want to know. I was thrilled. To be given such teasers would insure I dug around, explored, and asked questions. I accepted myself and once more pushed a door open.

I was standing on a narrow cobblestone path. I inhaled deeply, earthy scents of flowers, grass and dirt were strong. I could catch the underlying aromas of food, something smelled really good. I took a step.

"Scuse me!" a small form darted past me. I caught long hair flying and pale skin before the figure turned to jump a small fence and run into a building. It looked like a small stone hut. There were no signs or markings that it was a public building so I shrugged and continued walking. Sounds, and those tasty smells, were coming from further down the path. On either side of me were more of the stone dwellings which I took for homes. As I got closer, I could see that there was an open square with a gazebo in the center. Along the sides were stalls, merchants or trainers I presumed. There was a crowd of individuals standing around said gazebo. Never one much for crowds, I sat down on a bench and simply observed.


"Check out my fat lute, oh yes, ladies, you want this fat lute..." An elfin type was standing off to one side picking a musical instrument and singing, poorly.

One of the stalls nearest to me displayed wares of fabrics, scarves, hats and other items hanging from little displays or folded neatly. A person was standing next to it, an expression of irritation apparent. He looked human to me. His eyes watched the antics, I figured he was more than likely an NPC, or rather, not a player character. This would be one of the local residents, generated and guided by the AI systems.

"What the hell, what is this inherited sycophant. What does that get me?" This came from a tiny pixy-like character, though, she had obviously tried to defy gravity with the mound of flesh on her chest. At least her wings were able to keep the poor girl upright.

A green-skinned creature that I assume was from some kind of orc descent replied, "Don’t you know? It gives you make up."

"Yeah, change your lipstick and blush to brown." A different, but feminine, voice in the crowd added, to the laughter of most around them.

"Fuck you guys." With a flutter of her wings she turned and flew out of my view.

I chuckled. This was totally awesome.

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