《Esoteria: The Planes of Man》Chapter Five: All In


“Ok George. Thank you for the information. I think that I’ll take you up on your offer. Yes, I would like you to do your thing and hit me with the options.” I said.

“Excellent, Jay. Thank you for your trust. I will do my best.”

“Mmmhmmm, sure you will or you’ll be wearing a hot dog uniform.” I gave him a wink, he was definitely growing on me.

A new screen appeared before me and I felt an unusual crawling sensation starting at the base of my skull. Flashes of images, much like watching an old home movie, began to play. None lasted long, but I was watching brief glimpses of my past. My first marriage, the birth of my children, class lectures, the first time I hit a pole in my mother’s camero… really, is that noteworthy? I don’t think so. It was a weird experience. There were even brief snippets from game raids, sounds and voices swirled quickly. I could barely recognize most.

I felt a strange warmth begin in my back and hip, the images paused a moment and I glanced at George. His head was slightly tilted and then he nodded, the images resumed and the warmth faded.

“What was that?” I asked.

“You have foreign non-sentient forms that I was not immediately aware of in your body. Nothing to worry about, it should not cause any discomfort or conflict with the process.”

“Um, could they have?” Drat, I probably should have checked that. I know the VR modules include some of the newest nano technologies and my little health aids were a tad old.

“The AI for GM interaction assures me.”

I turned my gaze back to the flickering images that continued to play until they stopped. The window dissipated and George smiled at me and moved to sit next to me on the couch.


“I have a much better understanding of you now, Jay. We are not permitted such in-depth awareness of our hosts without explicit permission. I have compared what I have found with the options and have three characters to offer to you. Are you ready?”

“Please…. You need to ask? Time for show and tell.”

Three windows appeared in the room, spread before me. Each window comprised of two panes, the left displayed an image of an avatar while the right listed the information.

I looked at the left window first and it moved closer to me, the image was of a small brown-skinned humanoid, the shape of the face was very round with a matching nose. The hair was a bright red color while the eyes were a deep green. Short arms and legs with fat little hands and fingers. It was actually, cute. In its own way.

Forest Gnome


Though rare among the cultured and advanced societies of the world, forest gnomes can be quite friendly and engaging. They can often be found at taverns and inns, sharing a good tale, or exploring a local forest playing games with the local flora and fauna.

Forest Gnomes have increased constitution at the cost of their strength. They can see twice the distance of the human race in low-light conditions. Additionally, if combating giant sized creatures, their size and speed add additional boosts to dodging and rolling activity types.

The bard is the premier entertainer in the lands, able to sing, dance, tell a good tale and lift even the darkest of spirits.

Special benefit to this option:

Increased dagger proficiency Increased starting charisma stat Armor of the moss man

Interesting, since I couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket in real life, I was scratching my head a bit, but it was a cute little thing and would certainly be a character I had never played before.


Closing my eyes and focusing on the left window, the avatar was medium-height with extremely slender limbs, the arms and legs a little longer than what looked proportional. The face was heart-shaped, with the chin becoming more narrow than looked normal. Two small horns stood up from the forehead, curling back toward the golden-brown hair. The eyes were a rich hazel, fairly similar to my own in real-life. Instead of feet, I saw hooves.


Psychic Seer

Danali born are a form of beast-humanoid hybrids that pepper the world. Ancestors of the Danaliborn were referred to as the deerfolk, they are most often found in forests, mountain ranges or other unpopulated areas. They are nomadic in nature and with their agile mobility, tend to explore across vast distances. Danali are primarily peaceful and positively aligned.

Danali have increased dexterity at a cost of their strength.

The psychic focuses on mental abilities focusing their powers on the environment and those around them. Psychic abilities are a true-born trait and include a variety of specialities.

Special benefits of this option

Boost toward precognitive abilities Increased Int starting stat Shape-shift

Cool, who doesn’t want to tell the future and transform into another form and I’d be smart! I chuckled and looked at the last window. The form of the avatar was tall, at least 6 feet and thicker across the chest and limbs. The skin did not appear smooth, instead having a texture similar to scales. The tint was red, not sun-burnt red either. The hair was black with yellow eyes that slanted in a reptilian way.



The dragonborn are a race of humanoids that can trace their ancestry to the dragons that used to populate the world. While dragons are still present, they are not as numerous as they once were.

Dragonborn increased strength and charisma.

The druid is one attuned to nature, whether the plants that surround them or the animals that populate the known world. They appreciate the balance of life and guard against unnecessary destruction of their environment.

Special benefits of this option

Increased Chr starting stat Improved level restrictions of animal companions Starting herbalism rank at Novice

“Actually, George. These are some tantalizing options and I don’t know what to pick. Can you help me?”

“No, I’m afraid I can not sway your decision in any way. I can only give you the time to make your selection.” He replied.

I don’t really care about appearances, so the general looks of the race were not weighing much on my decision. I’d never played a psychic or bardic character before and I could see where those would be fun. Of course, I’m used to my solitary time and I had the feeling that the bard might be more socially oriented than I wanted to be. Being psychic could be a lot of fun and would probably give some unique opportunities for quests and events, but a druid would open up the option for being a healer within a group.

Hmmmm, eenie, meanie, minie, mo...

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