《Esoteria: The Planes of Man》Chapter Two: Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig


“You just need to sign here, Ms. Adams.” One of the two delivery men stood by the capsule with a tablet, held out in expectation.

“Yeah, yeah, hang on.” I internally cursed my bum hip. It was catching more lately and I had to move a bit more carefully than usual.

“The module is ready for your use and your information as well as your software purchases being pre-installed. I see that you have purchased Estoria,” the young man raised an eyebrow and glanced at me before continuing. “I am to tell you that the game servers will not open until midnight tonight.”

I could just hear in his voice the doubt that I would be awake at that time. Oh yes, dear boy, you think old people sleep all the time. Nope, we just sit with our eyes closed between restroom visits. I’d be ready and waiting.

“Additionally, as this is primarily a gaming and entertainment unit, it differs from your medical unit by loading into a staging area referred to as ‘home’.”

“Well, plus for originality,” I grimaced, “but it beats the ‘lobby’ of my old one.” When I logged in previously I would find myself in a waiting room and I could either visit the clinic or the library. Boring. I had read so many books, magazines and news reports that I threw up a little in my mouth whenever I entered its interface.

I rubbed my hands together and cackled. “I can’t wait to go home.”

“Um, yes, well. I think we are all done here.” The other technician shuffled closer to the door. “Unless you need anyth..”

“No, I don’t need anything. See yourself out.” I turned away from them and looked at my new toy.


“And what a toy it is!” I said. I ran my hand along its smooth contours. A seam split and slowly started to open. “What do we have here my pretties?” I asked.

“Madam, this is your new VR unit delivered by…”

“Good Lord, Lurch. Shut up. I wasn’t talking to you.”

A soft green glow emit as the lid opened further. There were buttons and screens and a few other things that I could see well along the inside of the lid. “That just looks gross,” I said. My gaze was drawn, to what my eyes saw as a glowing green puddle of slime. “It looks like snot. I’m supposed to get in that?”

“Yes Madam, the bio gel has been developed with state of the art…”

“Shut. Up. Lurch. And stop calling me Madam. ‘Hey You’ is better than that.” I rolled my eyes and carefully pushed a finger into the blob. It was firm and cool to the touch. When I pulled away it gently bounced back into shape. I muttered under my breath and pushed my hand against it. For a moment, I felt a warmth and my hand slid into the gel. It looked like it would be slimy, but to my sense of touch, it seemed like putting my hand in a warm tub of water. “Hmmm, wonder if I can heat this up. Then I can have a little hot tub party.”

I quickly disrobed and pulled a step stool against the capsule. I carefully slid my body and as my skin sat against the form, it dissolved and I felt myself sink into it. It definitely felt like I was soaking in warmth, though thicker than water, more like a mud bath. As the lid closed over me, I felt that warmth creeping up my neck. I shuddered and had a moment of panic, but a mechanical voice spoke overhead.


“Bio Gel Sheath activating. Please be calm and do not panic. Fully body immersion is the natural state for this module.”

Natural, my ass. It did not feel natural. But if I was to drown in a brand new VR unit, at least my progeny could retire on the lawsuit winnings. I took a breath and closed my eyes. The feeling of the gel disappeared and I inhaled and opened my eyes without thinking.

I was standing in a room with wooden floors, a plain chair. There were four walls, a ceiling and a bookcase. There were various items on the bookshelf, like a medical bag. When I looked at the bag and focused a small interface window appeared:

Visit the Clinic

“Holy cow, I saw that from across the room!” I didn’t squint or have to wait several seconds to see it.

“Miss Jestine Adams.” An androgynous voice said behind me.

“What the hell?” I turned, moving so quickly that I almost tripped. “Whoa, where’s the bad hip?”

“Miss Jestine Adams, this unit has confirmed your identity. While immersed and in your home your physical settings have been defaulted to the sensations of an average healthy woman in your demographic area.” A translucent figure stood near me. I could make out the hints of a person, but nothing in detail.

“And again, with the Holy Cow, that is awesome.”

“These settings will also apply to your sensations while logged into Estoria. Should you log in to the medical program or library program your standard settings will be applied.”

“Oh, bummer, guess I won’t be showing off lunges during physical therapy. Ok, who are you then?”

“Welcome Miss Jestine Adams. My name is Assistant. I am your VR assistant included with the Estoria program. I interface with you here in your home to assist you with your gaming adventures. At this time, you can rename me and choose my gender.”

“First, I hate my name. Do not call me, Miss Jestine Adams. Call me Jay.” I shuddered. I looked at the figure and put my hands on my hips.

“Well, I’ve always dreamed of a male assistant, willing to perform at my beck and call.” I laughed, if only I were younger and more nimble. These days my beck and call consisted of coffee refills and thermostat changes.

Gender selection: male.

The figure gradually materialized into a solid form.

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