《Mortem Comedenti(Death Eater)》Chapter 26: Battle


Noctis, along with the majority of the guardsmen, including his uncle, had gotten up incredibly early. Well before the sun had risen. They all needed sleep, not because of their travel, but to get an edge. Full awareness was a necessity for the coming battle. Also, they were betraying their natural circadian rhythm.

Now, he, his uncle, and another three guards were prone on the ground. Dangerously close to the bandit camp. Unfortunately, since the camp was in the middle of a plane, there was now way of sneaking close upright.

Two different problems attacking this bandit haven had arisen. The most pressing, the guards were outnumbered 20 to 25. Five of the guards weren’t participating in the battle as they had stayed up to make sure the bandits didn’t spot their own camp. Now it was nearly 2 to 1. The way they would overcome the obstacle was with a surprise attack. However, that constructed the second problem. From their plan, they needed a signal to commence the attack. They could think of none that would be loud enough to alert themselves, but silent enough to not rouse the bandits too.

There were a total of three teams. Each a group of five. One group coming from the north, the two others from south west and east. It would be a disaster if they didn’t all attack at the same time. Then one guard, in a drunken epiphany. (He was allowed to drink as he had a strange magic of turning alcohol into physical prowess.) Said just to have the signal when the sun rose. Many were to retort that he was a drunken old fool when they realized it was just what they needed. As they were already planning on attacking during sunrise.

Now Kenan, layed there waiting. He didn't know how much time had passed. It felt like hours and minutes were one in the same thanks to the anticipation in his body, and the darkness of night. The blood in his body started to rush at an increased rate.

He was coming from the north. Doco and Kenan had both planned to be in this group, because it presented the most direct path to the three big tents. In which, Kenan could guess his sister, and probably other farmers were located. Also, It wouldn’t be bad if he had a shot at the bastard that raided his home.

At the edge of the camp. Barely illuminated by a torch. Stood a half-asleep man, who was keeping watch for anybody trying to kill him and his buddies. It seemed as though he either didn’t care about his friends or he believed that there would be no attack. Just what Kenan wanted.


“Who has the first one?” One of the guards asked.

“I…”Doco began.

“I will take care of him.” Kenan said. His head forward, staring death into the man. Doco looked at Kenan with a knowing look. Then simply nodded. “I will run in, after killing him, you guys make sure none of them stab me in the back. I’ll find my sister and any other civilians and get them out as fast as possible. Or try to at least”

“You got some balls, kid, but you should leave it to the professionals.” A second guard said.

The last guard chipped up. Starting with a burp. He was the continuously drunk one. “Nah man, let up. He got this. You know what, maybe it’s best if I go with the kid. What do you say boss?” His words were slurred and slow, after some time with him, his words were easily decipherable.

“Agreed. Kenan will go in, backed by Rufus.” Doco ruled. The sky lightened. Some moments passed before the beginning of a disk floated in the sky. “Go.”

Without saying a word, Noctis Dashed forward. He pulled Mana from his dantian. Pushed it down his arms and into the edge of his blade. He stood in the open.


Of course he was sleeping. He could guarantee that everyone else on watch was doing the exact same thing, or maybe drinking. First off, the people from the town had no idea what was going on. Not a single person made it alive from the raids or weren't captured. Of course, the villagers knew some farms were hit. But they could chalk them up to regular bandits.

They didn’t know they had amassed enough forces to take the town.

Also, you really only have to be alert at night. At the crack of dawn or daylight hours, who in their right minds would attack. Unfortunately the sun seems brighter today, and shone through his eyelids. Forcefully waking him up.

When he opened his eyes, he did a double take. A man stood maybe twenty yards from the makeshift perimeter. He wasn’t sure of the man's face. But for some reason, he could make out the man's eyes. Black as night, and they were staring at him. A hood covered the rest, dark leather armor. And a sword in his hands, black too. Then it glowed, fiery red.

He was about to scream, and alert the camp. When suddenly the man slashed in the air, and something moved so quickly towards him that he couldn’t tell what happened. The vibration in his throat was cut off as he felt something hot, incredibly hot slash his body. The last bit of conscience was him watching as a line formed on his stomach, and seeing his upper body separate from the lower.



Kenan didn’t waste any time with the dead man. He kept running, not bothering to check if Rufus was behind him. Around the camp, it was clear the fight had already started. He heard screams, death wails and battle cries. Lights and explosions happened around. Magic and energy roared the sleeping camp to life.

A man came into view on the path he was running. Alert from the sudden noise and groggy from the quick transition from asleep to awake. He looked around before seeing the running Noctis. The man made an unintelligible grunt. He moved his hands and green light emanated from his arms. Earth around Kenan started to rise. Four sides, a trap. Noctis jumped on one wall, and then the other. Creating enough force to jump on top of the wall. Landing on one foot, Kenan carried the momentum and flipped in the air. Using the continued force, he launched the sword from him, and towards the man.

The sword hit four feet in front of the man. A wild miss. Thanks to the distraction, the man didn’t notice the low glowing ball of ember hurting towards the side of his face. The ball made contact at speed. Unhinging the man's jaw and knocking him out cold. Kenan dashed over, and in a smooth motion picked the sword from the dirt and sliced the man's throat. Once again he started his mad dash.

No else impeded his path. In the middle of the camp, there were three large tents. All of them identical. Kenan didn’t waste time deciding which one to pick. He went towards the middle. As he ran for it, he set the two pieces of charcoal circulating around his head. Noctis had to proceed with caution, he needed to conserve Mana. His reserves in his body were fine, and good enough for a one big fight.

He quickly regretted his decision. As soon as he began to flip the flap back. A large foot, pretty much the size of his chest planted itself and kicked him away. It felt as though a horse bucked into his lungs. Kenan flew back, and tumbled on the ground.

A man came out of the tent. Large, impossibly large. Bigger than any man Noctis has ever seen. 8 feet, towering over him. Arms thick and legs thicker. Dwarfing Tyris’s muscles, May his soul pass Nonesthic peacefully and find his home plane. He was bare chested and his skin was green, dark and murky with splashes of black and scares. With large tusks protruding out of his mouth that led almost to his nostrils. The man came bounding out, dragging a large double headed ax behind him.

This man-orc moved faster than what seemed possible. Before Noctis could blink the green-man was already launching the ax in the air and ready to strike Kenan dead. Thinking fast, he rolled out of the way. Mud and grass splattered and vibration shook. The hair on the back of Noctis’s head stood up, and he rolled again. Narrowly missing another large swing of the ax. Quickly he righted himself, there he and the large orc circled each other. Behind the green-blood, two balls of fire hurtled towards his head and leg. WIth two thuds they hit, not much damage but they did their job.

Using the moment of confusion, Kenan ran forward. The orc recovered quickly, and swung. Agility and the wet mud were Noctis’s advantage as he slid under the ark. While sliding past made a slice on the things hamstring. It was going to be a clean-cut, yet it felt as though he was slicing wood. Rolling, turning and standing in one smooth motion. The two foes faced each other.

“I envy you.” The creation of Gruumsh said. “To be so young, and be such a fine fighter already.” His deep voice echoed, thunderous. Kenan was confused, he thought orcs were dumb, much less talk in common with such elegance. “A shame I would have put a flame out before it gets bright. Say…”

“No.” Kenan hissed.

“Alright.” Like a staff he held his ax in front of him, ember started to glow at it’s base. “Roshu.”

“Kenan.” He thought for a moment. He slipped into a smile. “Noctis. Kenan Noctis.”

“Kenan Noctis of the Sorrowful Night.” The ember in the haft of the ax turned to a blaze and the blade lit with strange runes. “And I, Roshu of the black-fanged tribe.” Suddenly he lifted the ax. “Duel for strength.” Then smashed it on the ground. Fire rushed all around in a circle. Noctis commanded the flame and let it wash over him. All around was a large ring of blaze. Clouds above suddenly came rushing and thundering, casting a dark shadow. Rain thudded the ground, but it did nothing against the fire. The true fight had begun.

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