《Mortem Comedenti(Death Eater)》Chapter 24: Prep(II)


Kenan woke the next morning. He had slept at the Schmitz, only because of their constant nagging to do so. For some reason, both of the adults in the household had gotten up extremely early, way before himself. Much to his appreciation, they had served him breakfast, and to the ingratitude of the two children as they were forced to join.

Afterward, he went back to Jorun's room. At this point it was more of a shared bedroom. Neither of them minded. Like a ritual, he layed out everything. First he put on his undergarments. Quickly followed by a light gambeson. Then, with the help of Jorun, put on leather armor, gifted on behalf of the town watch.

First it was the grieves, followed by his hard leather boots.. On his waist, covering his thighs and nether regions was a tasset. Before he could set up his upper body properly he heard a knock on the door. Then it opened with Sveige entering.

“It looks like you're getting ready for battle!” He said once he closed the door.

“That’s because I am.”

“Couldn’t you just get ready tomorrow?”

“No. We don’t know if they know we’re attacking. If they do, there will be an ambush, we must be prepared for the scenario. Also, there might be a chance of an informant within our ranks, therefore, I must be ready to kill in a moment's notice.” Kenan said. Sveige was taken aback a moment. Totally unprepared by the kid's confidence and maturity.

“Oh, well, anyway. I want you to have this.” Sveige took out something wrapped up in cloth and gave it to Kenan, who took it and unraveled it. Underneath was a beautiful, intricate made hair pin. On it, was a roaring lion with wings. “We all already consider you family, this is our crest. I want you to know even though you're in battle, we are with you.


“Thank you.” Was all Kenan could say as he was filled with an emotion he could not comprehend. Then Sveige brought him into an embrace. Jorun joined as well, because why not.

“For the love of gods, come back here safe and sound. May tempus ride with you.” Sveige said. He then left both the embrace and the room. Kenan laid the pin next to his black blade.

He continued getting ready with a simple cuirass. The gorget and pauldrons all connected in one piece were the last piece of armor, which also had a large black cloak attached to it. Now follow the accessories. A belt, with some lumps of charcoal in it, a somewhat big backpack then went over his cloak filled with provisions and survival accessories. Then he attached his black blade to himself. He clutched it, dispelling any worry or apprehension. Lastly, he put his hair up with the given pin in it. Turning, he looked at Jorun. “How do I look?”

With Kenan’s black endless eye, the Black Blade and cloak, coupled with the dark leather, he had looked quite intimidating. Jorun put a hand on his chin and nodded a few times. Circling Kenan. “Hmm yes yes. The black swordsman? Nah, used too much. Black knight. No, too tacky.”

“What are you…”

“Silence! Watch a master go to work. Morsilen? Silent death? No and Nadda. What then.” Then Jorun stopped in front of Kenan, and looked into his eyes. “Got it! Noctis! Yes! The fighter who strikes in the dark to protect the light.”


“Yes. The Valiant rogue. Facing the unseen horde, that will never erode the good. The invisible shield. A blade that shows evil or the vile no mercy! Noctis! Born from the dark.”


“What are you talking about?”

“Well your moniker of course. What? You think I can sing songs of Kenan, the farmer boy! Of course not. Every legend or even god has a cool name.”

“Why do you insist on me being a heroic figure?”

“Cause I sure as hell ain’t!”

“But.. Whatever. Just don’t make the songs bad.”

“You Jest! I would never make anything less than greatness.”

The two then left the room and the house. To his surprise, Doco was already waiting outside with both of their horses saddled and ready to go. He, and the rest of the Schmitz were locked into conversation. Until they spotted the battle ready Kenan.

The next few minutes followed by multiple warnings from Hernie. Jorun trying to squeeze Doco out of any stories. Geia hiding. And Siege pulling back his wife and son. Eventually the Schmitz were on the deck and Kenan was just about to get on his horse. “I forgot something uncle.” Kenan lied.

Doco smiled, and saw right through it. “Go on, say your final goodbye.”

Then, with the fake black blade clutched in his fingers, he ran to the group. Without any words they went into a collective hug. He noticed Geia madly blushing, but didn’t understand why. “Mr., Mrs. Schmitz, may I leave this here?” He held out the fake black blade.

“Of course, but why?” Hernie asked.

“Two reasons. The first because if I leave something here, that means I have to come back and get it” Kenan saw the two adults comprehend his action. Hernie got teary eyed. Kenan smiled. “Also, even though I am not here, and on the battlefield, I’ll still be here to protect you.” Using the words of Sveige against him.

Then for a second time they had a group hug. Herne was now crying, so was Geia. Jorun seemed to be bursting at the seams with words, but somehow managed to hold his tongue. Kenan laid the blade next to the door frame. “You come back here. Okay? I will never forgive you if you don’t.” Herne said while parting.

Again he said his goodbye’s. Then got onto his horse. Spurred Jefned forward and waved as he went. However, just before they could get out of earshot. They heard. “Go get em Noctis!” And could see a small figure waving his hand vigorously.

“Noctis?” Doco asked.

“It’s my hero's name. Apparently.”

“I like it.”

Eventually. They joined the rest of the guard, or at least the ones going. They all went through the gates and towards their destination. Kenan wasn’t sure what he was feeling at the moment. Because last time he was on his horse, traveling. He was burnt, a hair from death. Now, he was moving to take his revenge.

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