《Mortem Comedenti(Death Eater)》Chapter 22: An Innocent Demon(III)


Kenan spent much longer eating with the blacksmith’s family than originally intended. When he first sat down at the table, it was just the beginning of dusk. As he set about to leave, it was already night.

First the family, Geia included, had mulled about the day's chores and then finally got to the topic of Kenan, and his heroic deed. He had not talked up to that point, silently listening. He would have perfed to keep quiet, if it wasn’t for Jorun massively throwing his fight out of proportion.

“I didn’t set him ablaze. Mrs.Schmitz. I just told the fire to attach to him. Jorun Is making me seem like a powerful wizard.” Kenan said. He learned that even though they were a family of commoners, they had a last name.

“Still even then! When he struck down that other guy, he was like a true knight!” He made a swinging motion. “Ow! That Hurts. But Still, It was so cool!” Kenan couldn’t help but chuckle at Joruns expense.

“If you don’t mind my asking, son. Why do you train like you do, you know, with your uncle? I see you every morning working to the bone. Swinging that sword of yours at noon till your arms fall off, and then from what neighbors tell me, magically train at the schoolhouse at night.” Mr.Schmitz asked.

Kenan's mind immediately went to Images of his family. His face must have shown it too. “You don’t have to answer, son. My apologies for asking too much.” Mr.Schmitz quickly said.

“No. I’ll answer.” Kenan said. He then went into the story about the raid of his family's home. How his parents and best friend sacrificed themselves for him, and his quest to save his sister at all costs. Multiple times Kenan got choked up, He hadn’t realized the amount of emotion he was pushing back, and how he used training as an emotion dam. However, he kept himself in check and didn’t flood them with emotion. Nor did he go into explicit detail of his kill, his burnt body, the mutilated corpse of his father, and how his mother died in his arms. By the time he looked from telling his story. He could see the two males with shocked expressions and the two females both hands over their mouths and crying. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to spoil the dinner.” He weakly smiled.


“By the unjust horns of Baphomet…” Mr.Schmitz said.

Then there was silence. For a long time, no one spoke. Kenan feared he may have ruined his chances of befriending this family.

“By the Gods above and the demons below! It’s a perfect hero backstory!” Jorun blurted out. Then incredibly fast, faster than any of Kenan sword strikes. Mrs. Schmitz grabbed a wooden spoon and smacked the back of Jorun’s neck So hard it made his nose bleed.

Again there was silence.

It was quickly broken again by Kenan. First he snickered. Then it evolved into a chuckle, before morphing into a belly laugh. Finally ending in a hysterical cackle. It would’ve been incredibly awkward if the Schmitzs didn’t involuntarily join him. With each inhale and exhale, a invisible weight Kenan didn’t know he was carrying left him.

Eventually all the laughter died down. Albeit forcefully as Geia devolved into a fit of coughing. After she calmed down there was again no noise, but companionable instead of awkward. Kenan stood up before any more words could be said. “I will excuse myself.’ He said. “Mrs. Schmitz, thank you for the food. It was delicious. Thank you all for your hospitality.” He bowed.”If you need help, and I’m not training or asleep, it would be my Honor. Also Jorun, Geia. If anybody goes coercing you, all you have to do is point in their general direction.”

He turned around, wanting to avoid any more troublesome goodbyes. “Well we can’t have that!” It seemed as though Mrs.Schmitz had different ideas “It’s night and we can't let a boy go around all alone, you can stay here for the night.”

“It’s alright I’m more than capable…”

“I'll have none of that! You can stay in Jorun’s room.” She said. Jorun used one hand to fist bump the air with excitement while the other rubbed the back of his head.



The entire family, Including Kenan, were now settled down and into bed. Jorun, or more rather his mother, had given his bed. While Jorun himself took an old bedrole on the floor. Kenan only trusted his new roommate as much as the kid could keep silent, and that wasn’t long. So he purposefully laid the fake black blade tantalizing across the bottom of the floor while the real one was under his pillows. He was tempted to talk to Nattura, but reason told him otherwise. No telling what Jorun would say about Kenan mediating with a blade in his lap

As Kenan was falling asleep. “Hey Kenan?” He heard Jorun say.

“Yeah.” Kenan said groggily.

“Do you want to be friends?” Jorun asked quickly.


“Well you know. Cause I don’t. Not many people talk to me besides my family. Geia is all I got, and you know. She’s my sister. Not my friend. And being perfectly honest here. You sound like you don’t got a lot either. So you and me. Traveling the plains, coasts, and wherever adventure takes us.

“Again being perfectly honest, I’ll hide behind you. But I’ll be your cool side kick bard who sings about your deeds. Then while you do some hero stuff. Slaying dragons, monsters, dark lords and what not, I’ll be in bed with as many ladies as I have fingers and toes. Deal?

Kenan tried his best to look Jorun in the eyes even though it was dark. Then he conjured multiple globulus of fire in the air. To Jorun, Kenan looked quite intimidating, with fire illuminating his black eyes and a smile of gleeful intentions.

Then Kenan got upright. Spit in his hand, and held it out. Jorun quickly did the same. “Deal.”

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