《Mortem Comedenti(Death Eater)》Chapter 20: An Innocent Demon(I)


Kenan had gotten up early the next morning. He was eager to meet new people. All the individuals he has ever known were his family. On a rare occasion he had spoken to a villager, but he was too young to recall it and the conversations were too short for it to be memorable. Over the past week he had gotten a good relationship with the guards. Once they threw past the fear of the blade and his eyes, they had collectively decided to treat him like a younger brother. While he was glad about it. He knew what it was like to be one already. What he truly yearned for were friends his age.

Yet, he tempered his eagerness with realism.

The first hurdle was that everyone was scared of him. To top that, he wasn’t even sure he would get along with other people his age. He knew he was much more mature than his potential pears. Life as a farmer out in the middle of nowhere was significantly harder than life in a village. You were forced to grow up quickly. Not to mention the recent events.

Still there was a pep in his step. He put on his slash and belt, tied both the fake and real black blades to their respective homes. Then he tied his hair back into a top knot. One of the side effects of the flask was that it made his hair grow incredibly fast. After that, he set out. Greeting a few guards on his way

Finally he met up with Doco in the training grounds. “You're early.” His uncle said.

“Like you said Uncle. Early is on time, on time is late, late is unacceptable.” Kenan smiled.

“Glad you're finally getting it. Here is the deal, I have already sent out word that you're going around and helping today. So, you're knocking on doors with me behind you. Ready?”

Kenan nodded.


It was already mid-day and Kenan felt like a sack of shit. He had been to eleven places. five of them refused his help, two of those almost got violent. The other half had warily accepted, but kept a close eye. One house had actually been pleasant. It was the baker of the town. A tall, overweight middle aged balding man. Kenan had gladly helped him move bags of flowers, and even more happily accepted the compensation of food. That had unfortunately happened at the beginning of the day, the rest had been a series of unfortunate events.


Doco had seen Kenan’s sorrowful mood. “It will only take time Kenan, for the town to trust you. Remember that..”

“I’m a human being taken over by a monster, or a monster in human skin. Take your pick. Yes, it’s getting under my skin right now, but I know what I have to do for the long run.”

“Don’t say.,.” Again Doco had been interrupted. A yelp followed my chuckles. The duo had passed by an alleyway, between a store and an inn. They doubled back to see what the noise was. In front of them, 7 total beings. All of them right around Kenan's age. There was a girl on the ground, tucking in her legs and crying. While a boy stood vigilantly in front of her, he had multiple bruises on him, some new, others old. The other five, all boys, cornered the other two. Each of them wielded either a thick stick or a wooden sword.

“You should just lay down and take it. Besides, you know the weird looking bitch needs a hard hand to steady her.” One of the five said. The others chucked.

“If you touch her..” The vigilant boy began.

“Or what? Gonna get your daddy to smith a hammer for you?” The same one said, again the others laughed. “Move Trash!” The kid put his wooden blade into the other’s ribs.

Kenan didn’t entirely understand the situation, but understood enough. A vision played in his mind. He and his father once had to watch as a pack of wolves slowly picked at a lone pig. They couldn’t do anything then.

This time it was different. Even if he wasn’t strong, Kenan would come to the vigilant boy's aid. For he already respected the boy protecting his sister, something he was too weak to do. A hand landed on his shoulder. Kenan looked to Doco, who nodded. Kenan stepped forward, unsheathed his fake blade.

Doco floated to a rooftop to watch.

Kenan took a few more steps. He noticed no one saw him. So he was forced to give a little cough. In which all eyes trained on him instantly. “Back off, leave now and I won’t force you to.” He said intimidatingly, or tried.


A moment of silence ensued. Then a chuckle. “Look who it is, the other freak of the town.” The same boy said. “But, hey. You look cool compared to this whore, why don’t you join us.”

Kenan sighed, so did Doco up top. [So peace was never an option.] Kenan thought. Doco’s teaching played in his mind. [“Always get the initiative and the surprise.”] and [“When dealing with a large group of enemies, try to cause as much chaos as possible.”]

“What exactly are you doing?” Kenan asked, trying to buy some time. Secretly sent mana to the boy's sword. Heating it up. Slowly he switched his stance to one of combat.

“Teaching ugly and hero wanna be a lesson.” The boy answered again.

“Why is she ugly?” Kenan was now coaxing oxygen, waiting to fuel the fire.

“Well look at her.” The boy said, then he began to reach for the girl. Before he could, the sword he was holding completely lit on fire, burning his hand. “What the?!” All eyes then went to the flaming piece of wood.

Kenan left dust in his wake. The nearest boy to him was turned around. Bringing down a blunted blade he made the kid kneel with a strike to the back of the knee. Then finished the job by jabbing the pummel to the kids head. Knocking him out. [One out of five.]

The leader of the pact turned around to see one his friends down. “Get the freak!” Was the only thing he could say.

Kenan flourished his sword. The kid nearest to him gave a messy overhead strike. His footwork was grossly wrong and he leaned too far into it. So Kenan side stepped, easily dodging. Then with own blade, brought the foe's weapon to the ground. Effectively making a slingshot effect. Kenan brought the blade to his enemies back, forcefully pushing air out of his opponent's lungs and knocking him out. [That’s two.]

The leader backed up behind his two remaining goons. Who approached at once. Kenan was forced to go on the defensive. Between his superior footwork and technique he could defend between two, but he needed an advantage to attack.

This was one of those moments he was thankful for the versatility of his magic. His fire manipulation was not limited to his own created flame. Behind one of the two boys, the blaze from the burning sword lifted. Then attached it to his backside. Screaming in pain he dropped. Hesitation doomed the other foe, once he saw his friend down, he paused. Kenan struck with a simple overhead. The boy tried to deflect but it was too late, and it wouldn’t have mattered anyway. Because once the two swords met, the wooden one broke like a swig. Kenan hit him right on the shoulder, breaking something and knocking him out. Then he released the flames on his other opponent. Kicked him in the head for good measure. [One left]

The master began to run. However, it seemed as though an invisible force tripped him. Doco snickered on the roof in amusement. Slowly, Kenan walked towards the remaining foe, and sheathed his blade. “No-no-no-no. Look, my dad…”

“Do what.” Kenan responded. By his collar, he lifted the boy up to the wall. Kenan got as close as possible, making sure the kid looked in his endless eyes. “I don’t need to threaten you, do I?” The kid lost his bladder while shaking his head furiously. “Good.” Kenan put the boy down. Then knocked his teeth out with an elbow.

[That’s all of them.]

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