《Mortem Comedenti(Death Eater)》Chapter 10: Bandits(I)


“Kenan!” Doco yelled.

“Yessir!” Kenan replied, his back straight and arms to the side, hands clenched in a fist. His black hair, which he hasn’t cut since his birth, now tied to a tight bun with a few strands falling on his face. His frame, while just some short months ago seemed wiry, now was filled with muscle. Eyes that had boyish curiosity to them, now had an edge.

“Relax, training is over today.” Kenan obeyed and released the tension in his shoulders. “I will be going to the village at dawn tomorrow, and staying there for a week. I have some business to attend to. While you can be considered off for the next week, I hope you will keep up on your training on your own.”

“Of course uncle. May I ask why you are going to the village.”

“Again, you're almost an adult. No need to ask to question. An old army friend is in town wanting to see me. That is all. However, I may send word for you to join me, if that is alright with Tyris and Ava. That old bastard might want to see the new pup I’m training.” Doco mumbled that last bit. Now in a rut of thought, spun and left.

Kenan took a breath in and slowly exhaled. No longer he felt the dragging of mana deprivation. In fact, he felt better than ever. It seemed as though his muscles had more spring, and his lungs could inhale a bit deeper. Chores that were difficult were now easy, he even started to take on more tasks from his father.

Suddenly the hair on his neck stood up. Danger was at his back. How that information came to him didn’t concern him. What did was getting out of the current situation that he was in. Slowing down his blood flow, keeping calm breath, and turning around with a measured movement.


He heard the sound of exertion. Kenan spun, put his hand out. He saw a white and black blur. Before, he would’ve missed it. Now with his training his reflex speed was better than ever. Catching the blur mid air, he smiled. Dion, extremely upset at his botched pounce, tried to bite at his owner's hand. To his dismay, Kenan’s hands were just out of reach.

“Haha. Got you.” Dion responded in an annoyed howl. Then the fox squirmed out of the hold, up Kenan's arm and perched on the shoulder.


Some time later, Dion sat on the floor. He watched the rise and fall of his master's chest. Lately Kenan had been sleeping like the dead. Something Dion was unfortunately thankful for. How he wished he could just curl up beside his master and hope everything was alright.

There came a time he could no longer ignore the problems up and coming. Yet, he wished, just for one last time, Kenan would scratch behind his ear, or he could perch on Kenan’s shoulder. No! Dion shook his head, he could not despair. Not when this much was at risk. Yes, it was in the air. Fire. Ash. Death. Besides, he already knew this was coming since the beginning.

If he timed it right, he could save Kenan.

Dion then slunk under the bed, first he pulled out the old tan book. He had already accepted a path. Conveniently Kenan left the window open. So, incredibly quiet, he jumped out the window. Careful not to drop the book clutched in his maw.

He took his time to be sneaky and as stealthy as possible. Trying not to alert the chickens, pigs or the horses. He took a quick glance at the coop. Maybe… No! This is for Kenan! Eventually he came upon a large horse at the stable. All of the fur on the beast was black beside the hooves; the fur near the eyes, mouth, and nose; along with its main. Jefned, Kenan’s horse. The beast was already awake, and already saddled. Jefned had thrown a fake fit when Kenan tried to unsaddle it.


So far everything was going to plan. Just like the two of them had been scheming.

Dion had clawed one of the saddlebags open and dropped the book inside. He then repeated the whole process with the red book. Then closed the saddle. Somewhat awkwardly, and almost alerting a labor horse, Dion managed to unlock the stable Jefned was in. Then he jumped on the back of the beast. Jefned and Dion rode out past the homestead for a bit. Away from that.. Smell.

When enough was enough. Jefned laid down. Careful not to jostle the saddle loose. The Fox and Horse both stared at each other for a while. Then the Fox’s tiny head and Jefneds huge snout bumped into each other. This was their goodbye.

Dion did a perimeter of the homestead before finding a good hiding place. He laid there, and waited.


Kenan woke from his dead sleep as soon as the roosters howled there angry yells at the rising sun. He felt Dion was gone, probably out hunting. He stood, stretched, then fell into doing push-ups. Lightly working all the muscles he could think of. Once he felt that his body was working optimally, he stopped.

He awoke before the rest of his family. Like usual. So he got on his work clothes to do as many chores as possible before breakfast. However, before he got far into the work he found Doco saddling his horse and went over to talk.

“Uncle.” Kenan said in greetings.

“Nephew.” Doco smiled, and followed suit.

“No goodbyes?”

“No. Never good at them anyway. Besides, I'll be back with-in a week.” Again Doco smiled. “Well, we might see each other sooner. If of course my friend wants to meet my brightest pupil.”

“I’m your only pupil,”

“I just said that.” Doco got onto his horse. “Do chores, and training. While you're at, start that red book of yours. Oh, eat a lot. Any other good uncle advice I’m missing.”

“Get sleep?”

“Yes, get plenty of sleep.” With a chi-chi he spurred the horse forward. “See you later, nephew!” Doco yelled behind him as his horse began galloping.

“Goodbye uncle.” Suddenly he felt danger at his back. The hair on his neck stood. His blood froze. Yet, when he turned, he found nothing.

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