《Mortem Comedenti(Death Eater)》Chapter 6: Magic(I)


Kenan looked around, he soon came upon the sudden realization that whatever door he went through, was gone. Doco was behind him smiling. “Don’t worry. Just go on ahead.” The only thing that broke the indistinguishable book and bookshelf scene was a solemn desk. Using the desk was an older woman. She had large, too large for her face glasses. Grey bright hair pulled back into a bun. On her was a turquoise robe with a golden insignia on it. It looked like a M and W. Currently, she was reading a book.

Before Kenan could go up to the counter, Dion had taken the initiative. He launched from his perch onto the table. He gave a squeak as he looked curiously at whatever the old woman was doing. In turn the lady looked up, slowly, ever so slowly. A toothy smile plastered on her face as she reached up and petted the fox. Dion kicked his leg in appreciation.

“Well.” The old woman said in this drawl. “You're getting a tome today, yes? Thirteen years old?” Suddenly she shifted her gaze towards Dion. “Of course you can, dear.” The fox then leapt off the table and sprinted into the library.

“Dio…”Kenan began.

“Don’t worry little one. The little pup will be back.” Then her gaze went to Doco. “Well that’s a face I haven’t seen in a while! Doco is it… yes yes...hmmm… telekinesis was it?.”

“Yes Granny.,” Doco said with a smile. Kenan looked to his uncle in confusion. “Just call her Granny, everyone does.” He whispered.

“Yes, yes. Come her boy. Come here.” She motioned with her hands to come closer. Kenan obeyed and went right up to the table. “Put your hands on the table, knuckles down.” Again he obeyed. She put her hands in his. “Now dear, have you decided what magic is your fancy?”


“No, ma’am… er.. uh...Granny.”

“Well the first step is to see if you got any natural spunk to you.” She reached up behind his ear and pulled out a grey stone. Amazed, Kenan's jaw dropped and resisted the urge to flatten his ear. “This here is a special stone, it forces the mana in you to travel through your arms and hands to the stone. Then if you have any natural affinity, it will change color accordingly.” She then put the stone in Kenan's hand and guided them into a bowl shape. “Alright dear, head up and eyes closed please. This might sting a little.”

Kenan did what he was asked. After a few seconds he felt this weird sensation. It was like his blood was moving unnaturally, without his command. Somewhere in the sorts of a cramp, where the muscles tense without saying so.

Kenan was not looking. The dull grey stone had changed into a pure black one, then it looked like a thousand different, tiny white, with blue tint dots swirled in the stone in an endless vortex. Granny's eyes widened. She then quickly grabbed the stone and it swiftly went back to its original state. “All right, dear. You can open.” Kenan did so. “No affinity. Which is quite all right.”

Kenan had looked disappointed for a moment. Not a lot of people could be a sorcerer, it seemed it just wasn’t in the cards for him. Doco’s mind had edged on curiosity to anger. The boy clearly had an affinity, what it was, he didn’t know. Why Granny denied it, he didn’t know. But he would find out.

“Now, you say you don’t have any idea what you want?” Kenan shook his head. “I can either give you some choices, or you can go out and explore.”


“Umm. I might get lost Granny.”

She smiled even wider. “Nonsense, trust me, you’ll find your path one way or another. Plus it might give you a chance to find the fox of yours.”

“A-alright. I will be back.” With that he started to carefully venture into the maze of books. Doco had immediately stepped up in front of the desk.

As soon as Kenan left eyesight. Doco spoke. Granny had ducked under the desk and grabbed a book. “Granny. The boy clearly has an af…”

Granny came back up and lightly slapped him on the shoulder. “Oh hush you. I would never deny a child their birthright without proper cause. Now, I am gonna double check. But I warn you, if what that child has an affinity for is what I think it is. You will not like it.”

With a solid thump, Granny had placed an incredibly large book on the table. The leather on it was cracked and the pages yellowed. The title of the book said. “Affinities and their meanings.” When she opened it, a cloud of dust shot out. Doco used his telekinesis to waft it away. For a few minutes she looked up and down the table of contents. Before finally flipping to somewhere in the middle of the book. A few more page flips and she stopped.

One the top left of the page it had a rock. It was all black with tiny dots swirling around it. Below it it had the words. “Mortem Comedenti.”

“Oh dear. I was correct.” She said with a sigh. “That boy has an affinity for death.”

“Death!? Necromancy!”

“Quite lest the boy here you. No not Necromancy. That is the binding and contracting of souls into a previously dead body. However, this is just as, or more so dangerous.”

“Well what is it?!”

“This boy can also use the souls of the dead. However, he has much more free will with it. He can use it for power, enchantments, he can make his physical body more powerful, he can use the conscience power of a soul and use it for his own. He is a Mortem Comedenti, or in the new tongue.

A Death Eater”

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