《Mortem Comedenti(Death Eater)》Chapter 5: Village


For about three hours, all that Kenan could hear was the solemn sound of horse hoofs on dirt. Yet, the noise could not forcefully rip away his thoughts. Not even Dion, who would occasionally nip at his owners hands for him to get attention, could distract. Nor even Doco, he had multiple times used telekinesis to tickle him, still Kenan wouldn’t budge.

What did the trick however, was the village they stopped at. Kenan had been there a few times over the past years. Not many though. Each time he was amazed with it. The smells, the people, the market, the houses. It was like having a thousand different synapses firing off at the same time.

The village was surrounded by a wall that had sharp points on top of wooden poles. There was a walkway and guard towers on the inside. A large trench surrounded the wall. No water, just a ditch.

Some years ago. Kenan could barely remember it. A huge horde of beasts came rumbling through the plain. According to its path, it would hit the village but just barely miss the homestead. Out of duty, Doco, Tyris and Ava all went to help defend the village. Doco was actually head of the defense and told them what fortifications to put up.

The two went up to the gate, which was closed. On top of the walkway, two guards drew their bows while a third stood vigil, but no weapon drawn. “Halt! We don’t allow strangers!”

“Not even good friends!” Doco replied.

There was a moment of confusion and anger on the guard's face. Then recognition came. “Oh! It's Doco! Put down your weapons. Open the Gates!” The two followed the order and the gates opened.

The two then swiftly went through, the gates closed behind. Kenan took a deep whiff of the village. While someone from a city, or a nobleman might claim this place smells like dung. To Kenan, who was accustomed to smelling pig and horse shit up close and personal, this place smells quite nice. Like a mix of fresh baked bread and other fantastical smells he couldn’t match items with. There were three different landmarks that immediately caught his attention, just like they always do.


The first, to the right side of the village was a building meant for adventures. Most if not all civilized congregations have one. It’s for missions, bounties, gathering certain herbs, and much more. Actually it's one of the main sources of income for this village. There are plenty of monsters lurking about, bandits too. Oftentimes one such adventure comes to this place looking for work.

To the road ahead was the market. butchers, carpenters, blacksmiths and all kinds of merchants. Each vying for a bit more copper in their pockets. Then a bit left to the Market, was his mark. An incredible dull building, not big in any way, or extravagant. However, It did have a sign on it.

“Magia Coagulum.”

As soon as he saw it, the blood inside of him started to move faster. Magic! He took a few breaths in and out, calming himself down. Doco suddenly stopped. After a second of his uncle not being with him, Kenan looked back to see that Doco was talking to a guard.

“Sorry si…” The guard began to apologize.

Doco put his hand up. “You were just doing your job. No need to apologize. Why is the security tight right now?”

“Bandits sir. Got everyone up and mad. They were raiding every home within a day's ride from here. People saying they were due to get attacked any minute.”

“Hmmm. They haven’t attacked us.”

“Truthfully. I think it would be dumb. Everybody with-in fortnight from here knows the deeds you and yours have done. They're probably afraid. I would be too.” The guard smiled. “Sir.”

“Right. Could you do me a favor? Tell your captain I’m in town.”

“Yessir!” The guard did a one-eighty and left. Doco spurred his horse and came back into the lead.


They traveled to the unsuspecting building once more. The townspeople had often stopped, bowed or gave thanks to Doco. Some of the younger girls had been curious about the strange young boy following close to the village hero. “You're a hero, uncle.” Kenan said.

“I suppose. That's pitiful though.” He said in a harsh tone. He realized he was being too hard, but didn’t want to serve an apology.

“Pitiful?” Kenan decided to press the issue.

“What your parents and I did was a simple act of compassion and kindness. We did it because ultimately, us humans fight for the same side. If a huge army of orcs decide to take every human nation on. Then every nation, and human would fight a common enemy. However, once the enemy passes we go back to fighting ourselves. If my simple kind act is cause for me to be a hero. I fear what we have devolved into.” Doco explained. His mind wanted to tell himself to stop. This was not the time to explain humanities toils to a boy on his birthday.

Kenan took the word for thought. Then he quickly put the thought back somewhere in his brain. The primary function once again switched to magic. The duo had tied up the horses onto a post. Dion, awakened from a nap, perched onto his master's shoulder.

Doco had put his hand on the doorknob to enter the building. Kenan had stopped. His uncle turned and smiled. “Butterflies in your stomach.”


“We all got them, don’t worry. I’ll be right behind your every step.”

Kenan took a few more breaths in and out. He heard a voice. From a memory. When or where he got it, he did not remember. Just this old and rough voice.

“if your will is strong enough, Your soul will remain”

Kenan took a step forward. Doco opened the door. Inside was nothing but blackness. “Just step forward.” He whispered. Kenan did so. He was met with the weird feeling of moving and vertigo, but staying still. The air around him went under a rapid change in temperature. From the heat of a summer day to the cool of fall.

Suddenly, he was in a room that had rows and rows of books. He looked around, did a full three sixty. All he could see was books, no, tomes.

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