《Mortem Comedenti(Death Eater)》Chapter 1: Life


A cry sounded out. Reverberation out of the walls of a wooden barn. Wails of different types came. One was pain and from what sounded like a woman. Another, a bawl of a newborn.

The barn itself looked to be generations old. The nails of it had rusted and the wood had been through much. Cracked and torn, withered and old. It creaked in high winds and sounded as if it would fall on any inhabitants. Despite its frailness, it could be relied on.It stood sturdy, protecting everything and anything. It had one job to do, and by the gods, it was going to do it.

To the side of the barn was another structure, just as old. A house passed down for many generations. It was one story, but long. Many of the shingles of the roof were forcefully torn by strong storms, the windows were cracked, dirty, and sometimes completely replaced by a multitude of wooden boards. The front porch had many broken floorboards, and if one wasn't looking, they would easily fall. Yet, even with its number of flaws, like the barn, it too had this old stubbornness to it. Unwilling to give in to despair or brokenness.

Around the homestead was a rickety old fence. There was also a circle of fences that connected to an outlying circle and to the barn making a pen. A great plain was around, if one were too walk for three days and three nights straight, one wouldn't see any sort of difference. Also, the house and barn were just off a barely traveled dirt path.

The wailing and the crying continued.

Outside the house, was a carriage with four horses attached to it Another two casually trotting about. All of them were grazing the ground. The carriage looked as though people were getting out and unpacking things, before suddenly they stopped, dropped whatever they had in their hands, and went towards the barn. The two horses had a similar story, with whoever was on them quickly jumping off and running at the barn.


Just outside the barn, three people stood. One of them, an older man. Not old as in decrepit. As this person was strong, thick arms and legs sprouted out of an equally thick chest. With a somewhat bulbous belly, but not in an unhealthy way. There was fat on this man, that can't be denied, but underneath was a complex and corded muscle system that can only be gained through years and years of hard, back-breaking work. He wore dirty jeans with overalls and a red plad shirt. The man paced back and forth, over and over. He chopped on his nails out of pure nervousness. It got to the point where he was stomping. Every time he did so, tiny earth spikes came out of the ground.

"Would you settle down brother?" Another man leaning on the door said. He was skinnier than the other person, but there was still a respectable amount of muscle mass. Black leathers covered the man. it was hot out, but he did not look as if he was sweating. A sword hung on his side. "Isn't this your second time around?" His voice was somewhat shrill. Scars of different, hundreds, of battles, covered his face, arms, and legs.

"Well last time Doco, it was in an actual hospital and not some... barn." The man's voice boomed. However, he stopped his pacing and faced his brother.

"Yet now we're in the presence of a healer." Doco said.

"A healer can only do so much."

"I thought you said a healer could revive the fallen?" A third voice said. This one was squeaky and even. The third being, a girl of the age of nine. Currently, running up and down her arms was a large squirrel. Often jumping on her head and curling around her neck. The girl's hair was brown, almost blonde. A white shirt with blue overalls.


"Only the great hero's Lucy." Doco said.

Lucy cocked her head to the side and the squirrel climbed up her neck "But I thought..."

She was interrupted as the door to the barn opened, and the wails of the women stopped. "Tyris?" The women was unclean, by dirt and some minuscule blood. Brown hair and blue eyes. She was young.

The big man in plad nearly ran her over. "Yes?! Boy or Girl? Is my Wife alright? Is my Kid alright? Was..."

The woman put a hand in front of Tyris. "Everything is alright and everything went well. Would you like to see them?"

"Yes, of course."

"Follow me."

Tyris began to walk inside the barn before he was stopped by Doco's hand. There was a smile plastered on his face. "Congratulations. Also, take a deep breath."

"Thanks," Tyris mumbled. Then he took a deep breath in and out. He felt the rapid pulse of his heart slow. Then he walked in.

Inside there were several stalls, all of them empty. He followed the nurse to the very back, where straw was thrown about to make an impromptu bed. On it was a woman, long dark hair was matted with sweat. Bright blue eyes looked to have heavy eyelids and had a smile that could warm a house. Blood and other liquids were strewn at her feet and legs. Tyris's pulse quickened, then he realized it was natural. Adjoining to the bed was another woman, she was old and wrinkled. She was covered with dark clothes. A Women of the church.

"Ava" Tyris said in relief. He dashed to the other side of the woman. Who looked at him and smiled. He could see tears clearing a path from the dirt on her face. That's when he looked at his baby, a boy. Already he had a full head of hair, like his mother, it was black. The boy had cried but it stopped, and now it grasped at his mother's hair curiously. Grey eyes bounced from thing to thing.

"What's his name love," Ava said, as she handed the baby to Tyris. In turn, Tyris took the boy. Held him up to eye level.

"I will call him...."

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