《No Matter What, I Will Get Back Home!》(12) A Failure in Diplomacy


As I walked around and looked at what was available, I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. Most of the wares at this marketplace were food and ingredients for cooking. There weren't much in terms of weapons, armors, or magical items.

To be honest, I don't know why I expected much from this place. After all, this was right next to a farming village with inexperienced hunters. To expect something like weaponry or even armor was foolish.

Ah, what a waste! I can't believe that I just threw away my knife. Then again, I could maybe retrieve it back, which would be even more difficult, but that shouldn't be too bad.

That was when I came upon a stall completely different from all the others. One that stood out for all the wrong reasons.

First of all, this stand had glass displays, something no one had. Second, this stall had actual signs that were written down in the local language. And finally, the shopkeep looked incredibly rich, dressed in fancy robes and what appeared to be a beret of some type.

Instead of shouting and trying to get customers, he was seated on some cushion, and behind him were his wares displayed on makeshift shelves.

It wasn't hard to recognize what he was selling. After all, since I came from Japan, it was easy to spot the fact that he had books available for purchase.

This was big, no, possibly a game-changer. If he had books on magic or even something that could help me learn... that would help me grow as a person and becoming that much stronger.

There was no way around it: I would have to talk to this man to get an idea of what the books were about, seeing as how I couldn't read the written script. I walked up to him, ready to talk and possibly persuade him to give me a book for free.

"Excuse me sir, but what are you selling?" First, I would have to act like the curious little kid that didn't know any better. This would get him to start talking and spilling info I could potentially use.

"Oh, a kid? Shoo. Shoo. Get out of here, peasant. You can't afford anything I'm selling anyways." The rude bastard waved me away as he spotted me. "Go find your mommy or something, I have a job to attend."

"It doesn't seem like anyone wants to buy from you though." As soon as I blurted that statement out, the merchant quickly looked at me with a harsh glare, but that was nothing compared to the monster that was God.

"What do you want, you shitty brat? Leave if you're just going to be annoying." If this guy acted like this to every person he met, he really chose the wrong place to set up business. Either that, or he really wants to feel the emotions of failing in life, huh?

"Do you have any books that can teach me how to read and write?" I asked.

The merchant looked at me and chuckled to himself for some reason. I don't get it, I wasn't making a joke.

"Oh ho ho ho, good one kid." The man managed to say out of his chuckles, before looking at me. "As if an idiot like you would get any benefits about learning how to read or write!"

"Then you're an idiot for having a superior attitude while trying to sell in a village marketplace." I remarked back.

The vendor gave me a death glare as he stood up, giving himself time to stand up straight.


"Listen here, you dumb brat. Learn your place! You could never hold a candle to a man as experienced and learned as I am!" He was about to pop a vein on his forehead as he shouted. I surely offended him. At this rate, I won't be able to get any kind of information.

Since there was no other way to rectify the situation, I really hated doing this but I guess it was time for me to kiss-ass.

"I'm very sorry." I said as I bowed my head to request mercy. "Please forgive me."

The man scoffed and harrumphed in response, as he sat back down. "That's right kid, know your place. Now, get lost! I have people to attend to."

Seriously, fuck this guy. He really needed a lesson in humility and not be an asshole. He'd at least be able to get customers with those two factors in his life.

"What if I was a possible customer?" I could only propose that at my current situation. There really wasn't a way for me to act any nicer, since I was feeling sick to my stomach acting like this.

The guy snorted in response and didn't bother looking my way.

"As if! A kid like you?! Get away! You're ruining the view of my storefront."

I couldn't help but feel a bit pissed off at this guy. Who the hell was he that he could act so uppity?

That was when some random man in weathered travelers clothes came up to the stand. He looked at the merchant, and then proceeded to kneel down to check the signs.

"Hey hey hey, watch it! You'll dirty my wares!" The shitty merchant screeched, as to which the potential customer just looked up at the guy, with a look of discontent in his eyes..

"I'm just reading what books you're offering. Calm down, you'll get a heart attack." The merchant immediately stood up in absolute rage, while the drifter simply looked up and nodded to himself, almost as if he had come to a conclusion.

"Get me the three of those books by Lostros Valeria: 'The Lumberjack's Joy', 'Alabaster's Dancing Heaven', and 'The Sugary Sweet Harvest Maiden'." The stranger said. "And also, whatever book the little missus here wants."

That was pretty nice of him. I gave the guy a smile, and he grinned right back.

"They're not for sale." The seller said with a steeled tone, utterly destroying the mood. I looked at him with a curious glance, and then back at the traveler. Both of them looked unhappy.

"What do you mean they're not for sale? You've clearly written down their titles along with their prices. Stop making bad jokes." The drifter clearly expressed his displeasure at the merchant's remark. What was going on here? What kind of trader didn't sell their wares?

"Who are you to decide what I sell? And what makes you think I'll sell my precious books to a lowly peasant like you?" The jerk spat, as he tried making himself appear taller. "You're probably nothing but a low-life thief! Get lost!"

"Is this how you treat all potential customers? No wonder your books have a thin layer of dust. Be honest with me. Are you really a merchant? Or are you doing this just to look down on people?" The drifted said in passing as he crouched back down.

The failure of a merchant could only go red with anger He wanted to scream but all he could do was open his mouth as incomprehensible grunts kept coming out.


When he finally regained his sense, he immediately yelled, "You! You!" but before he could finish a sentence, he choked on his own spit and started turning purple in rage.

"I? I what? I can afford your crappy books so just hurry up and get it for me. And you girl, what kind of book did you want?" The drifter said in anger.

"A book to teach me how to read and write." I said as clearly and concisely as I could, to which the fellow ally nodded and turned to the trembling peddler.

"You heard the girl! Get the book she wants, and the stuff I asked for." The seller seemed to growl out in pure hatred, before stomping his foot down.

"I'm not selling anything to you! You can't make me do such a thing, and I'll call the city guard to go and have you arrested!" The peddler howled with his discontent, enough to attract a small crowd that wondered what was going on.

As the crowd kept gathering around them, he realized the error he had made, as he frantically looked at the group of people that were judging him harshly now.

"My dear friend, I couldn't care less about your personal opinions on the matter. What I'm attempting to do is a simple transaction that we can both benefit from. I want to buy the books that you put up for sale. Appearances or how you look do not matter as long as you can pay." The drifter stated, lecturing the seller on proper trading manners.

The merchant stepped back, unable to respond back to these sharp words coming his way, but the traveler had only just begun.

"You don't seem to have the kind of mentality of a businessman. What type of merchant refuses to sell their products for such a silly reason? There's no self-respecting dealer that wouldn't try to find an opportunity to earn some coins,! But no, you choose to steer from the path of common sense; you seek to ruin yourself and lose money!" The poor guy couldn't help but fall down on his butt, staring at the traveler with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

"What do looks have to do if you have the money to buy?! No merchant will shun the chance to earn some coin! But still you insist on refusing us. Are you really even a merchant? If you want you only want to pick your customers, then don't put up a stall and sell them door to door!"

Hearing this, the crowd started jeering at the merchant, clapping and cheering on the random traveler.

"Just sell him the stuff, you jerk! Stop looking down on him!"

"If you don't want to sell, let someone else rent the stall!"

"Learn some empathy! Stop being such a hardass!"

"Grrrrrr...." The merchant could only growl out. He then begrudgingly collected four books, and slammed them down in front of the traveler causing a small dust cloud kick up into the air, revealing the requested items.

Those books looked... really old, dirty, and worn. I could only blink at the sight. Why was he putting up such a hassle over those damaged and broken down merchandise?

"There, your books! That will be a total of three gold coins!" The crowd froze, and looked at the dirty and tattered traveler, wondering what was going to happen.

But the man didn't make a single complaint. He didn't even bother haggling or arguing with the merchant to lower the price for its poor condition.

Instead, he casually dropped three gold coins onto the ground in front of the merchant, before taking the books and coming over to me. The yellow, shining coins laid there, gleaming in the sunlight and reflecting everyone's surprised looks.

That seller's eyes boggled so much that I was genuinely worried his eyes would pop out of his head. The crowd was murmuring to themselves as they stared at the sight of the merchant trying so hard to figure out what was going on.

"Here, young miss, your book." The mysterious stranger said, handing me a book named 'How to Read and Write: The Basics!'. I gently took it out of his hands, and bowed my head in respect.

This man was truly a hero amongst heroes. I would dare say that had I been older, I probably would've hugged him.

"Thank you so much." I said sincerely, before turning to walk away. "Have a safe trip, mister!"

Now that I got the book I needed, I would have to hide in private to get this into my inventory. I quietly searched for a random location that would be unavailable to be seen from the observing eyes.

I found that spot quickly hidden between two stalls was a small space I could probably squeeze my way through.

I went into the space, and silently said the special word to activate my skill.

"Stash." I whispered, and the book in my hand disappeared instantly, without a trace of it ever existing.

Once I got out from the other side, I dashed as fast as I could towards the place that Alise had told me to wait, and to my relief, she hadn't appeared to have arrived just yet.

I proceeded to go and sit on a random rock, and silently waited there for my older sister to arrive, looking around and taking in the smells of nearby food stands. I was getting hungry again... I wish I could find some way to make some money.

I laid back, and silently started to meditate right there on the spot. Now that I had the book, I needed to find a way to read this without detection. I couldn't exactly stall in my night time training for this task: I needed to get my power up by any means necessary. The village center wasn't a good idea either, my acquaintances would spot me and probably rat on me.

Shit. I should have thought this through earlier. Now that I had obtained the object in question, I was stuck at a crossroads of what exactly I could do to fix this situation. I couldn't exactly read it at home because that was where everyone was.

Where could I read this book without warranting suspicion? If I did get caught, what could I say as an excuse to try to ward off any horrible reactions? My head started to spin as I ran through all the possibilities.

"Ah, Feliza! You waited for me! Good girl!" I heard Alise shout from a distance, and when I looked back up, I couldn't help but notice that Amelie was there as well.

"Thanks for following my instructions!" My older sister said while grinning. I got up, and headed over to her. She came at the perfect time too, I was giving myself a headache.

I could think about this later. For now, it was time to fill my starving stomach and eat to my heart's content!

"Where are we going to eat?" I asked, and Amelie looked at me with a sad look on her face.

"Feliza, we're going to stop by somewhere first before we go and get lunch, alright?" I could only blink at the response. We weren't going to eat now and get back home?

Where were we going to go? What was going on here? I wish I could have been kept in the loop, because this came completely out of nowhere.

Still, I had no choice but to follow. After all, I was only two years old, and there was no way I would be allowed to just walk back home on my own.

This stop better not take too long. Hopefully, it'll be short, and we could get this over with.

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