《Slam No Basuke》Chapter 05


Ben couldn’t sit still. Two days pass after that unfortunate event in the carnival.

He waited along with his entire team for the coach to arrive and so they can start the training because tomorrow they play their first game of the playoffs. But the coach is late.

He received a good ribbing from the rest of the team except for Vernon who look at him in disgust. Jon Leuer is unfortunately out for the entire season because of the injury he receives and now Ben is the backup forward.

“Where the hell is the coach?” Tyson Chandler asked no one in particular.

Bobby felt a strong aura and he turned at the gym door just in time to see a gorgeous lady in a business suit and pants walked over to the team. Gerry Crossman, the head assistant coach, sourly following her.

Everyone quieted down when she step in front of the bench and coldly watched the team. The team watched her back, some with very appreciate glances, but the lady ignored them.

Finally, she asked, “Where is Scott?”

“And who the fuck are you?” someone asked in the background.

She sighed. “I am hoping to give the news in one go but since you are not complete right now, I’ll just have to inform the rest of you later.”

There were a lot of murmuring but in the end, people stop talking as the general concession is this girl looks important enough to stand in front of them then maybe she is about to say something important. “My name is Aimee Gallagher and I will become the new head coach of the Phoenix Suns.”

A burst of surprised came out from the regular players because of this unprecedented news. It is very uncommon for a team to change coach in the middle of the playoffs and a woman at that.

“Where in the world did I see this girl before?” Ben said to himself, scratching his head. Ignoring the general hubbub. “She looks so familiar.”


Ben closed his eyes and using Ki to enhanced his memory, he went back in time to remember. He remembers the fight with Jenna, He remembers the meeting with the boss… Wait! That’s it! The picture in the desk of the team owner Arthur Gallagher. One is middle age woman and the other is a younger version of the girl in front of him.

Shit. She’s the owner’s daughter.

“Am I boring you, Mr. Sulla?”

Ben opened his eyed and watch the woman staring at him. A few of the players sniggering at him.

“Not at all, madam,” He said immediately.

The girl, Aimee raised an eyebrow. “Do I look like a madam to you?”

“What happened to coach Mckillan?” an annoyed Tyson Chandler asked aloud.

Aimee, the new coach, turned to him. “Coach Mckillan partied last night with some err, local girls and consumed several cocktail mixtures of experimental drugs. According to the medical report, the coach reported to his companion a pain in his chest and thirty minutes later he is being evacuated to a nearby hospital. The doctors reported a heart attack. They were able to revive him but he is still in a comma. Obviously, he is declared unfit to work for the time being. Since we cannot find a proper replacement for him at this time, the management saw it fit that I take the helm for the time being.”

The team obviously wasn’t happy but they were professionals. They continued their routine to warm up by doing some exercise. Then some basic drills like running around the court and touching the court end to end.

Then a series of layup drills and one on ones. Then assistant coaches separated the players to do a series of plays. Ben and a young guard named Brandon Knight are paired together to do a quick pick and roll pass.

Brandon moved on top of the three point lane, Ben assist by offering a pick then as Brandon drive to the hoop, Ben positioned himself for the quick pass and for the 8 footer jump shot.


It was simple and quick, just the way Ben like it.

“Move your feet! Move your feet Sulla!” one of the faceless assistant coaches kept shouting at him. Ben didn’t mind. And he was having the time of his life.

Unknown to him, the new coach was looking at him, all throughout practice. Finally, they started a real practice game for one whole quarter.

Ben is on the white team. And the scrimmage was brutal. Everyone was playing dirty. Hands holding you back, hidden jabs. Bodies hitting bodies. Elbows digging in your ribs. Then the trash talking begins. Ben always find the capacity of the players to keep talking despite running out of breath quite remarkable. And their interest in each other’s mama always fascinated him.

Chandler got the ball in the post and Ben was guarding him. The Black man tried to push him back but Ben didn’t budge, even with the accidental elbows in the stomach and chest.

Kick the ball back!” Aimee shouted at him. “It’s not happening!”

Tyson Chandler cursed and throw the ball back to the point guard who set a new play in motion.

Ben smiled to himself.

Then it was all over. The new coach gave a speech and they were finally dismissed. Ben took a shower, said goodbye to few people that his friendly with, and he is out of the building.

He senses her Ki even before he saw her leaning against the wall of the gym.

“Hey Jenna,” Ben said.

She is wearing a blue dress with no other ornaments but her earrings and she look great. She lowered her sunglasses and shoved an envelope in Ben’s arm. “Here’s your contract and it looks legit. I’m heading down to their headquarters downtown and see if I can increase the deal a bit. It seems that they really needed you in your forward position after the other guy’s injury.”

“Good!” Ben said, brightening. “Let me drive you there.”

“Jenna stared at him. “You are not gonna sit on the table. I’ll do this myself.”

“What? But why? It’s my contract!”

“Because one look at you and they will know that you will play for them even if they pay you in actual peanuts. Stay here and let me do my job.”

Ben sighed. Jenna pops a cigarette in her mouth and lit it in a practice eased.

Ben stared at her and wanted to say something but shut his mouth when she gave him a look. Again Ben sighed. He offered his hand finally. “Thank you for doing this. I know you don’t need to, but you did so anyway. And I’m really grateful.”

Jenna blushed and she hated herself for doing so. She lied to herself that she wore the blue dress because of the upcoming meeting and not because she knew she will meet Ben today. God curse all conscience!

Ben said his goodbye and Jenna left in her GM. He walked towards his bike when his smartphone started vibrating. He looked at the number and saw that it’s Natalina.


“We have a job. Come to my place.” It was all the Russian bitch said before clicking the phone dead.

Bobby grabbed his bag and look inside. The gleaming Glock is still inside it and he sighed. He grabbed his bike and began pedaling to his new destination.


Author's Note:

Thank you all for reading!

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