《The Human Conduit》A Brief Part 1 Epilogue and Part 2 Prologue


It's very common in science fiction – some might say an essential trait of real sci-fi – to look at how science and technology affects society and man. But there has not been (at least to my knowledge) much sci-fi that explores how it will affect science itself. Is there a ceiling to scientific understanding and technology that leaves us with pieces that do not fit anywhere in the metaphorical jigsaw puzzle of science? And can it possibly reveal a dual nature (natural and supernatural) of the universe?

This was what was attempted with this story, and the themes are made explicit not to insult the reader but because (1) I don't want to come off like I'm trying and create JRR Tolkien in space and (2) we are conditioned to accept scientific materialism as a given in any science fiction intended and perceived as "hard science fiction". But why should we?

The second part of the story will be variations on the same theme, although it will be focused more on story and less on theme.

Praise and constructive criticism are appreciated, especially constructive criticism from those that like the concepts and the premise of the story but don't think it was done very well.

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