《Signing In but Cultivators Know My Cheat》8- Another premium pull


It was already nightfall.

The room was dimly lit with a single candle burning on the wooden table. Beside it was two small brown pills.

Liu Xun was silent cultivating on his bed.

The scene in the afternoon still remained clear in Liu Xun's head.


Going to have a meal, then getting caught in a challenge between two beauties.

In the end, Liu Xun did get the Purple Heaven Gathering Pill which he consumed on the spot, in front of countless jealous viewers.

He broke through on the spot.


He could now call himself one who has embarked on the road to immortality.

The other members of Liu Family present had an expression of envy.

Mushang showed a helpless smile.

Muyue's expression was dark. They no longer had any conversations after that.

Since the ordeal was passed with relevant ease, Liu Xun could go back to his main priority—Food.

This was the best meal Liu Xun had in his life.

The century egg porridge was thick and creamy, each egg slice burst a strong salty flavor into his mouth as he chewed upon them.

The seven treasures glazed pork was so savory, slipping right through his mouth.

The other dishes were not as impressive, but they complimented well with the two highlights.

The best part of this meal was that he had already tasted two spices that made it feel even better— Hunger and the Purple Heaven Gathering Pill.

Nothing beats having a meal without any worries to spoil one's appetite.

The walk back home was really awkward.

Those passersby familiar with Liu Xun will give him strange looks.

By now, rumors must have spread about his trade. It is unlikely he would be harassed by anyone unless they really hate him.

Those around him were no different.

Ruanfeng looked pissed off.

Muyue refused to even look at him.

The twins glared at him.

Mushang looked like he wanted to break the ice, but found it difficult to do so.

The Liu Family was very surprised when they heard the news, the response was rather mixed.

In the end, the Liu Patriarch just left him the words that he could go and learn a martial skill from the family's library.


Sigh. What has happened was inevitable. Status.


Liu Xun



Cultivation Level:

Qi Gathering Stage 1 [112]

System Credit:



Cons: 3x Premium Gacha Talisman

Misc: [System Subscription Channel], [System Rulebook]


Purple Heaven Gathering Pill (Duration: 80 days)


Passive: Minor GuanXin Knowledge



Hmm, now my Qi has risen to 112. It seems that the duration of the pill is 80 days, not the best but not the worst based on Senior Qian's words.

My system points have risen. System, Subscription Channel.

The Thousand Deceivers has subscribed.

The Million Suns approves of your decision. You have been given a small pill (5 points)!

The Most Ancient One agrees with you. You have been given a small pill (5 points)!

The Peerless Jade Scabbard enjoyed the show. You have been given a small pill (5 points)!

The Thousand Deceivers complains of being poor. You have been given a mantou (1 point)!

Hmm, a new subscriber. Thousand Deceivers. Based on the name, this could likely be nothing good.


Considering how he was now on the cultivation path, he had to plan his next few steps.

The next sect disciple recruitment available in the White Blossom County was in two months. It just so happened to be the famed, Thousand Blossom Sect.

In two months, Liu Xun is likely to be Stage 4 or even 5 if he was lucky enough.

I have to get stronger, Liu Xun thought.

Now that Liu Xun was in such high profile, he figured he should get a trump card or two.

System use one premium gacha talisman.

[Opening Wheel of Fate. Spin when ready host.]

A multi-colored wheel appeared in front of Liu Xun. Many of the options on the wheel can now be understood by him due to the GuanXin Knowledge Pill. There were various things from treasures to pills to skills, it even formation flags for sect building! Not that Liu Xun would need that.

Countless names flood the wheel. The most eye-catching one was a section that was rainbow in color, the color seemed to change at every moment. On that segment, words were written—Jackpot: Dragon Emperor Immortal Yang Root.

What a catch! An actual divine-ranked spirit root! It is said to be one of the top ten thousand spiritual roots in all the realms above!

The jackpot segment was tiny, but one could always hope. There seemed to be other great prizes like Grand ZuoXu Elemental Sword Technique, Blood Devil Mask, God Slaying Ruler, Profound Life Prolonging Pill, and such. There even seemed to be a small segment that said "A sealed grandpa". Those were of course one of the rarer prizes as well.

Liu Xun could feel all the excitement boiling in his hands. A gambler's rush!

Now I choose you, lucky hands! Spin!

The wheel spun. Each segment passed will give off a 'Clack' sound as if it passed the point for some reason. Maybe it was just there to hype anticipation.


The wheel was starting to slow down. Liu Xun could feel his nerves get all jittery.


Each segment could now be seen as it becomes slower. It is getting more intense!


By now, Liu Xun could tell the region where the arrow was likely to land as it slowed down close to a halt.

Oh my, it looks like it could possibly be the Dragon Emperor Immortal Yang Root! Come on wheel, don't fail on me.


The wheel lost all its momentum as it slowly landed onto the iridescent jackpot segment.




Dragon Emperor Immortal Yang Root!

Can it be? After the Purple Heaven Pill, now I am going to get something even greater and rise to the apex!?

Liu Xun was thrilled at his future prospects. He could imagine himself as a suave immortal riding a flying sword and fighting other immortals and mythical beings. He could become a great cultivator and become a master to dozens of disciples. Perhaps in the future, he could also pull a section formation flag and develop his own flag.



Wait, what?

The dreaming Liu Xun was rudely interrupted by the wheel. He looked back at the wheel. The arrow was no longer on the jackpot segment but rather moved to its neighbor.


Wheel daddy, you cannot cheat me like this. How can you receive good ratings from your users if you are so unscrupulous?

[The system does not cheat. The wheel's result is genuine and 100% not fixed.]

So you say system, so you say.

Liu Xun cannot be bothered to argue with the system, considering this was another freebie from a compensation gacha.

[Congratulations Host Li Xun! You have drawn SSR Grade- Fireball Talisman!]

Liu Xun looked at the prize suspiciously.

Is the wheel trying to dupe me? Everyone knows that most cultivators would learn the skill Fireball when they are in the Essence Foundation stage as it is a core skill. Now you give me a talisman of that and call it an exceptional prize?

[The system does not cheat. The prize is a legitimate SSR prize. The odds of obtaining an SSR prize in the premium gacha wheel is 1.5% and is 2 grades higher than the rare GuanXin Knowledge Pill. Please do not complain without justification, host.]

Liu Xun's face was bitter. He knows he had lost it big time considering he barely missed the grand prize, and now his 'special' prize looked worst than his first draw.

"Fine, I won't think too much about it. This talisman could be a life-saving tool if I am facing a life-threatening situation. System, tell me about the Fireball Talisman."

[1 point.]

"Fine you miser, tell me now."

[Entrepreneur. The normal fireball talismans are created by cultivators starting from the Core Formation stage. They tend to be popular amongst cultivators of this level and are known for their efficiency and firepower as the fireballs created by Essence Foundation are too weak and useless. Most cultivators stop making Fireball Talisman by the time they reach the Organ Refinement stage, which is the last of the Middle Third Layer. This is due to the ease of countering the spell by cultivators who have similar strengths.]

"Oh that is interesting, so my fireball talisman is created by a Core Formation senior then? That makes it even better."

[Negative host.]

"What it isn't? Is it by an even greater senior?"

[30 points.]

"What!? System, you cannot just scam me like that! How can one question cost so many points!?"

[The system deems it to be worth as much.]

"Really? You better not be tricking me."

[The system does not cheat, and it also does not trick.]

Liu Xun was hesitant.

Today, he barely got 16 points after all that trouble and he was going to spend almost twice that amount just to inspect a fireball talisman that could be produced by any but a Core Formation cultivator. Perhaps, maybe some Essence Foundation senior decided to make one and it somehow got into the gacha pool. What a dilemma.

"Fine, I will let you trick me this once. System, tell me about the fireball talisman I have received."

[30 points received. Thank you for the business. This fireball talisman was a joke prize made by "The Million Suns". She is an immortal at the pinnacle who specializes in fireball arts. Legend states that each of her fireballs has the strength of a sun, thus her actual title. The current display name "The Million Suns" is an alias to her true Dao Title. Normal fireball talismans by Core Formation cultivators could easily exterminate Essence Foundation juniors and harm cultivators of the same level.]

[This great one's fireball talisman contains one of her fireballs and a minuscule portion of her true dao. When not used, it can give a passive boost towards yang cultivation, suiting towards yang arts users and male cultivators. When used, it will unleash the stored fireball. The fireball that is normally a single target spell has been modified by her to be an area of effect (AOE) spell with the same intensity of power. The current radius it covers is about...I would assume the host is unable to comprehend the extent of the numbers—converting to conventional measurements.]

[The host knows about the size of White Blossom County, right?]

"Well yeah, I have lived here all my life. I know that it takes about ten days to travel from one end of the County to the other."

[Well the AOE is about the radius of ten White Blossom Counties.]

Liu Xun's jaw dropped. However, the system was not going to stop.

[Do not worry, host. There is a spell shield installed into the talisman that covers a three-meter radius that will protect the user and some allies from the AOE. Just remember that if you were to use it at your current level, you will have to walk for a hundred days before you can find any signs of life.]

Liu Xun was flabbergasted.

If you give me a weak fireball talisman, at least I can find somewhere to use it. Now, I don't know whether I would even bear to use it as it would involve harming every innocent being around.

[The only way to neutralizes the fireball is by finding another great one of similar or greater strength to cancel the attack out or a priceless treasure that can protect oneself from its effect. Nonetheless, this would be an 'atomic bomb' by another world's standards. It is environmentally friendly though, except that there will be nothing left of the environment.]

"What is an 'atomic bomb'?"

[10 points.]

"Whatever, I don't need to know about something I won't be seeing any time soon."

Liu Xun realized this trump card was too effective that he would most probably only be relying on its passive effect. Or else when he joins a sect and the sect faces a threat, he would not be able to utilize it. That is unless he planning to wipe out the very sect he is trying to protect. The same could be spoken for his family and all those dear to him. Was he willing to save his own life at the expense of everything else? Likely not at all.

Sighing at his prize, Liu Xun closed his eyes continued meditating.

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