《Revenge of Mages Book 1: The Staff of Runetizo》Chapter 43: Invincible Me


The shrapnel did nothing to hurt Perezoso, but it forced me to shield my eyes for 3 seconds. However, that was 2 seconds too long. When my eyes opened, I was flying through the air with a leviathan with its maw open right below me. I teleported away in the nick of time, with Perezoso looking a bit confused with his jaw closed. When I snuck up behind him and carved through some of his scales with shurikens, Perezoso turned his head around 180 degrees and looked straight at me. He opened his mouth to roar, but I didn’t allow him to. I shot 100 lightning arrows straight down his gullet. He howled in agony, several of his scales spontaneously combusting.

I double-checked my energy point pool. I had 1000 points left. I decided to cast my Hurricane-Lightning Strike combo twice, sending it down Perezoso’s throat, leaving me with about 500 energy points. I dove off of Perezoso as his back scales started to explode and fly off of him. Soon, he was back to his original unarmored form, this time a lot less confident in himself with all of the electricity going around in his stomach.

“Human! You have proved yourself a worthy adversary. I have had more fun in this fight than ever before. Alas, all good things must come to an end.” Perezoso wearily spoke, “Goodbye human. My fully unleashed form will put you down once and for all. Lest I fall, I have enjoyed this fight with you. If I do fall, I hope you go down with me so that we can fight with each other in the afterlife. One of our lives is getting extinguished today. Good luck, human. Know that even if you fall today, you are truly a phenomenal fighter.”

I grunted and blasted Perezoso with a fireball at his eye. Perezoso was so surprised that his eye-shield things didn’t appear and his eye was burned severely. His face morphed into anger. He roared at the skies. A giant water torrent smashed into him, making his scales harden, and they looked like a titanium-bronze alloy.


I glanced up to see a giant ball of water suspended in midair right above my head which was kept up by a nearly invisible barrier. I screamed in terror as it came crashing down on me. I cast the most powerful Forcefield I could, barely keeping myself above the waves.

Shifting into zooplankton once more, I drifted over to Perezoso and latched on as a remora. “Hey! Where’d you go!” Perezoso exclaimed.

“Act’nesmey,euodioi!t” I exclaimed, I was trying to say “Can’t see me, ya idiot!”, but remoras can’t talk.

Perezoso shook his head around, looking for me, while I slowly but surely swam off and stuck myself back on his underbelly, eventually reaching the surface of the water. Here, I turned into a gecko and climbed the rest of Perezoso’s body and reached his mouth. When he opened his mouth to talk, I turned into a human, and as I was falling, I threw some Lightning Strikes at him and shot 50 lightning arrows into his mouth.

When he roared in agony, he spat out a bluish liquid, which appeared to have water and lightning mixed into it. Upon further examination, I believed it to also have some acidic properties. So when Perezoso spat the toxic mix of water and lightning, I was forced to dodge. However, I was not quick enough to get out of the area, and the liquid electrocuted me while the acid started to pollute the nearby water.

The water below me started to bubble and darken. I took that as a warning and got out of the way not a second too late. A giant wall of water compressed together shot out of the area, leaving me spasming right next to it.

While I was recovering from getting shocked, Perezoso advanced. He opened his mouth and prepared to chomp on me… only for his teeth to bounce and spark off of my armor simply unable to harm me.


“What?!” Perezoso roared, “How does your armor save you! That bite would’ve gone through armor made of graphene like paper!”

I had no answer. I was confused about what happened as well until I remembered my Invincibility special ability. My ability had saved my life.

“My armor is the strongest armor in existence, and it was gifted to me by Tyronius himself!” I lied, attempting to intimidate Perezoso.

“Ah, but it did not protect you from my blood, did it? Your armor only protects you from physical attacks!” Perezoso leered.

Disgusting! That toxic mix was his blood? I thought. I knew that Perezoso was suspecting the truth that my armor was useless against him, so I had to act fast.

Turning into a falcon once more, I tried to fly as high into the sky as I could, trying to reach where Perezoso couldn’t see me anymore. However, I was disappointed to see that another nearly invisible barrier popped up, making me crash into it and fall.

Because of the crash, I lost concentration and turned back into a human. With me falling, the wind roaring, and Perezoso bellowing, I couldn’t focus and therefore couldn’t shapeshift. I awaited death as I fell to my doom.

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