《Revenge of Mages Book 1: The Staff of Runetizo》Chapter 38: Quiz Time


“This test will be a test of knowledge of the history of the magic and human worlds,” Calhoun announced formally. “Alright, begin!”

I began completing the test.

Question 1: What was the name of Tyronius’s dragon?

A: Dragon

B: Tronius

C: Thori

D: Thiro (selected answer) (correct answer)

Question 2: What is the name of the King of Demons in Tyronius’ time?

A: Zoy

B: Hori

C: Zloty (selected answer) (correct answer)

D: Parnu

Question 3: What is the name of the corrupted king as of right now?

A: Cage

B: Kaige (selected answer) (correct answer)

C: Mage

D: Kokuhi

Question 4: What is the name of the corrupted king in Tyronius’ time?

A: Larry

B: Malkallam (selected answer) (correct answer)

C: Chuji

D: Radon

Question 5: What is the name of the current King of Demons?

A: Thazzomos (selected answer) (correct answer)

B: Xorzak

C: Onyx

D: Julvuzeth

Question 6: What is the name of Malkallam’s ring that was used to summon the Demon King?

A: Alvokante (selected answer) (correct answer)

B: Biklustoni

C: Chaqirish

D: Demon King Ring Bling

Question 7: What is the name of the evil group that seeks to destroy us mages?

A: Protivodeystviye Magii (selected answer) (correct answer)

B: Romboló Varázslat

C: Töfra Eyðandi

D: Dānā Vināśaka

Question 8: When did the first war between the mages and the demons and humans begin? (Before Tyronius)

A: 79 B. T.

B: 241 B. T.

C: 103 B. T. (selected answer) (correct answer)

D: 181 B. T.

Question 9: What is the name of the first war between the mages and the demons and humans?

A: The First War

B: The Great War (correct answer)

C: The Demon-Human War (selected answer)

D: The War of Chaos

Question 10: What is Tyronius’ last name?

A: Expones

B: Exypnos (selected answer) (correct answer)

C: Exylnos

D: Exynos

I ended up scoring 9/10, only getting the 9th question wrong. As Sona passed me, she remarked, “Congrats, Mensal, you barely passed, you needed to score 8/10 to pass, but you scored 9/10.” I wiped the sweat off my forehead that I didn’t even realize was gathering.

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