《Revenge of Mages Book 1: The Staff of Runetizo》Chapter 33: School Starts


I ran towards the schoolhouse, which was located near the edge of Riverstone Forest, a forest located in Yadurige. I checked my schedule. I was going to alchemy class first, with Dr. Shengit. Dang it! The class started at 4:00, but it was already 4:05. I searched for the door, slipping in, hoping the teacher wouldn’t notice me. Unluckily for me, the doctor had eagle eyes and spotted me right away. “And who is this young specimen trying to sneak into my classroom? Speak up!” He announced in his nasal voice.

“Dr. Shengit, I am Mensal Exypnos, descendant of Tyronius Exypnos.” I declared.

“Don’t go lying to me, fool.” He grabbed a random book from a bookshelf and threw it at me. “I wasn’t born yesterday. Cut the lies, introduce yourself. Oh, and when talking to me, use Dr. Shengit sir, okay nitwit?”

“But sir, I am Mensal Exypnos! Because of that, I don’t have to call you sir! Besides, I can prove it. I have a bunch of things I’ve learned from Tyronius, and I have a dragon!” I argued.

“Fine. Prove it, you slimy little maggot!” Dr. Shengit yelled. Suddenly, Iris came barreling in through the wall. The wall collapsed, and Iris roared, Listen, you puny little doctor. I say that this child is far more experienced than you in combat and magic. I say he is Mensal Exypnos and YOU WILL BELIEVE IT OR REGRET IT!!

“AAHHH!!” Dr. Shengit fell back and cowered in the corner with his hands over his head


“OK, OK, he is Mensal Exypnos, please don’t hurt me!” Dr. Shengit squeaked.

“Hmph,” Iris growled and departed the building, and Dr. Shengit got back up a little shaken, and continued asking, “So you are presumably Mensal, eh? How would having a dragon prove it? You could be some other kid with a dragon, and having a dragon threaten me is easy!”


“Oh, I can prove it all right!” I said angrily that I was getting sick of this Dr. Shengit person denouncing me. I held out my palm and a fireball appeared there, which I spun in circles. That created a spiral of fire around the doctor and me. I then made it fly up into a ball, which I made compact until it broke down. Then, I took out Astrapi and shot each elemental arrow once, creating a series of explosions around the hot ball, which got frozen from the water arrow blast. I then shot a fire

“Does that prove my point, doctor?” I asked menacingly.

“In fact, no! You could just have some overpowered enchanted gear! So what?! You are a rich worm that comes from some rich family! Who in the name of Tyronius cares?” Dr. Shengit complained.

“Fine. Then one last demonstration.” I growled, summoning fire from my fingertips. I blasted a steady stream of flames at the forest. The flames enveloped the trees but didn’t even scorch them. “Do you know anyone who can do that? And what’s the point of a fire weapon that does nothing?”

For once, the bothersome doctor was speechless. Suddenly, a woman with her hair tightly in a bun walked out of the forest with ash all over her and a menacing look on her face. “WHICH. OF. YOU. IS. SETTING. FIRE. TO. THE. FOREST?!” She yells furiously.

Everyone was silent, so she repeated the question: “I said, who is DESTROYING THE FOREST?!!!!!”

“It was this young person here! His name is Mensal.” Dr. Shengit was quick to react and pointed at me.

“Wait wait wait wait wait, where did the ash come from? That was blinding fire, only supposed to temporarily blind people, not burn them! It creates no ash! And the trees haven’t even been harmed!” I protest


“I DON’T CARE. Why in Tyronius’ name are you destroying the forest?!” The woman asked menacingly.

“Well, I trained with Tyronius, I don’t understand why you all keep saying ‘Why in Tyronius’s name’ or ‘Who in the name of Tyronius’? He’s not that serious, he keeps playing pranks on me!” I asked in confusion.

“Don’t lie. Tyronius is dead!” The woman exclaimed through gritted teeth.

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that. I wanted to just watch, but now I will interfere if you don’t accept that that is my descendant,” A voice from behind the woman exclaimed. Everyone turned their heads towards the voice. Tyronius had appeared.

Everyone except for me knelt, and Dr. Shengit welcomed Tyronius, “Hello, my Lord. I am blessed to be able to even glimpse a sight of you. Please excuse this bothersome pest that is clearly lying about training with you.”

Meanwhile, I just greeted him casually, “Hi Tyronius! What’s up?”

“Shut up, you disrespectful little ant!” Dr. Shengit hissed at me.

“Nothing, it just started getting a bit boring in Dásos tis Dynamis, so I decided to take a visit here to see you! But then these people decided to say that I am dead! But as they can see, I am not!” Tyronius smiled, taking no attention from the class, Dr. Shengit, and the woman.

“Lord Tyronius? You know this lying bastard?” The woman queried.

“In fact, I do! Everything he has been saying is the truth! If you want to ask the headmaster about Mensal, he could tell you! Truth is, you should probably call Mensal sir!” Tyronius announced in a jovial tone.

“Wait what?! Do you think that this is true and that this is the real Tyronius, Servillah?” Dr. Shengit asked Servillah, the woman.

“I told you to call me Ms. Dennis!” Servillah Dennis snapped.

“Fine, whatever, Ms. Dennis!” Dr. Shengit rolled his eyes, “We have more pressing matters than titles here!”

“True,” Ms. Dennis remarked, “May I ask for proof that you are the real Tyronius?”

“Sure!” Tyronius called to Thiro and Thiro arrived, stunning everyone except for me. Thiro roared, shifting into his muscular human form.

“I am Thiro, and this is Tyronius. Believe it, or else.” Thiro growled.

Dr. Shengit and Ms. Dennis cowered in fear, murmuring: “O-ok, o-ok.”

“Good. Now learn your lesson and apologize to Mensal.” Tyronius dictated.

“Yes, sir. Apologies, Mensal sir.” Dr. Shengit and Ms. Dennis apologized forcefully.

“Thank you.” I accepted their apologies, hoping they would carry it through in the future.

Tyronius then teleported away, leaving the class with the two disrespectful teachers. As I went back into the crowd of students, one of them whispered, “I don’t think it was a good idea to make 2 powerful enemies, Mensal!”

“Ya think?!” I responded with sarcasm, “But I had to stand up for myself, and I can still defend myself!”

“Whatev. By the way, the name’s Clarmon.” Clarmon waved me off.

With this argument ongoing, Dr. Shengit ended class early, ushering us off to our next class as he discussed what just happened with Ms. Dennis/Servillah.

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