《Revenge of Mages Book 1: The Staff of Runetizo》Chapter 32: Jailbreak


After much more training, I had to say goodbye to Tyronius and prepare to leave the forest. Before I left, he gave me a gift; a bow that was called Astrapi. Astrapi would have a magical supply of arrows, 500 normal arrows, and 300 elemental arrows per day, and if I pulled the string back and thought about which type of arrow I wanted, it would appear. However, like the shuriken pouch, it was not stackable. Elemental arrows also took longer to fire. Also similar to the shuriken pouch, it was bound permanently to my person, could only be taken off if I willed it, and no one else could pick it up.

I walked out of the forest to see a glowing note. On the note, it said, Mensal, my friend! This is me, Khel! I have been taken prisoner by the police! Please come rescue me! PLEASE!!! Thanks, Khel.

I gasped. How did Khel, a magical person, get captured by some puny police officers? Either way, I knew I had to save him.

I quickly ran to the police station. There were two police guards stationed at the front door, so I shot out an Electricity Arrow, causing a lightning bolt to strike near the police’s parking lot. The sentries dropped their coffee mugs and ran over to assess the situation. I shot a Force Arrow at the area. A purple bubble expanded outwards and knocked out all of the officers investigating the area. Inside, there were about 25 police officers drinking coffee, eating donuts, and doing stuff on their phones.

I yelled confidently, “Stop what you’re doing and release the mage you’ve captured.”

“Uh...which one?” An officer asked.

“If you have multiple imprisoned, ALL OF THEM!!!!” I yelled.

“Wait wait wait why should we listen to you? Look! You’re just a little kiddo! You don’t have any power! Now, leave before we have to get rid of you the hard way.” A male officer lectured me as he pointed his gun at me.

“Oh, I’m a powerless little kiddo, am I? Well, I’m about to change your mind!” I took out Astrapi, shot an Air Arrow, and pressed a shuriken to my forehead. Then, I started spinning the shurikens around me.


In a rage, I started flinging shurikens everywhere with no accuracy whatsoever. Suddenly, the roof collapsed on us. I had just enough time to cast Forcefield to protect myself, but the officers weren’t so lucky because they didn’t have any magic. All of them collapsed to the floor. I steadied myself and crawled over to the officers. I took all of their keys, and then cast Healing Discharge on them. I saved all of the captured mages, and then the officers’ eyes started opening, but all of us were long gone, riding away on dragon-back.

Upon inquiry, the 7 captured mages were Khel, Lado with a magic level of 175, Maldo with a magic level of 85, Yoru with a magic level of 124, Umu with a magic level of 76, Pylori with a magic level of 133, and Gref with a magic level of 163.

Maldo had been spying on the town of Clearwater whilst flying, and then two police officers grabbed him from behind. Then, Lado, Maldo’s older brother, tried to save Maldo, but the police officers caught him off guard, so he was imprisoned as well.

Yoru and Umu, who were twins, were investigating what happened to Maldo and Lado. The police saw them using magic on security cameras, and then they set up a trap when they split up. They captured Umu and put him in a clearing, gagged and handcuffed. Then, Yoru tried to unbind Umu, but then the police raised a cage around them and trapped them.

Pylori was on a journey to the Snake’s Tongue, which was about 100 miles to the north of Clearwater Town when a monster appeared. He fought it off with his fire magic, but the townspeople saw him use magic, and the police surrounded and captured him, as all of his magical reserves were drained from fighting the monster.

Khel had made friends with Gref when Gref encountered him on his way to the Beaver’s Den. They had a magical duel for practice, which Gref won easily. The police saw the bursts and came over to investigate, and they saw both Gref and Khel using magic. They took advantage of the mages’ exhausted reserves to capture both and throw them into prison.

“Anyways, Mensal, how did you throw that many shurikens so fast, and where did you get so many shurikens?” Khel asked.


“I got an enchanted pouch from Tyronius, and I spun around and threw that many shurikens from the new ability I developed while training with Tyronius, Shuriken Strike,” I explained.

“Wait…Tyronius? The mage that rode upon Thiro about 1000 years ago? You found him not dead but alive, and he helped you train?” Lado asked me.

“Correct, Lado,” I responded.

“Wow, that’s so cool!!” Maldo cheered, amazed.

“Shouldn’t we head back to Yadurige?” Pylori asked.

“Why? I want to chat a little more.” Gref complained.

“Well, we should report to Headmaster Cerri about what happened. I imagine he is very curious!” Pylori commented.

“OK, then let’s head back to Yadurige! Iris, let’s go!” I commanded.

Iris took off, and we soon arrived at the gate, where we saw shades charging at the Gates of Yadurige. I summoned fire from my fingertips, using fire Elementalism. I then blasted one of the shades with it. Then, I summoned more fire.

“Wh-what? I thought that kind of magic was forgotten for mages! How do you have it, and how did you know of it?” One of the shades stammered.

“Don’t worry about me having it. And I know of it from one of the greatest killers of your kind. I will continue his work and continue ridding the world of you vermin!” I pronounced as I shot more fire.

“Who? Hutor with his snearirows? He died a long time ago, so you can’t talk with him unless you can resurrect people, but then you would resurrect Tyronius!” The shade exclaimed as he dodged.

“Who said that Tyronius is dead?!” I taunted.

“No…” The shade murmured.

“Yes.” I looked him straight in the eye. “I have trained… with Tyronius.” Then, I summoned a tornado of fire and incinerated all of the remaining shades. Then, I strolled through the gates as if nothing had happened.

The guards were staring open-mouthed and didn’t even lift their spears to inspect me or ask what I was doing. Iris came up behind me with Khel, Lado, Maldo, Yoru, Umu, Pylori, and Gref on her back.

Once inside Yadurige, I told Iris to drop her passengers off at their destinations, and I ran straight to the headmaster.

The headmaster greeted me and asked, “Have you found Tyronius, Mensal?”

“Yes, in fact, I trained with him! That is why I took so long to get home. Also, I saved Khel, Lado, Maldo, Yoru, Umu, Pylori, and Gref from Clearwater Town’s prison.” I informed him.

“Oh… I was wondering where they went! How did Khel get captured though?” Headmaster Cerri asked.

“I could get into the forest, but Khel was unable to get in. After I finished my training and received two gifts from Tyronius, I found out Khel was captured and went to save him.” I explained.

“Got it. What gifts did you get?” Cerri inquired.

“I got an enchanted pouch that gives me 500 shurikens per day, but it is unstackable and other people can’t use them. I also got an enchanted bow named Astrapi that gives me 500 normal arrows and 300 elemental arrows per day, and the same rules with the shuriken pouch apply.” I listed the two things that Tyronius had gifted me.

“Wait… elemental arrows? Are you pranking me?” The headmaster exclaimed.

“Of course not…” I remarked in confusion.

“All right, can you tell me what you learned from Tyronius’ training?” Headmaster Cerri asked.

“In fact, yes! I learned fire Elementalism, which is controlling fire without using magic, and it uses no energy. I also trained with the staff, bow, and shurikens.” I affirmed.

“What?!!! So basically, in summary, you’ve been training with a warrior that’s supposed to be long dead, and then you received two enchanted gifts, and you also learned...whatever Elementalism is!” The headmaster summarized.

“Uh, that is a very accurate description, headmaster!” I agree.

“I-I think I need to sit down and rest for a while.” Headmaster Cerri put his hand to his forehead and sat down, rubbing his forehead. Suddenly, the watch-like object on my wrist started ringing, and a virtual schedule popped up.

“I guess your classes are starting!” Headmaster Cerri declared, “You better hurry, or you’ll be late!”

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