《The Mage returns to being an Archer》Side Story 2 – Magic Depleted


Side Story 2 – Magic Depleted

(Right after Charges)

(Prison Guard’s POV)

“Hehehe, now comes the fun part” (Prison guard leader)

“HEHEHEHEHE!” (Prison guards)

It’s so fun watching some kingdom officers fall from grace. This job is the most exciting job because of that. Although for this bloke, I got orders from a higher-up general to snuff and incapacitate him before the interrogation.

When I first saw him brought in by the soldiers, I thought they are going to put an extra burden. The food supply hasn’t been replenished for three months, and we basically just provide the prisoner with water and dirt, with a little bit of insects like cockroaches, lizard, or rat. We sometimes even eat the rat ourselves; especially those that managed to get to our rations.

They told me that this bloke abandoned his military duty while in battle, and was captured while escaping. Well, I don’t care for all those minor details, but they left me with a sack of gold, so all’s good. I requested for some additional ration, and they comply swiftly. This means that this guy over here is quite an important figure, seeing that the military rarely interact favourably with prison guards.

For now, I ordered my men to fetch those sticks that beat out the mana in the body. By beating the sticks at important spots all over the body, you can seal the mana away from a mage, making them useless and incompetent. Now I know that this guy used to be a mage, and now he’s going to lose his outstanding ability as one. Thinking about this give me the chills. It’s like taking a heavy dose of pops, a plant-based drug used to induce high state for prolonged period.

When the sticks are ready, we tied the bloody mess that we chained at the ankle to a frame that holds all four of his limbs and made him spread-eagle. He’s strangely quiet while we put him through this ordeal. His face looks swollen, and his condition looks nasty. But this is the fun part. Nothing beats beating to death a dying person who once high post in the kingdom. We were told to beat him a hundred times, but to beat a mage at all his vital spots, would take 131 hits. I decided that since this is fun, we will beat him 100 times on top of 131 times at his vital spots.


“…….” (Adam)

“Hehehe, don’t be a spoil sport. Let me hear your screams” (Prison guard leader)

“Hiyah, TAKE THIS!” (Prison guard A)

The prison guard hit him at his bum, and his body jerked forward. That’s a nice hit. His skin tore, and blood ooze down from it. That’s so sexy. The next guard hit him. Two burly guards take hitting that bloke at the bum. I like the smacking and screaming sound they usually emit. But this one is dead silent.

On the next hit by the second guard, something unexpected happened. The stick turns brittle. The first guard hit him again. This time, that stick also turns darkish and brittle. Hey, those sticks are the lifelines of the guards here. They are not cheap. What the hell is happening here?

Crack!, crack!.

The special sticks that destroy a mage’s mana source in the body broke the moment they hit him with it again. It’s costly to replace them.

“Hey, wrap the special sticks with oiled paper. Maybe his blood is corrupted or something.” (Prison guard leader)

After wrapping it with oiled paper, the next set of sticks also broke in their third hit. This SOB, he’s wasting away our precious items.

“Get out the normal ones and try him with it” (Prison guard leader)

The ordinary flog hit him just fine after that. Damn him, I will punish him till my heart is content.

“Hit him till your hands feel like breaking. No limit” (Prison guard leader)

I hit and hit him until I’m tired. If not for his quietness, this will be so satisfying. After that, I ask the guards to remove the chains, but keep the hem weed on, and drag his body out and drop him in a secluded area. If he died, nobody will know. If he survives, then he is free to walk away. Before that, I had my fun and forgot the toilet. Let’s do it on him one more time to release my stress for today.

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