《The Mage returns to being an Archer》Side Story 1 - Afterlife


Side Story 1 - Afterlife

(Adam’s POV, after fainted in the battlefield)

I remembered the weird dream I have right after I casted the Resurrection spell. I vaguely recalled reading it from an old golden-coloured grimoire of Father. The book cover looks so intriguing, so it caught my attention. The content is simple, and is written in English, a language I now understand belongs to a place I once reside in my past life.

It’s stated that the order of this world is under the Gods residing in this world, and they decide to change some of the rules in the most fundamental area. The rise of magical phenomena is one of the effects due to such changes, and the existence of status and skills are features implemented as a system to allow gods to have better control over the world. Magical phenomena itself still follow the law of causality, so the magnitude, speed, direction, and effect of a magical phenomena is directly proportional to the difficulty of incantation, the intention behind the spell, the medium used for inducing the phenomena, and very rarely but not unheard of, god’s blessing.

The resurrection spell is a magical phenomenon that is invoked by using one’s own soul as a medium, an English incantation, and genuine intention to save the life of the others. I recalled that I can see my soul hover above me, said some words that I still can’t understand to me, wave me a goodbye, and proceed to bring back to life of those fallen in the battle with demon army. It was a strange feeling, seeing my other self got out of my body, then dispersed in front of me. That time, my body got into a fit and I felt like a huge amount of energy left my body. I thought that would be the end of me, seeing as my soul has left the body.


“Hello there” (God A)

“Who’s there?” (Adam)

“Tch, tch, tch, no greetings, what a rude being” (God A)

“I don’t know who are you, or where I am. How am I supposed to greet you?” (Adam)

What a self-centred person. She looks so vain in flashy clothes.

“Such crass word from a lowlife. I also know you are thinking something rude of me. Please refrain from doing that. What I wear is the most beautiful set of dress you can find ever” (God A)

“Good for you. Is this the afterlife?” (Adam)

She talk is like an old man inside

“Hey, you are thinking I’m an old man? Listen, I’m a GOD. I am eternal, forever 15. Knock this in your head” (God A)

“Arrggh, stop it! I understand, I won’t think bad stuff anymore!”

Adam suffered from deep anguish even though his current body is in an ethereal form. With no gravity or a floor to stand, he just curls into a ball while hugging his knee. The pain is emitted throughout his entire being.

“I see that you are still stubborn as ever. Stay that way for now” (God A)

“You see, I have stayed in this world for eternity. I need some entertainment, and when I saw you sneakily try to learn magic from everywhere, even from your Father, it caught my interest” (God A)

“........” (Adam mumbling)

“I know that you don’t origin from this world that has magic, so they are fascinating to you. We created magic as a form of entertainment and convenience, and now the creatures of this world have been using them for war and destruction. I don’t really get the thinking of War-chan (God of War), but at least it keeps us entertained.” (God A)

“…” (Adam has given up)


“Don’t get so gloomy. You are here is a good thing. Just keep me entertained and you will be okay. You came from world-221, correct? You language is simple and primitive, so I like to use them to make up some funny chuuni magical spell for my subjects to study” (God A)

“I will explain this to you. What you used (Resurrection) is a spell I created, so your soul is now bound to me. It usually cost the soul of the caster, and their soul will be destroyed when they used the spell. That’s why the spell is limited to the church’s clerics who have enormous amount of holy mana in their being. That way, I can channel my support to them when they want to perform any large miraculous magic like Resurrection without losing their soul. However, that’s too tedious and boring, so I rarely do so.” (God A)

“Now for the good part. I managed to get rid of your guardian soul when you decide to cast that spell. By overclocking that skill, I managed to force that freaking large guardian soul of yours to dissipate completely. That soul of your previous life has now gone, and I gain your current soul bound to this world that still has your previous life knowledge. Now you belonged to me in body and soul. You will be my eyes, hands, and feet in the world. But don’t worry, for I am generous. I will give you at least some degree of freedom. But all the knowledge you display will now belong to me” (God A)

This crazy god keeps going on and on, gloating about how it has successfully ensnared me. But one thing that I know is that I have lost something very important. I roughly know that I’m from somewhere else at birth. I quickly gain knowledge of this world, and I’m very curious about magic at a young age. I thought that magic phenomena is exciting, and bring great convenience to life, never knowing the danger and harm it harbours behind them.

“Now, go to suffer. Struggle more and more for my entertainment” (God A)

I then felt something snagged my astral body at the navel and why whole being is pulled so quickly that I can’t even make out any outline of what’s happening to me. Next moment, I’m back to feeling a bodily sensation.

“Suffer, suffer more for me to see.” (God A’s fleeting words)

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