《I was reincarnated on the One piece World》A good way to end..the story


In the vastness ocean of North blue..

A man was flying his way to find any signs of green luminisence..

This man is non other than Jason.

After several months of staying in a small village near reverei mountain. Jason had decided to roam the whole north blue sea.. he even passed the kingdom of germa..

Unable to see any progress.. Jason finally had decided to make a move on holy city of marijoa

Jason: I have to do my part here..

Hundred thousand of sea stone bullet from their army welcomed Jason..

Whith his spear and his two fruit power the sora sora and rumble rumble fruit . Jason was able to successfully make them knock out..

Jason flew straight into the top of marijoa.. where he suspiciously think where the god fruit tree and non cursed devil fruit tree stands.

Jason : There's no other way.. for him to become a pirate king.. I have to destroy those tree...

As he reached the top.. a human with strange eyes like him is sitting on a huge throne .

And beneath it we're 5 elders..

Jason: so it is really true...

Unknown person: I admire you for coming this far.

Stay there 5 elders. I will do the favour to him . Since he had come this far, might as well I do the opportunity to slay him. With this bare hands.





5 ELDERS ; Soru.

The five elders had dodge Jason's barrier..

5 ELDERS:!!!! LORD..

but the unknown guy just flipped his fingers.. and the barrier was destroyed..

Jason:! ! !

*then how about this ...


oxygen in the area in his front have started to deplete.


The five elders had difficult to breath .

Yet the guy on the throne just flipped his fingers and Jason's move we're washed out..

Jason* Dammnit..

Jason took out his heavenly crystal spear and went straight to the guy... Aiming to hit him..

But the unknown guy just put his palm up..and an even more thicker barrier appear in front of Jason blocking his way..

Jason gritted his teeth...

And he gripped his spear forcefully...

Jason: My blood is your blood. my strength, is your strength, my resistance is your resistance..

As soon as Jason finished those words..

His eyes become bloodshed..and strong resonance vibrated on his spear shaft..

His joints had bulge out..illustrating a demon ready to strike his spear..

Jason unleashed a horizontal spear slash...

Unknown person:! ! ! !

He knows what those red eyes are. He had fought with him before.. those eyes that had started Everithing. The Void Millennium.

Unknown person: YOU WERE THE DEVIL!!!!!!

he jumped out of his throne and was even more terrified on what had happened..

Behind him the tree that had stood for long millenia had been shred into pieces.

As the unknown person look back..what he saw was a smirking face of Jason..

Jason: I am.. the devil..

Jason pointed up

Jason: Yamas Call!!

Then a blackwind surge up on the sky.. obliteraring the trees even more...

Unknown person: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE.....!!!!!!

Jason smirked..

Jason then thrust his spear on the ground..


The sky then went in rage. Heavy thunders crashed down above the city of marijoa...

It was like a one Target thunderstorm.

Finally the two fruit tree had been obliterated.

But what comes next to it was the heavenly light that had pierced on his heart..

Jason:! ! ! !

A huge hole comes out of his chest..


Jason: Heavens grace. ...

Unknwown person??? Bastard...

Jason was totally healed.

Jason: Fog of the Forgotten..

Sky went down giving out thick fog..camouflaging Jason..

The five elders went up in front of the unknown king..

But they had failed to tract Jason..

The unknown person was now filled with rage..

Jason I have ... I have to escape .. my job is done.. the tree fruit of god and uncursed devil fruit replica is gone now

Unknown person: As if I would let you go with out paying the prize for what you have done..



Jason: ! ! ! ! ! !



The gods attack was absorbed on a single point whirl ..

The sky went down .. the fog.. was absorbed by the whirl. Even the thunder storm..

Unknown person: ... You.. you destroyed everything.. but it is fine.. as long as I kill you . With mY hands . Then nothing can stop me now..

Jason:*it seems like there's now way that I could escape this fate..I'm glad that I gave out an offspring in this world ... The blood of me , the devil.

I may die here but not the blood of mine.

Jason throw out his spear to the North..

It flew so fast and it landed back to an uncivilized island where a girl was sitting in the ground.

The girl recognized the spear.. as soon as she saw it , tears run down on her eyes.

That time 5 elders have grouped up and slay Jason..

Stabbing his heart...

Jason: The fruit tree is now gone. There is only that remains. It is my win....


Jason's smirked out..

Then a vision display out of his consciousness..

The vision made him smile somehow.

Jason: Beware of the next pirate king, .. for this king will slay all of you down.

Unknown: You've forgotten something, I am a god.

Silence passed..

Jason:Heavens Judgement: Half life..

A soul then went out from the gods body and went in to Jason's soul..

That day.. the once ex marine who have been revived in the world of one piece..have finally died..

The people of marijoa just witnessed the events but not what had happened at the top.

God:. . ! ! ! ! NOOOOOO

their gods lifespan, was half .

On the other hand In a far away ocean of north in the uncivilized island of north blue. The woman whom Jason had sent his spear took it out. And went in to the forest holding the spear warmly.

Meanwhile during this time.. the strawhats had begun rampaging on the fishman island.

Finally the journey of Jason in the world of One-piece finally ended.







Jason: What world is this?...what happened.. am I dead already?..

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