《I was reincarnated on the One piece World》New Era


The New era of pirate world had successfuly set sail.

The ringing of ox bell and the sign on strawhat Luffys arm, marked initiated it all.

Right now, all of the pirates over the world still remember the great war that had happened in marineford..

Whitebeards death, aces death, black beard appearance and redhairs rescue.

But the identity of Jason was unknown to the world.

That time government gave out a special telecast on the screen..this telecast was broadcasted worldwide.. hypnotic telecast that manipulate the viewers memory..

Every marine, admirals or not, normal citizens pirates around the world that are watching it was hypnotized .

The telecast was the full marineford war in that telecast Jason is not around the government made it that it was a terrible defeat from the pirates..and Blackbeard pirates was able to slain whitebeard. Giving him a second devil fruit which is the quake quake devil fruit.

The strangest thing is that, Blackbeard did now possess the devil fruit which is on Jason's hand.

Making him the strongest pirate roaming the open seas.

All of this we're unknown to Jason and his crew.

Right now, the only person in the ocean of the world who knows the truth are those people called Gorrosei.. their leader,red hair pirates and jason pirates.

And this plan was created by non other than, the cipher pol.

Meanwhile, the strawhats member are currently indulging thier bodies on a severe training. After receiving Luffys message , they easily realize what is it, the slowest one to realize it was non other than roronoa Zoro.

A year have passed so easily for pirate worls and Jason's pirate crew.

Ace had finally increased his resistance by lot. Even Jason is impress on how ace improve.

Bon kurray too.. beaten by two giants for several times.. his strength and resistance had greatly boosted


Iceburg and tom sans work towards Goldy is still on progress, right now, Goldies upper body, have been turn into a body of a cyborg.. and above it where several islands floating above covered with a great coating.

The crew is currently on standby in the sea of South blue nearest to the border of Grand line. Goldy is currently at the surface of the giant ocean. While ice burg and tom were setting up properly the coating above goldys body.

Nico Olvia right now is with Ace and Jason covered with coating. She is being pushed dow by Jason.

They're currently heading down 7,000 ft on the sea surface.

When Jason and ace was diving it they saw a strange glimmering light...

And they were surprised on what they had saw..

A poneglyph.. because of this .. Jason and ace went back to the surface and took out Olvia with them.

Right now, Nico Olvia is with them..

Jason* I wonder what revelation would I get this Time..

As soon as they've reached it down ...Nico Olvia read the poneglyph..

As soon as Nico Olvia see it, he directly tap Jason and signal them to take it inside Goldy.

The three of them went back to the surface and went inside goldys body..

Jason: Olvia what does it say..

Olvia: Later I will tell it to you, you have to take that inside Goldy..

Ace:Jason... Those marks.. are the same with the marks that I had found inside Goldy. But I cannot read it. What are those marks?

Jason: They are messages from the past written on a tab for us to read it.

Ace: Message from the past.?.

Jason; In order for them to relay their message to the upcoming future generations, they have sculp each words that they want to say on a sturdy surface..


Ace:. .. then what are they trying to say.

Nico Olvia: Important information, history of the world, the beginning and it's end. Warning and Story, everything of it that is related to the past is written on it.

Ace: . . . .

The three of them went near to where the crew is.

Jason: Jaguar.. Oars we need your help.. we found a poneglyph Olvia wanted it to be hauled here.

Jaguar: Okay. Oars let's go.

Oars: Oars will help.. oars will help.

Ace: I'll stay here for now..Bon chan let's have friendly match..

Bon Chan: Sure bon..

Olvia: I'll stay here too.. for now I'll need someone to escort back to the rare of goldys body..

Whitebeard: let me escort you ..

Olvia: thank you Oldman.

Whitebeard: Oldman , hahaha...

Jason: Ok..Jaguar ,oars let's head out...

The three of them went back to the surface to take the poneglyph..

The two giant took it out easily and carried it towards Goldy..

Jason: We are back. . .

Ace: Olvia is still at the back with pops..

Jason ; I see, Jaguar ,Oars lets take it to them.. that way it would be easy for Olvia to compare the two.

Oars: Okay okay..

Jaguar: You were very lucky Jason. Most of the pirate crew would dream to obtain poneglyph in their life..

Jason: yeah, I'm glad that our year of traveling underwater have result like this..

The three of them walk loudly talking..

Jason: You knew, I once met a 9,000 ft tall giant.

Jaguar:! ! ! !

Oars: That's ... That's big giant.

Jaguar: Yeah.. it's even bigger than me..

Jason: It happened when I'm still roaming the underwater alone..and I was like.. punched by it.making me almost collapsed. That time I suddenly awaken my conquerors haki..

Jaguar: You have. . Conquerors haki?..

Jason: Yeah , but I don't use it usually in a fight..

Jaguar: That's awesome Jason..

Oars: Yeah Awesome.. awesome.

Jason: Later let's have a friendly match , I've been stagnant for a long time.. have to train myself out.

And after a few more time.. they saw Oldman whitebeard and Olvia..

Oars: Oldman... We have it.. look..

Whitebeard: Oars.. good job..

Oars: yet yet, good job good job

Jaguar: Olvia... Those are poneglyph too?.

Olvia : Jaguar hurry put it down over here..

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