《I was reincarnated on the One piece World》Tom is not dead


2 days have passed .. now ...

There were 2 individuals that are fighting in the deep sea while they were tied on the tail of the humongous island eater sea king...

Those we're Jason , and ace...

They haven't entered yet..inside Goldy and had rely on the seakings of the ocean.

Jason would hunt for it every day for ace

Jason is already used to the pressure of the sea while ace was just starting so it's best for him to be dragged behind, that way, his lung capacity will rocket up.

And finally Goldy had arrived on the water 7.. jason untied the rope on his foot and swam straight to the water 7 metropolis..

Yet to his surprise, he cannot feel the presence of tom..

Jason: Strange.... Really strange...is he really dead..

Then suddenly a memory of a certain article on his past life said that, it might be that Tom is still alive.

Jason: Is it possible?.. So he is still alive..it must be that reason, why I cannot feel any presence from here...

Then there's no other place for Tom to stay with and that is..

Jason* Under water of water 7..

Jason dive down .. to deepest part of the ocean.

On his hour of searching he had found a well built house under the sea near water seven..

Jason reached the surface .. he was amazed on what he saw.

The house itself is covered with giant water coat.. protecting it from the water pressure..

Jason went in on the coat and was able to successfully enter it with out any comosions.

He then knocked up the door.

And a huge fish man appear opening the door.

This is non other than shipwright Tom. The famous shipwright who had built the orojackson

Tom: Oh.. an unexpected guests..come in..



Tom : I never would have thought that someone would find my hideout..

Jason: It was difficult to find shipwright Tom..

Jason scratch his purple hair and gave out a big smile..

Tom:your clever .. so what could I help you with..

Jason : Shipwright tom, I want you to do me a favor..


Jason: Join my crew and together.. let's build a floating island warship city.


Tom*This guy..

Jason: I know it will be hard, but I believe with your skill and architectural skills, there's no word such as difficult.. you've even built the sea train .. I'm begging you...

Tom: No I decline..

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