《I was reincarnated on the One piece World》The story about Tree of Devil Fruit


Olvia: The history of Devil.

They were walking to it as Olvia kept reading the ancient message

Olvia: A great Battle had appear between Devil and a god..

Jason:* Devil... Then does it mean that my power comes from the devil itself?..

Olvia: in order to defeat the god, the devil inserted his blood on a seed and planted it on the land..

The seed grows out with the same blood of devil.. giving out .. devil's mark fruit..

But on the other hand ,.. the gods would not allow it to outstand them. Thus, the gods cursed the tree, making it unable stand sea water..

Jason:.. so that's the reason why devil fruit eaters are cursed of sea water..

Olvia nodded..and they went even further..

Olvia: ! ! !

Jason: what is it?...

Olvia nodded.

Olvia: In order to hide the remaining tree from the curse.. the devil inserted his blood again on to it.. after several days... The tree grow up a couple of leg and it walk away.

Olvia: The devil forces ruled the land.. because of this the gods were jealous and in result had also planted their blood on a seed and grew them up in silence on the land

Jason?? gods fruit..

Olivia: I don't know but it is stated here


Jason: That's all?..

Olvia: Yes,

Jason: Sigh.. thanks Olvia San

Olvia: This is the least thing I could do to thank you..

Jason:Olvia... Is it related to the void history...

Olvia hasitated for awhile..but I'm the end nodded..

Jason: I see..let's go..thatch had probably done preparing our food right now..

Olvia: thank you...

As they arrived back.. the crowd of people were now eating their meals...

Ace: I told you.. thatch is a great cook...

Thatch: ... It's good to cook again and serve people once more...


Right this time too, Saul and Oars were currently enjoying their stay sharing their stories..

Jason: Seems like they're lively

Olvia: yes... I ll go first ..

Jason: Yes thanks...

Jason* Devil fruit are divided... Uncursed.. and cursed...maybe later I'll try it out

On Jason's mind.. he is is thinking it is possible for his weapon to be used under the sea.. he is wondering if what he had eaten is a God's fruit or a devil's fruit.

Jason*Ah.. seriously, A walking tree devil fruit....

It makes sense, ..

Jason: I should learn more about it as I travelled a lot..

Jason then head to ace..and bon chan..

Jason: Ace kun..Bon chan let's head to the sea deep sea after you eat that..

Jason*It's been a while since I dive down the ocean floor and do that training..

Bon chan: In order to become strong like you... I'll follow.

Ace : I wonder how will Luffy react if he knows I'm alive.. hahahahah..

Jason: He will definitely cry..

Unknown to Jason .. his wanted poster was already publicly delivered by the delivery coo worldwide..

Wanted: Pirate Jason

Dead or Alive

Bounty 900,000,00 belly

this a bounty prize with almost at the yonkou state.. emperrors.

Right now, the main pirate is heading back to the water 7 through underwater expedition.

Jason : Are you ready?

Ace: Yes..

Bon Chan: Yes..

Jason: Goldy.. can you hear me.. resurface for now in an ocean far from islands we will do our regular training..

Goldy then do so.. as it opened it's mouth.. Jason , Ace, and bon chan climbed up on Goldy's fore head..

As soon as they were out and were up .. Goldy closed his mouth.. at that time a news coo landed them a news paper...

Jason: Good that he is now awake.


He then passed it to ace.

Ace: Luffy...

Silence pass

Ace:Bwhahahaha what's with his get up hahahahahaha hahahaha..

Bon chan: He had suffer a lot when you died..

Jason: Ace Kun, Luffy will become stronger and stronger, how about you.. are you just going to be the same..

Ace: .... hell no.. let's go Jason San

Bon chan: Me too the next time mugiwara and I will met, I will impress him.lets go

Jason: That's the spirit.. then . Let's go.

And the three of them dived through the deep sea ocean aiming to reach the ocean floor. Jason could do it , but I wonder about those two

Jason: Your a devil fruit user?

Bon chan collapsed..

Jason took him up and put him back inside Goldy..

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