《I was reincarnated on the One piece World》Execution


Straw hat Luffy jumped across the crowd of pirates and in front of them he once again shouted aces name.

Luffy: ACEEEEEE!!!!!

Without any other dilly dally he sprinted to the remaining caps..

The whitebeard pirates saw StrawHat dashing in front ....

Everyone: FOLLOW ACE BROTHER!!!!!!

And the crowd of pirates follow behind Luffys back...including bon chan..

The marine saw through it. And released heavy Canon..

Yet who would back down when there is no other way. ....

Despite of heavy barrage... Luffy still went straight...

Jason took out his spear and gave another scrap of metal on the now exhausted body of Luffy...

Luffy did not noticed it..

Jason bite his lips...

Jason* If I could just.... Do it... Then. I'll help you out..but this is your fate, if id intervene, you won't get to where you were supposed to head...

And in that path ahead of Jason..Luffy had passed him.. unnoticed..

Not far from it. Luffy took out the last cannon ball which cause him to pass out from exhaustion..yet his soul remain intact.

In that moment... The recovery of little oars have finally finished.. and right now..

once again.. little Oars stood up.

In that instant too, Luffy woke up.. but he is under water..

Luckily. Jimbei dove down and get Luffy..

Little Oars: ACE KUN!!!

In that moment little oars barely stood up..

Luffy in the other hand was saved by jimbie and currently with Ivan kov..

Luffy knows that Ace will be executed ..thus he begged jimbei for favor..

Oars: Ace Kun...

Kizaru stood up and pointed his finger towards little oars head

Kizaru: Let me execute it.. this is the end.

When all of a sudden a water plasma appear in front of oars.. halting kizarus attack..

What comes next shocked everyone..

Even the Admirals where shocked.


It was non other than monkey. D. Luffy carrying wood. Wet with water...

Just right above him.. was non other than Portgas D. Ace

Luffy throws the wood towards the admirals...

Aokiji frost it .

Then Luffy gave out a massive barrage of kick sending every pieces of the frozen wood tree toward the three admiral..

But because of this, they're attention was sent all to Luffy..

Giving white beard pirates the chance to break through the plaza of Marineford .

Whitebeard: GO!!!!

As soon as the frozen wood brick we're all sent out . Luffy took his chance to stealth an jump straight to the platform using his second gear..

Yet it was still slow for kizaru..

In an instant kizaru appear above Luffy and kicked him right away down into the plaza..

Where he is surrounded with marrine official.

Kizaru landed back in his place ...

At the top as just as the both of them landed..

SENGOKU had given his command to execute Ace


Everyone heard it..

Everyone was shocked...of what sengoku commanded.

But Jason know all of this. . .

Jason: not that fast, I've somewhat tell him, what he had to know...

At that moment

A single entity appear in the middle of the crowd of Marines...

The infuriated sand man... Crocodile...

After learning whitebeards death in the hands of sengoku, crocodile head straight and make a move to intervene sengokus plan.

Ace was about to be beheaded when crocodile took out the beheading official with his sand spear...

Sengoku was infuriated...

Then doflamingo appear and the two once again clashed

Ace was saved..

But there's no way that the admirals would let mugiwara escape ... Akainu step in but was stopped by aokiji and stabbed mugiwara with his icefrot sword on his arm..

Aiming to kill Luffy aokiji gave out one last strike..

In that moment Marco d phoenix save Luffy by giving a massive kick to aokiji sending it backwards.

Right now 3 devil fruit user had successfuly enter the plaza

Inside the navy hq, another devil fruit user had made a successful infiltration ... This pirate is Mr. 3 the candle man.

What is he up to. He is up to be safe. And to make a move if necessary..

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