《I was reincarnated on the One piece World》Edward WhiteBeard NEWGATE Nearest Man to become Pirate King


Jason moves...

In his front whe're heavy dusts we're floating, a shadow of 4 pacifista appear...

Jason head on walk on them....

This pacifista doesn't even have any slight memory nor emotions. they're just program to fire pirate with high powered beam and strong attack..

Jason know all of this..

In an instant he had vanished in the air and gave out one strong straight punch to the left where the shadow image of those pacifista lies..

The pressure shook out the dusts... And it travelled perfectly and precisely at the 4th pacifista...

Such control of power..

In that instant 4 pacifista was down...

Unknown to Jason almost all of the pirates not just him we're already attacking the scattered pacifista. Including the whitebeard pirates commander.

Jason still went on roaming to find more pacifista in the cap..


Luffy finally was able to move free...

Assisted by the white beard commanders he even slip past on the hands of kizaru...

Yet during this time at mobi dick an event make a turn to the side of the marines....

An ally of whitebeard eventually comes impaling his sword on Whitebeards chest..

Bon Chan;! ! !

Jason: ! ! !

Jason * Damn.. I forgot... gotta hurry....

Jason runs back towards the Moby dick. .. sending every pacifista he saw to be destructed...

Hidden in the dust smoke...

Jason took out his spear and took out a scrap of it.. he then blow it straight to where the pirate white beard is...

The scrap of metal pierced on Whitebeards wound.

Jason: That would intact your soul, no matter how heavily wounded you are.

He then hide his spear and move out.

While at the Battle field

This time around whitebeard made his move. And shouted....

Then he jumped out of the ship and head for the war.

The current strongest man is now ready for battle..


Who would underestimate the closest pirate to become the pirate king...

Just what kind of power is this..

Right now while almost everyone is confused..

Jason stealthy make his way by destroying most of pacifista and headed to where the giant ogre lies.

Slowly and slowly..

And during this time the walls of Justice we're released up .

Jason:! ! ! !

Everyone: ! ! ! !

The whitebeard pirates. Did their best to destroy the wall but it is useless..it won't budge..

Jason finally reach near the giant ogre oars..

He took out his sphere and gave another scrap of metal to his massive body..

During this time akainu one of the marine admiral proceed with his execution...

And hundreds of falling lava fists cause everyone to panick.

This gave time for Jason to somewhat recovered a little bit strength of oars...


Jason:. stay down.. little oars. I'll help you to make a push to your friend ace. Stay down.

Oars: !!!

Because of the confusion , no one had noticed Jason..

But not all of it, because whitebeard noticed his doings and gave out a speech.

Whitebeard: How admiring...

Then another hundreds of lava fists landed on the ice caps melting it. As it melt down. Steams appear. Giving out a chance for Jason to slip his way past away from oars......

Bon chan: The ice cap have melted.

Pirate: This way ...

Bon chan followed them.

Then as soon as the first batch landed the water started to boil...

Many pirates find other caps that would make them safe. . . But those caps we're guarded with pacifista...

Akainu gave out another wave of lava meteor punches...

Some of it hitted whitebeards ship mobi dick...

Unknown to them one man was constantly destroying the lava fists that would hit the path were oars lay..

It was non other than Jason...

Jason*Good thing that steam,dust and smoke merge, that way they won't find me out

In the battlefield most of that caps we're melted.. there is only that remains..

That's the path where little oars paved...

All of the pirates in the battlefield right now have low morale.

What's more critical is that, the execution of Ace was somehow hasten.

Luffy noticed it ..

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