

The probe continued to stare at me. I'm guessing it's a magical camera.

I'm wasn't sure it could see me.I couldn't see me.

But, I'd be stupid to think it couldn't when the princess was standing slack jawed, outside the necklace.

Hello? I tried thinking at the probe.

The princess recoiled in shock. I feel slightly hurt. I'm not a monster.

"What-what are you?"

Not a monster, lady, not a monster. That's not what I tell her, though.

A person.

I hear a sharp intake of breath, followed by the princess trying to regain her composure.

The probe moves backward. I'm not sure why. But it does capture the sight of my water mana structure. If it can be called that, anyway.

Again, the princess freezes.

Are you impressed? I ask.

Wide-eyed, the princess nods, her attention still on the structure. The probe circles it. I stare at it warily.

"You made this?" she asks.

I'm not obligated to tell you.

Which was essentialy yes, but I didn't want to lie, and I didn't want to let her know that I did, either. I wasn't sure that she could make out lies from truth. I didn't want to find out either.

The princess frowns.

"Who are you? Did my uncle make you? Are you here to protect me or something?"

What? I am sure that no one 'made' me. And certainly not to protect some little princess. I am Blue.

"I am not some 'little' princess! I can take care of myself!"

Then why, oh why, did you ask if I was to protect you?

"Wha- No I- Shut up!"

Do I look like I have a mouth?

Actually, I asn't sure what I looked like. I think I'm a floating blob, but that's just because of reading a bunch of web serials that may, or may not be true.


The princess gapes, trying to figure out what to say, then shuts it when she realises that there's no proper comeback to that. All while looking like a tomato.

So, I certainly don't like a human, unless I do, sans mouth. Which, makes no sense, so I'm guessing that I really might be a floating blob.

Only one way to find out.

How do I look?

"Huh? Oh, um, like a... star."

I go silent at that.

It feels important, somehow. But I can't put my finger on it. I then decide to dwell on it later.

Meanwhile, the princess looks increasingly awkward as the silence drags on.

She decides to break the silence.

"Why is the house made up of cubes?"

I don't really know how to respond to that. I mean, it's not like I can say that I did it on a whim, recalling a game from another world, and then explain how I ended up here.

Well, I could, but no thank you.

I was bored.

Which is the best excuse I can come up with, honestly. And it's not even a lie.

The princess looks surprised, for a moment.

"Oh. Was that why there's a sinkhole here?"


The silence drags on...

Don't tell anyone about me. For your own sake, and mine. In exchange, I will give you a mana crystal every week. You will provide me with various materials. The more, the better.

"Per day."

Per week. Whatever attribute you want.

"Three per week."




"Deal. What type of materials do you want?"

Metals, and various minerals. I am not picky. But the quality of crystals you get will correspond with the price of the materials you give me. Same goes for size.

She nods.

What is your name?

"Adelina Izot."

Good. Now leave me be.

She nods. The probe withdraws.

I start sucking more soil inwards. The princess sits near by, keeping watch.

I turn the house back into soil, and add it to my rapidly expanding dirt sphere.

I think I have a goal now.

I am going to build the most craziest dungeon ever.

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