

Once I was done laughing, I just... took a moment to think.

I guess I hadn't fully processed the thought of myself dying yet. Because I don't think this was normal. Or however meeting angels, being reincarnated as a fucking necklace no less could be called normal anyway.

Should I be making minecraft houses, when the situation I was in was so fucked up? I mean, sure, it was fun. But was it really a priority?

Shouldn't I be worried about my lack of a physical body? That I've lost contact with everyone I knew? That they think I'm dead?

That magic is fucking real?

It is kinda cool, but... it's still kinda messes up with my view of the world. What else exists? Dracula? Fae? Zombies? Dragons?

Ooh, Dragons. I hadn't thought about that at all. At least, I think I did. I'm pretty scatterbrained. But yeah. Dragons.

Would I ever meet one? That... is an exciting, and terrifying prospect. But still, damn cool.

Ooh, damn cool....

I bet I'd never get to experience that in my old world. Or anything that I've experienced after my death.

That... was something I'd just realised. Yes, I'd died, and I had no idea how, but after?

I got to experience an out of body experience. I got to meet an angel. I got to... still be out of body. I got to control stuff in here. I got to build a minecraft house.

Wait, why hadn't I built a castle instead?

I was interrupted from spinning images of majestic, awesome, castles in my head by the princess. I sent my perception out.

"Now, what are you?" The princess asked, her eyes slight narrowed.

Inside, I felt a little- alright, a lot of excitement. I think I could spin off a lot of amusing pranks. I didn't even care about the fact that she could destroy me with her pinky- I was after all, just a necklace.


But I still decided to go forward and do something stupid. Mostly because I doubted she'd actually destroy me. Or because I like having fun with people. Not that fun though. I was not that old yet.

Heh, Not that it matters, considering I was sans body.

I broke off a small mana crystal, and tossed it at her face. Her eyes widened. She almost dropped me. She used a small spell to catch the crystal. It stopped right before her face.

She took a sharp breath. Her eyes focused on the crystal.

"A pure water attributed mana crystal. Pure. Pure. Oh God. Oh my god." She said.

Then she squeaeld, and leapt with joy.

Not exactly what I was expecting, that.

She even did a small dance.

I was not amused by the jerking about. It wreaked havoc on my senses.

When she stopped, it was to look at me with a very bright- and greedy smile.

I took a cube out of the house and threw it at her. It hit her head, and she exclaimed, more out of surprise than actual pain.

She narrowed her eyes at me while rubbing her forehead.

Weren't princesses supposed to be dignified? All elegant and shit? Wait, no, not shit. Shit Princess does not make sense.

Instead, she gave me the excited and greedy vibes of a person who'd just hit the jackpot. I now, started to regret my decision.

And then I felt something enter my dimension. A probe. But I still went full alert, in case.

In case.

Outside, the princess let out a gasp, and said something I didn't hear.

The probe was pointed towards the minecraft house. I think I guessed what was going on, and that caused all the tension to flow out of me.

Then the probe turned towards me. I froze.

The princess froze, outside.

Well, shit.

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