《The Storyteller: Fires in the Sky》Chapter 3: The Heist


Sun and Moon had as much time as they wanted to prepare. Days, centuries, it didn't matter. Still, for those two it pretty much had to be right away. Moon figured that Sun would leave after a short rest. So, he tried to sneak out on his own. After all, he wanted every chance he could get to take the upper hand and claim the glory for himself. So, in secret he prepared. He didn't need much, but there was one thing he had to get. Mother Space had a sword she kept locked away. Legends say it could hit your enemy from any distance. Now, it was too dangerous to be on display, so it was locked away in a secret vault. This was a well-protected place where they sealed away artifacts that were too dangerous to let out into the world.

This was Moon's target. He had snuck in once before, but that was with Sun. This time he had to do it on his own. Otherwise, he could lose the advantage he so desperately needed.

It wasn't hard to find the vault. He had been there before, and it wasn't particularly hidden. No, its secrecy wasn't what protected it. It was the impenetrable vault door. Supposedly only Mother Space should be able to get through it, but last time Sun and Moon managed to bypass it together. Now though, he'd have to do it alone. Moon took in a deep breath as he put his hands against the shining metal. With a surge of power, he pumped in all the magic he could muster. Trying to reach the thousands of mechanisms and twist them all to force the door open.

He was struggling, and then had a burst of energy as he felt the need to prove himself rise. Pushing beyond his limits his psychic tendrils stretched throughout the massive door. Then, there were a series of clicks and Moon opened his eyes in joy as the door started to open. He had done it! Opened a door only his powerful mother could open on her own.

"Having a party little bro?"

Sun's voice came out as a whisper above Moon, and he looked up to see her bright and shining right above him. It seems he did not open the door on his own, but with the help of Sun. At least that's what Moon thought. He frowned and sighed at the sight of his sister.


"What are you doing here Sun?" he asked.

"What else?" Sun giggled. "I'm making sure my little bro doesn't wear himself out before our big fight."

"What? So, you thought I needed your help to open the vault?" snapped Moon.

"Huh? That's not it, I..."

"Whatever, now that it's open, we need to hurry before mom notices."

"R...right. Lead the way." Sun was confused, because she hadn't helped Moon.

That's right, blinded by his jealousy at her appearance, Moon didn't realize that he had in fact opened the door on his own. Sun saw him struggling, but she had grown up with Moon. If anyone knew what amazing feats he was capable of, it was her. So of course, she let him try on his own, and he proved that her faith was well placed.

"So, what are we looking for exactly?" whispered Sun as they slipped into the vault.

Moon considered lying to her. After all, she didn't need any help. He decided it wasn't worth it though, and told her flatly, "Mom's sword. I wanted to use it to slay the beast."

"Really?" she questioned as she put a finger to her mouth. "Why? It's not like you need it. You're an amazing fighter, and together there's no way Void will stand a chance."

Moon's face contorted in anger. "I just need it, okay?"

"Alright I guess." She was confused. Moon had never acted quite like this before, and she wasn't sure what to do. So, she did what was most natural. She followed beside her brother. After all, in her eyes them being together was only natural. It felt off when they were separated, which was how she first noticed that he had slipped away earlier. It was like a limb falling asleep when he was gone, just a strange tingling feeling.

The two walked in silence, with Moon growing more irritated at the light Sun was letting off as they moved deeper in the vault. After all, sneaking around is a little difficult when one of you is so bright, they're blinding. The sword wasn't particularly hard to find, nor was it protected by extra security. After all, why would you go through all that extra trouble for a room only you could get into? A few of the more unstable artifacts had extra protection. But a simple sword? Mother Space didn't see the need for it.


It was sitting on top of a pedestal near the wall, which was how most of the artifacts were displayed. The sword seemed to suck in the light around it. Almost like it was drinking it and its thirst was deeper than any well. The metal of the blade was so dark it was almost black. Runes peaked through the tight wrapping of the handle and hinted at its power. The ornate crossguard almost looked like a snake wrapping this way and that around the metal as it tried to eat its own tail. It was a truly impressive artifact.

Moon grabbed the sword and flipped it around in his hand. The magical blade hummed in his hand and seemed to draw his magic into itself. It felt...right. Like it belonged there. Like an extension of himself that he had always been missing, but never knew about.

"Should I grab a weapon too?" Sun's words shook Moon out of his trance.

"No, I don't think so," was his curt response.

"Oh, alright then." Sun smiled brightly at her brother. "It does seem to suit you, doesn't it?"

"Yeah," Moon smiled as he lifted the sword above his head. His eyes traced the edge of the blade as he added, "I'd say it does."

Sun was beaming. Her brother looked so happy with that sword in his hand, how could she not. There were hundreds of similar artifacts around them, but she knew he was right. She didn't need them. Heck, she knew Moon didn't need any either, but he wanted one anyway. She wondered if the sword would help him feel more confident in himself.

"We should probably go." she suggested. "We don't want to get caught going through Mom's things again."

Moon chuckled. "Right. I still remember what happened last time. If dad wasn't around, I think we'd still be in that pit."

"She overreacted. So we lost a few artifacts down on Earth. It's not like she didn't have more." added Sun in a jovial voice as she started to head back out of the vault.

"Dad is definitely far more forgiving." sighed Moon as he used his magic to create a scabbard for his new sword.

"Who knows, she might loosen up once we rid the world of Void." A flash of bright light spread from Sun as she had an idea. "I know, why don't we head straight for Void now? We can catch it by surprise and finish it off before anyone even notices! Then when they wake up, we'll already be ruling the heavens. Wouldn't that be a crazy surprise for everyone?"

"Yeah I..." realization struck Moon. If they did that, even if he did outdo her, no one would know. No, he had to have an audience., otherwise it didn't matter. "Wait no. We should let them see us do it. Let everyone see."

"Hmm? Why? Why does it matter if we beat Void anyway?" Sun asked innocently. Having missed the tinge of panic in her brother's voice.

"Well," Moon's mind was racing to think of an excuse. Then, as warmth seemed to spread from the sword inspiration struck him. "Well, we want people to know we mean business, right? We defeat Void in front of the world so they can see that Moon and Sun are the new rulers of heaven. That we have the power to back up our rightful claim as well. Think of how that'll help ease any tensions it might cause. I mean otherwise, they might think we bargained with Void or something."

Sun wasn't convinced. Still, if it made her brother feel better, she was on board. "Alright then. If that's what you want little bro. We'll do it your way. Now let's quiet down and hurry before Mom banishes us for being in here."

Moon nodded as he let out a sigh of relief. He had done it. He may not have as much of an advantage as he wanted, but he had a chance. He could still surpass Sun. And so, the two of them rushed out of the vault, and locked it behind them. Everything seemed to go smooth, and for all they knew, no one was the wiser.

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