《The Divine Traits》Chapter 7: Rescue


Out in the middle of nowhere in the traitless territory, a cave-like dungeon can be seen surrounded by members of the church behind them a fire can be seen covering a caravan with screams of agony coming from inside of the burning caravan.

Inside of the dungeon, a boy with white shaggy hair and deep red eyes with uncountable numbers of cuts and bruises on his body can be seen laying on the floor of the dungeon boss unconscious and bleeding out. Two figures can be seen running into the room towards the boy, The two figures look as hurt as the boy with some burn marks on their bodies, one of the figures had a temperature changing aura encompassing him while the other had scale-like hands, when they arrived at the boy the scale hand figure seemed to summon a blue glowing feather out of thin air

"We have to go, his wounds are way too extreme for short jumps we need to do a long jump" Raynor stated to Zelus while Raynor looked over Jerichos wounds

"That mana drain will be extreme we won't be able to save everyone else then it will just be us 3 that will be able to jump!" Zelus almost yelled at Raynor

"Their already dead Zelus, He's the only one we can save!" Raynor yelled back

"I don't care if you're coming with me or not I'm jumping out with him to the nearest guild city," Raynor told Zelus

"fine start the jump call I don't want to die here today, anyway I think your right about them already being dead, we couldn't even last that long against the first force of the church what chance do they have when their reinforcements arrive" Zelus said in an untrackable tone

Ten seconds after Zelus said that the blue glow of the feather intensified until the glow encompassed all three of them, moments later nothing but burn marks in a magnificent detail of patterns could be seen on the floor of the boss floor.


-Somewhere in the trait controlled territory-

When Zelus and Raynor jumped them, they appeared at the town of Reathler, a city where the organization of the guild is based. When they arrived they rushed to the hospital where some white mages and clerics worked when they arrived they were immediately brought into healing areas for them to be healed, while Raynor and Zelus were healed instantly, Jericho was in a serious state where they had to heal slowly and carefully and let the body heal most of the wounds or his body parts where the wounds were would become disfigured if they were healed immediately.

-4 weeks later-

Jericho could be seen in an infirmary bed with no cut marks or bruises on his body at all, At that moment Jericho opened his eyes regaining consciousness, the first thing he saw was a bright white light which made him blink more, Jericho raised his body up to look at the room, the room looked bland only 2 wooden chairs in the corner with the infirmary bed taking up most of the space, right then Zelus walked through the door to do his daily check up on Jericho.

"What happened?" Jericho asked in a hoarse voice

"Hmm? oh your awake good, well first while you were battling the boss a giant swarm of I don't know some kind of mutated squirrels swarmed into the cave and making us dive for cover once they got to the boss room they ran back out of the cave and we never saw them again, then the church attacked, they were in their crusade gear attacking from all sides, we were still stunned by the squirrel attack to be ready for it they destroyed us, burning the caravan to ashes and killing most of the party, Me, you, and Raynor are the only survivors, the party bought us some time to get to you, when we did Raynor activated a Jump Call Feather, before you ask its an enchanted item that allows for teleportations from short range to long range, well long range you need a fast travel point and to travel there is a ginormous mana drain which broke the feather, then we rushed you to the hospital and got healed up" Zelus said


-Ugh normal Zelus, why does he always seems to never stop talking- Jericho thought

"Well since your up let's get you out of this bed and get you signed up with the guild and get you into the academy since your here," Zelus said in an excited manner, as he grabbed Jericho by the hips and dragged him out of bed, towards the exit of the hospital

Jericho noticed he was in nice clothing, it was a grey and dark red jacket with a black sling going across his chest, with combat leather pants and boots.

"Wait when did I get these clothes?" Jericho asked

"oh Raynor and I got you those while you were unconscious it's for the academy, see the symbol on the shirt and sling, that's your uniform and we got it custom designed for the jacket," Zelus said to Jericho

"wait what academy and whats the guild?" Jericho asked in a shocked inquiring way

"the guild is part of the government in the trait territory, it controls the combat education of trait bearers and is the employers of adventurers but since you just got your traits we need to get you signed up like everyone else who unlocks combat traits then you will have to go to the academy which trains the trait bearers to use their traits in combat and other ways, after you finish the academy you get a choice to be a guild member and fight for the guild in the military, join other guild branches like the mages guild which obviously controls the mages influence, join a nobles territory, or go off on your own as an adventurer, the academy will give you a semester of classes after that you need to pick your own classes to do, and have to pay with arena credits to join those classes" Zelus says as they arrive at a black stone wall fortress at the near center of the city with people entering and exiting everywhere

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