《The Divine Traits》Chapter 1: Beginnings


-16 years later-

The council was aggressive, they were in full meltdown mode, there was another world out there that was high in magic and we still hadn't found it until now.

*The head councilmen shouts* "That's enough!!!!" * a golden figure glows brightly to get the attention of the others*

*the council quiets down to a whisper* "We found a planet with high magic what a big deal. but it doesn't mean that its right for us to go straight away and send in all of our nonchosen children. We need to test the planet on how the people act to great shows of power, would they attack in fear or follow it? I suggest we send my son in as a harbinger." said the golden figure of the head councilmen

*a silver being coughed for attention* "you just want to be the first to get the prize of this world" the silver being antagonized

"Lithios we both know that's what all of us want, but as king of the gods I give you my pledge that I will leave some of the rewards for the rest of you" *the whole room gasps*

"Brother you can't be serious, does this one child mean that much to you to give away a pledge?" questioned the silver being

"We both know that our children can't stay long in our dimension. The only offspring that I have had is running out of time. Hopefully, this will help make your mind up my son has the divine trait: Archaic."

*the whole room gasps again* "We need to get him in that world now!!!" stated everyone one in the room at once


Josh wakes up in a cold sweat, "that god damn dream again" muttered Josh, He gets up and yawns -somehow I feel like I am connected to that dreamlike its reality- Josh walks over to the bedside mirror looking himself over, his blank brown eyes and messy hair stared back at him, -everything looks good just need to get my hair down and get clothes on then i can go get some Delicious breakfast- Josh hurried to get everything ready then stormed out his bedroom door passing by some staff members of the orphanage he lived in, He almost ran into one who yelled at his passing figure



Josh laughed at that as he made it to the dining room just as breakfast ended. "ugh come on why do I always miss it" Josh whimpered

"Maybe if you actually got up when we tell you too then you wouldn't," said the head staff as she walked into the room, Josh studied her frame somehow her hazel hair and blue eyes made her look like she was 20 years old when in reality Josh was raised by her his entire life.

"when do you ever tell me to get up?" questioned Josh,

"every day but you never listen," said Jennifer the head staff

"But I wanna sleep in, you need to wait and have breakfast when I get here" pleaded Josh

"well too bad maybe if you helped out around here I might extend breakfast for you" taunted Jeniffer as she walked away.

-hmph, ill show her, ill do every chore that I can find then she'll have to extend breakfast- Josh thought with a smirk as he got to work.

-5 hours later-

"that was a hassle I still have so much to do" Josh cried to himself "I'll just take a break and head into town" Josh started walking to the market to get lunch,

as he passed an alleyway *a random girl screams* "SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!" Josh immediately turns and sees a guy with a knife holding a girl up

"come on lady strip already you wanna have fun right?" said the man

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" said the girl,

Josh couldn't help himself he immediately said "GET AWAY FROM HER"

the man turned around with a questioning face "kid stop play hero before you get hurt now scram" the man motioned him to leave but Josh just stood there standing in fear, the guy took it the wrong way "you little punk now you're getting on my nerves" the guy rushed him with the knife, Josh just stood there unable to move in fear, *the guy stabs Josh and the girl screams*


the screams carried through the alleyway and reached some guards ears who came to investigate "Stop right there!!" said the guard

"Shit, Fuck you kid," the guy says as he runs off with a bloody knife, Josh laying unconscious on the floor with his hand on his stomach soaked in blood.

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